Title: Organizational Environments and Culture
1Organizational Environments and Culture
2Learning Objectives
- Discuss how changing environments affect
organizations. - Understand the components of general and specific
business environments - Describe the process that companies use to make
sense of their changing environments. - Explain how organizational cultures are created
and changed as needed for company success.
3Lets Consider Hasbro
- Toy industry's growth prospects appear to be
maturing - Increasing competition from video games,
children's changing tastes, and consolidation of
the industry's retail customer base. - Toy companies are increasingly dependent on
movies and TV shows for product tie-ins
What are the major external challenges facing
4Changing Environments
Characteristics ofChanging External Environments
Environmental Change Environmental
Complexity Resource ScarcityUncertainty
5Environmental Change
- Environmental change is the rate at which a
companys environments change - stable environments
- dynamic environments
- Punctuated equilibrium theory
- companies cycle through stable and dynamic
6Punctuated EquilibriumU.S. Airlines
7Environmental Complexity
- Environmental complexity the number of external
factors in the environment that affect
organizations - Simple environments
- have few environmental factors
- Example?
- Complex environments
- have many environmental factors
- Example?
8Resource Scarcity
- Resource scarcity is the degree to which an
organizations external environmenthas an
abundance or scarcity of critical organizational
9Environmental Uncertainty
- Uncertainty is how well managers can understand
or predict the external changes and trends
affecting their businesses
More Uncertainty
More Complexity
More Change
Scarcer Resources
10Which of the following organizations has the most
uncertain environment?
- University of Rhode Island
- Albies Place
- American Power Conversion
- Nardolillo Funeral Home
11Types of Environmental Factors
Specific factors directly impinge on particular
General factors affect all companies within an
12Components of the General Environment
- Economy
- Technological
- Sociocultural
- Political / Legal
- Growing vs. shrinking economies
- Future economic activity is difficult to predict
- Economic indices
- Examples?
- Effect on Hasbro?
14Which of the following is not an economic factor
that affects the toy industry?
- Inflation rate
- Interest rates
- Changing tastes of children in desired toys
- Unemployment levels of design engineers
15Technological Component
Effect on Hasbro?
16Sociocultural Component
- Sociocultural Components
- Demographic changes
- Changes in behavior, attitudes, and beliefs
- Cross cultural issues
- Public opinion
- What socio-cultural factors affect Hasbro?
17Which of the following is a socio-cultural factor
affecting fast-food restaurants?
- A period of economic expansion
- Concern over obesity rates
- FDA regulations
- Fully automated drive-through windows
18Political / Legal Component
Managers must be educated about the laws,
regulations, and potential lawsuits that could
affect business
- Legislation
- Regulations
- Court decisions
- Government
- stability
- Effect on Hasbro?
19Specific Environment Factors
- Customers/Distributors
- Competitor
- Supplier
- Specific industry regulation
- Advocacy groups
- Unions
Monitoring customer wants and needs is critical
for business success
- Reactive customer monitoring
- responding to problems, trends, and events
- Proactive customer monitoring
- anticipating problems, trends, and events
Who are Hasbros customers?
21Toys R Us sells most of Hasbros toys.
Who are Hasbros competitors?
Who are Hasbros suppliers?
24Industry Regulation Component
- Consists of regulations and rules that govern the
business practices and procedures of specific
industries, businesses, and professions
Are there any specific toy industry regulations?
25Some Federal Regulation Agencies
26Advocacy Groups
- Groups of concerned citizens who band together to
try to influence the business practices of
specific industries, businesses, and professions - Techniques to try to influence companies
- public communications
- media advocacy
- product boycotts
What advocacy groups would be concerned with
Hasbros operations?
27In your view, what is the most effective advocacy
- Product boycott
- Media advocacy
- Lobbying
- None are effective
- Organizations that collectively represent workers
on issues of pay, working conditions, benefits,
etc. - Management must bargain and negotiate with unions
on these issues - About 10 of private sector workers are unionized
Does Hasbro bargain with any unions?
29U.S. workers no longer need unions to protect
their employment interests
30Making Sense of Changing Environments
Environmental Scanning
Evaluating External Environments
Interpreting Environmental Factors
Acting on Threats and Opportunities
31Internal Environments
- Internal environment consists of the trends,
practices, events, and structures within the
organization - Management philosophy
- Internal labor markets and human resource
practices - Hierarchy and division of labor
- Coordination processes
- Organizational culture
32What is organizational culture?
- Way of life in an organization
- Collective phenomena that reflect peoples
responses to uncertainties and chaos - Pattern of basic assumptions that group uses to
cope with problems of internal integration and
external adaptation
33Levels of Organizational Culture
Set of assumptions, values, norms, and
expectations that are shared among organizational
Visible, but difficult to decipher
Artifacts and behaviors
Some awareness
Taken for granted
34Which of the following values best describes
URIs organizational culture?
- Adaptable
- Inflexible
- Consistent
- Empowering
- Oppressive
35Levels of Culture
Manifest culture
Expressed Values
Expressed Values
Basic Assumptions
water line
Basic Assumptions
36Creation and Maintenance of Organizational
37Human Resource Systems and Culture
- Socialization practices
- Communication practices
- Selecting the right people
- Weeding out the wrong people
- Training
- Promotion and Reward systems
- Succession leadership
38Cultural Change Issues
- Pervasive, high magnitude changes (revolutionary)
vs. cumulative reshaping (evolutionary) - Political and technical changes
(re-organizations) usually affect culture - Top leadership changes usually bring about
opportunities for culture change
39Cultural Change Issues
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Discontinuous events (e.g., crises, major
technological, legal, or market changes) - Changing human resource systems, such as
socialization, training, selection, reward
systems - Identify and support culture change champions