Title: The Gilded Age
1The Gilded Age
1877 1900 Period of corruption and political
stagnation of forgotten presidents
2Causes of Political Stalemate
- Political Ideology of Laissez-Fair
- Campaign Tactics
- Party Patronage (Job Grab)
3Waving the Bloody Shirt
Using memories of the civil war to get
Republicans elected.
4Solid South
After Hayes election in 1876 the south became
solidly democratic this lead to divided
governments. The Presidency was controlled by the
Republicans and the House or Senate by the
5What were the Issues ?
- Democrats
- Lower the Tariff
- Help industrial workers
- Help Farmers (silver)
- Support Segregation
- Republicans
- Raise the Tariff (49)
- Support Business
- Gold Standard
- Party Patronage
6Party Patronage
Roscoe Conkling
James Blaine
7Party Patronage
8Election of 1880
James Garfield
Chester Arthur
9Hes Crazy
10Chester Arthur
For the vice presidency, I was indebted to Mr..
Conkling, But for the Presidency of the United
States my debt is to the Almighty.
11The Pendleton Act
Magna Carta of civil service reform established a
merit system and a civil service commission
.Arthur classified nearly 14,000 jobs or 10.
12Arthur dropped from the 1884 ticket
Politicians begin to depend less on party workers
searching for jobs and more toward the rich to
fund their campaigns. Which approach is more
harmful to a democratic society?
13Do Politicians want to change the system today?