Title: City of Raleigh
1City of Raleigh
Energy Efficiency Case Studies
2Commitment to Sustainability
- We are a 21st Century City of Innovation
focusing on environmental, cultural and economic
sustainability - Excerpt from City of Raleigh 2007-2009 Raleigh
City Council Mission Statement - Environmental Initiatives, one of the five
strategic themes from City Manager, Russell Allen - Draft 2030 City of Raleigh Comprehensive Plan
3Commitment to Sustainability
- Council adopted LEED Mandate
- Member of International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and Mayors
Climate Protection Program - Council appointed Environmental Advisory Board
(EAB) - LEED Implementation Team
4Sustainable Energy Plan
Integration Into Organization
5Energy Benchmark
- Life cycle HVAC equipment replacement has saved
2,200 YTD and over 45,280Kwh by adding climate
control system
6Raleigh Convention Center
- Completed late 2008 presently seeking USGBC LEED
certification - Reduced water consumption through irrigation by
50 and overall water use by 20 - 88 of the total waste generated was recycled
- Multi colored LED lighting installed behind
shimmer wall
Raleigh Convention Center, West Elevation 500 S.
Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27601
7NRWWTP Training Facility
- Seeking USGBC Silver Certification
- 75 Less water use than comparable facility
- Recycled content over 20
- Regional materials over 20 within 500 mile
radius - Low emitting materials paints, sealants,
carpet, furniture
Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant
8Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
- Municipal Deck Pilot
- 40 energy reduction. 75 of survey respondents
feel LED level of deck is safer and brighter
(despite 11 fewer lumens cast) - New Underground Parking
- 544 fixtures, approx. 100W per fixture savings.
City projected to save 700k-1M over 15 years on
energy and maintenance
9LED Conversions
- Traffic Signal Conversions
- 95 of all our signals will be LED- 80 reduction
in energy demand per intersection - Street Lights
- Convention Center Plaza
- 28 streetlights projected 93,000 savings over
20 years - Street light pilot near NCSU
- 49 streetlights, 89 pedestrian lights-500k
savings over 20 years Construction 2009
10Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
- Life cycle replacement upgrade of existing
roadway lighting - 5 times the lifespan, less than ½ the energy
demand of Metal Halide - Motion sensors and timers added to further
increase energy efficiency
Carolina Pines Park 2305 Lake Wheeler
Rd. Raleigh, NC 27603
11LED Projects
- Area Lighting
- Exchange Plaza urban pedestrian lighting
- House Creek Trail Bridge
- Decorative LED Lighting
- Bicycle/pedestrian bridge over I-440
12Total Cost of Ownership
13Solar Thermal
- Fire Station 15, solar thermal water heating
system installation - The Avery C. Upchurch Municipal Building was
originally designed with a solar pre heat system - The storage tank, heat exchanger, solar loop
pump, domestic water circulator pump and
controller were recently replaced after over 24
years of operation
14Solar LED
- Reduce energy consumption from the grid to zero
- Energy savings/ avoidance are immediate
- Conduit and wire feeder cost savings are most
apparent at point of installation
15Water Efficiency
- Installation of lavatory aerators, low flow and
no flow urinals, reduced flow shower heads, and
flush valve kits in numerous facilities - Use of drip irrigation and drought tolerant plant
material - Extension of reuse water system by Public
Utilities is anticipated
16Energy Awareness Pilot
- Periscope Dashboard
- The Ranking Chart enables user to display
comparative values for similar variables, ranked
in either increasing or decreasing order. Values
may be normalized. - The Demand Chart enables the display of the
amount of time a variable is above a specific
level during the selected interval.
17Energy Audits
- Facilities and Operations partnership with
Inspections Department to expedite audits within
City facilities - Monitor preventative maintenance program
- Changes Completed
- Motion sensors in hallways restrooms,
programmable thermostats, retrofit existing light
fixtures, adjust HVAC set points, delamp
vending machines
18Eco Friendly Urban Transportation
- FREE circulator bus service features hybrid
electric buses connecting to restaurants, retail,
entertainment venues, museums, hotels, and
parking facilities in downtown Raleigh - Buses run every 10-15 minutes
- Joint effort of the Raleigh Transit Authority,
Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA) and the Greater
Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau (GRCVB)
19Fleet Transformation
- Last year the City added 15 new biodiesel fuel
(B20) buses - At least 75 of Citys diesel fleet or 186
trash trucks, recycling trucks and dump trucks
have operated on B20 since 2002 - In October, the City traded in 2 gas powered
pickup trucks for 2 electric cars
Electric Powered Maintenance Car
20Education and Outreach
- Internal
- 6 Energy Management Diploma recipients
- 3 LEED accredited staff
- External
- Planet Earth Celebration
- 2nd Annual City of Raleigh Environmental Awards
- 2009 Environmental Awards, to be held April 22,
2009, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Marbles Kids Museum
21Continuing Efforts
- Collaborative work from design to occupancy and
operational management - Expanded preventative maintenance
- Measurement and verification
- Billy.Jackson_at_ci.raleigh.nc.us
- Suzanne.Walker_at_ci.raleigh.nc.us