Title: Welcome to the Physical Sciences
1Welcome to the Physical Sciences
- Syllabus
- Introduction
- What is Science?
- Scientific Method
- Types of Sciences
- What is Physical Science?
- Types of Physical Sciences
3Objectives (cont.)
- Chapter One The World Around You
- Objects and Properties
- Quantifying Properties
- Measurement System
- Standard Units for the Metric
- Understanding Measurements
- Contact Information
- Emily Howard
- (954) 201-6674 Anne Secretary
- howarde_at_fiu.edu
- www.fiu.edu/howarde/
- Office 14/134
- Office Hours 500 700 p.m. Mondays
5Syllabus (cont.)
COURSE DESCRIPTION A survey of physical sciences
for the non-science major. An integrated
approach is used to introduce topics in
astronomy, chemistry, geology, meteorology and
physics. Â CO REQUISITE PSC 1191L Â
6Syllabus (cont.)
- Attendance is mandatory
- January 13, 2003 100 refund
- March 24, 2003 Transfer to Audit
- Please inform if you know that you are going to
be absent - Need documentation if you are absent
7Syllabus (cont.)
- Schedule
- Chapters
- Homework every time
- Activities
- Final Project
- Activity Log
- Formal Write-up
8What is Science?
- Science is the systematic study of systems.
- Science studies these systems on why they work,
how they work, and the relation of these systems. - Science tries to ask questions that quantify the
9Scientific Method
10Scientific Method (cont.)
- Example Bodes Law
- Question What are the distances to each of the
planets from the sun? - Testable Question It the distance of the planet
Earth from the sun the sum of the distances of
Venus and Mercury? - Result Yes.
- Became law when we found Uranus and Neptune.
- But was disputed when we found Pluto.
- Was refined due to Keppler.
11Types of Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Studies how physical phenomena work.
- Biological Sciences
- Studies how biological phenomena work.
- Social Sciences
- Studies how social systems work.
12What is the Physical Sciences?
- The Physical Sciences study how mechanical,
electrical, chemical geological processes work - It quantifies the processes with the language of
mathematics. - We also try to relate the processes above to each
13Types of Physical Sciences
- Astronomy
- The study of how the planets, stars, galaxies,
and universe work. - Physics
- The general study of how systems work
individually and in connection. - Chemistry
- The study of how atoms combine and create
compounds. - Earth Sciences
- The study of how the Earth and its atmosphere
14Objects and Properties
- Concept (objects)
- An item we either deal with everyday or idea we
have about a process, i.e. acceleration - Properties
- A descriptor about a concept or object
- Qualitative versus Quantitative
- Referent
- A special descriptor that refers back to its
object, i.e. blue sky
15Quantifying Properties
- Measurable Properties
- We want to be able to put a number as descriptor
- One way, Units
- Can be anything like paper clips
- Or feet.
- But can be variable, so we must standardize.
16Measurement Systems
- English
- Each empire had own system
- English standardize weight while a naval
superpower Henry VIII and Elizabeth I - Henry I (1101) determined a yard to be the length
of his arm - Divided into 3 feet with 12 inch per foot
- Inch were three barleycorns each
- Other standard measures came later
17Measurement Systems (cont.)
- Metric System
- Introduced by France as naval superpower in 1790
- Used in most countries today via a treaty
- Based on the powers of ten
18Metric System
- Fundamental properties
- Need length, mass, and time.
- Length meter
- Defined originally as a 1/100,000,000 of distance
to the North Pole from Paris - Krypton 86 wavelength
- Now 1/299,792,458 of a second of light travel
19Metric System (cont.)
- Mass kilogram
- The amount of matter
- No standard unit yet
- Time second
- Originally based on the movement of stars,
providence of navy - Now Cesium atom clocks
20Understanding Measurements
- Current Weather
- http//www.wunderground.com/
- Data
- Plural of datum (Latin word)
- Volume
- 1 in3, 8 in3, 27 in3 (or 1 m3, 8 m3, 27 m3)
- Area
- 6 in2, 24 in2, 54 in2 (or 6 m2, 24 cm2, 54 cm2)
- Allow the physical scientist to relate two
properties - Property 1 (numerator) to Property 2
(denominator) - Usually numerator is the y axis and denominator
is the x axis on a graph. - A formalized ratio has the independent variable
in the denominator and the dependent variable in
the numerator
22Ratio Example Density
- Most important ratio in physical science
- Tells about the state of the object and
composition - ? M/V
- D W/V
- Example frozen water (ice) versus liquid water
23Symbols and Equations
- Equations
- Variables
- Independent versus dependent
- Direct versus Indirect relationships
- Constants
- Example speed of light
24Simple Line Graph
- Questions for thought
- 1, 6, 9
- Parallel
- B 3, 5