Title: Venture to the Prairies of the World
1Venture to the Prairies of the World
- African Safari
- Bontebok Inn in the Cape Providence of South
Africa - Steppes of Russia
- The Steppes Resort running along side the Yenisey
River in Eastern Russia
2Steppe ResortA true natural Grassland
- The Steppe Resort is located in Eastern
Russia with the Yenisey River running along side. - Along the plains a vast sky is an endless
viewing pleasure at discounted rates for the
whole family. - Regular Rate/Night
- 221.00
- Family Discounted Rate
- 200.00
3For Your Viewing Pleasures
- Three different kinds of grasses
- Short grasses
- Tall Grasses
- Mixed Grasses
- Each grass varies in heights depending on
climates and soil depths
4When Should the Family Go?
- During the Summer would be best advisable
- Summers can become very hot, but winters are
quite cold - Rain
- The average rain fall is about 10-30 in.
- In May, June, and August the Steppe region has
about 4-5 inches
5The African Safari
- Come along in our tour buses to visit the
unique habitat created by man, but perfected by
our local inhabitants. Unlike the animals, our
tourists stay in the Bontebok Inn in the Cape
Providence of South Africa. - Rates
- 2 Queen 275.00
- 1 Queen 200.00
- Deluxe 375.00
- Suite 450.00
- Rollaway beds additional 50.00
Best MonthsAugust, September, and October You
will experience dry plains and lively animals
running about large water holes.
- For your enjoyment, our resort is established
through the oldest and most knowledgeable touring
guides, Savannah Sites. Many of native animals
have become endangered to near extinction because
of too much biodiversity, pouching, and the
actions of humans. Our endangered include the
Bontebok, Somali Wild Ass, Giant Sable Antelope,
Swaynes Hartbeest, Mountain Zebra, Black
Wildebeest, and Western Giant Eland.
- The rainfall allows many different grasses to
grow to provide nutrients to sustain life on the
Savannah. To ensure savannah growth, 20-50
inches of rainfall each year concentrated among
6-8 months. - The soil provides many different vegetation
depending on the depth. Trees grow best
alongside hills and ridges with shallow soil.
Tall and short grasses grow best between 8 feet
of soil. -
8- Dangerous Effects from Man
- poaching
- modification of niches and biomes
- use non-renewable resources
- do not replenish potential renewable resources
- fires
- Things to Remember
- Limited luggage for touring
- water and snacks
- camera and extra film
- binoculars
- rain gear
- comfortable clothing