Title: County of Los Angeles Department of Health Services
1County of Los AngelesDepartment of Health
- Public Health
- Bioterrorism
- Preparedness Program
2(No Transcript)
- Information for the people who live or work in
Los Angeles County to prepare and respond to a
4- There are many kinds of disasters. This program
- is for those that could most likely occur in Los
- Angeles.
- There are natural disasters such as fires,
- earthquakes and epidemics and man-made
- disasters such as bio-terrorist attacks including
- the contamination of the environment with
- biological, chemical, or radiological agents.
5- Many organizations in Los Angeles are
- preparing for the early detection of such a
- disaster and how best to respond.
- The Medical Reserve Corps of Los Angeles is
- a component of the County of Los Angeles
- Dept. of Health Services and its mission is to
- inform individuals how to survive and sustain
- a critical event.
6Although many early detection systems are being
created, there may be no way to know with
certainty where, when, and how such a disaster
might occur. If this happens when people are in
school, at work or in an institutional setting,
that organization will probably have a disaster
plan for preparation and response. If this
occurs after scheduled attendance time or on
week-ends or holidays, each person should know
what to do.
7You need to know what to do in relation to where
you are when the disaster occurs.
- Every school should have a plan to prepare and
respond. - Unscheduled exercises should be held to provide
students and - staff with the experience of responding to an
emergency. - Follow the instructions of your teachers and
- staff.
- For teachers and staff It may be necessary
- for you to remain on duty to assist others before
leaving the - school.
- If you are old enough to be sent home on your
own, know the - shortest and safest way to go home. WALK ! DO NOT
RUN! If you - run, you may fall and be injured. Especially, do
not run across a - street where a speeding car, truck or emergency
vehicle could hit - you .
- If you work in an institution or large place of
business, each - organization should have a disaster preparation
and - response plan to protect its employees and
visitors. - Follow their instructions.
- When it is decided appropriate to go home, use
the - roadways least traveled to avoid congestion.
Freeways - should be a second choice since traffic could be
heavy and - slow.
- For administrative staff It may be necessary for
you to - remain on duty to assist others before leaving
the - workplace.
- Follow the same instructions for
- Look for the closest place of shelter.
- Try to get information from TV, radio or any
- other available source.
- When it is decided appropriate to go home,
- follow the AT WORK instructions.
- Get information from TV or radio (have battery
operated - radio to use if needed).
- Use plan for home preparedness.
- Everyone in the home should know the plan.
- Know how to contact family members who are not at
- home when the disaster occurs.
- Do not let the automobile gasoline tank be less
than - half-full.
- DO NOT CALL 911 unless someone needs critical
- attention. 911 lines should not be overloaded for
- information available from other sources. 911
lines - Must be used only for EMERGENCY services.
- For each person and pet in the household have a 5
day - supply of non-perishable food and sealed bottled
water. - These should be refreshed every 60 days.
- For each appropriate person have a 30 day supply
of - prescription drugs.
- First Aid Kit.
- Tool Kit.
- Extra dry cell batteries for flashlights and
radio. - Washing and cleaning supplies.
- Fire Extinguisher- ABC type.
- Comfort items.
- These are the minimal supplies to have at home.
- If the disaster endangers the community with
infectious or toxic - agents that require medications, notices will be
made by TV and - radio informing people where they can go to
receive these drugs. - Los Angeles County will announce the locations of
distribution - centers and the public will be informed who is
eligible to receive - them.
- If there is a need for vaccinations to be given
to large numbers of - people, Los Angeles County will announce the
locations of - clinics to serve these needs.
- If there should be a need to provide treatment
for anyone - exposed to radiation, information will be
provided by Los - Angeles County.
- Every person should carry an embossed
- identification card that contains the
- following information
- Name
- Address
- Telephone Numbers
- Name of parent, guardian or other.
- Language spoken
16The time to prepare for all of these is
- County of Los Angeles
- Department of Health Services
- Bioterrorism Preparedness Program
- Medical Reserve Corps