Title: What to do after registration
1What to do after registration
- Using Train Assess IT
- to learn Office
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- Train Assess IT is a well tested and effective
means of teaching yourself the Office
applications. - The requirements and methods outlined are the
result of extensive testing and user experience. - Nobody will fail the course because they cannot
do the work
- There is a lot of information in these slides.
You may need to return to them in the future.
4Structure Summary
- Take the assigned prescriptive pretests online at
http//www.phgenit.com. - You must make 80 on all of them before you take
the graded exam. - Take four graded exams in lab under supervision.
You must make 70 on each.
5Structure Summary
- If you fail an exam, you must redo the
prescriptive pretests to 80. - Then, during the week after the exam, go to
Glocker 63 any time it is open and show ID to the
lab montior. - The lab monitor will enter the password for the
retest - Retaking the exam without having redone the
tutorials is grounds for receiving NP for the
- Slides that follow show you how to access the
prescriptive pretests. - Prescriptive pretests give you optional tutorials
which you can use to improve your next pretest
score. - If you make less than 80 on the pretest, do the
tutorials and then retake the pretest.
- Do not take the posttests.
- Do not simply do the tutorials without taking the
prescriptive tests first. This wastes your time,
as you do tutorials for things you already know
how to do.
- Graded exams are taken in lab. You show ID, and
have the exam password entered for you. - You must make at least 70 on all four exams.
- If you fail a graded exam, you must redo the
prescriptive tests to 80 for that application,
and then retake the exam during the week after
initial testing.
- To do the pretests, first log on at
http//www.phgenit.com. - We recommend you use Internet Explorer or the
Partial Local Install, rather than Netscape. - The slides that follow show you what to do there.
10After you log in, scroll down to the bottom of
the screen. Download the Authorware Web Player
in order to do the tutorials. Or use the Partial
Local Install. Authorware should be in all labs
on campus by now.
11To Begin your Windows XP Training, click here.
Take the pretest first and then pick the
tutorials from WindowsXP_1, WindowsXP_2 and
WindowsXP_3. (For Windows Training, you dont
have to finish all the tutorials because most of
you have some basics about windows.) Remember,
80 required on the pre test score before you
take the graded exam.
122. This module contains all the tutorials. Use
it if you need more than you get in the
prescriptive testing tutorials.
1. Click here to begin your Word training. This
module contains the pretests. Take the pretest
before you do any tutorials.
13Click Here and Take the Word Chapter 1 Pretest
14After you complete the pretest, the system will
generate a set of tutorials based on the
questions you missed. You are given tutorials
that have generated for you. If you feel these
tutorials do not help you on a particular
question, you can go to the module that contains
all the tutorials by clicking the back button.
15After you complete all the required tutorials,
you will be given a post test. Ignore the post
test. Retake the pretest, if needed. We require
you to make at least 80 in every pretest.
The 80 rule ensures that very few students fail
the graded exams.
16For any pretest you have completed, you can click
on the status link and get a full report of the
17At least 80...
- No need to print out scores to give to us
- We run reports from the system to check your
18Other resources at Train Assess
- The slides that follow show you some useful
resources at Train Assess.
19You can click here to contact us by sending an
e-mail. But we more reliably check and answer
e-mail sent to our UTK addresses.
20You can click My Messages to check messages
from the professor, but we usually use e-mail
from the course website.
21Use My Statistics to generate your own grade
22Downloadable (.pdf) or html-based user guides are
provided at this link. They show you how to use
the Train Assess features.
23Click on Sign Out when you have completed your
training and/or testing modules. Use the same
User ID and Password the next time you wish to
access Prentice Halls Train and Assess IT.
24Some Added Instructions
- Pretests and Posttests are the same. Thus we only
require you to take the pretests. - The questions in the exams you will take in lab
come from pretests. - When you take the tests, changes do not occur on
the test window, but as long as you push the
correct button or choose the correct menu item,
you will be counted correct by the system. - Scoring is very reliable.
25Some Added Instructions
- Pretests you must finish to pass the course
- 1. All Chapters in Word except Chapter 7.
- 2. All Chapters in Excel except Chapter 6 and 8.
However, you are responsible for several
tutorials in Excel Chapter 6. They are "Apply
Conditional Formatting", "Create Named Ranges",
"Edit and Remove Comments", "Add Data Validation
Criteria to Cells" and "Explore Templates. - 3. Both Chapters in PowerPoint.
26A Final Reminder
- Remember, you must score 80 or above on all
required pretests before you take the graded
exams. - You also must do this in order to pass the
course. - If you must retake a graded exam, you are
required to first retake the pretests at or above
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