Title: Sleep Apnea Cures
1Good Parenting Your Child and Obstructive Sleep
2Is your child suffering from any of the
following? Snoring very loudly and
squeaky? breathing through his mouth? waking up
in the night choking and gasping? restless when
asleep? constantly tossing and turning? heavy
irregular breathing? excessive daytime
sleepiness? have difficulty in
concentrating? Hyperactivity during the
dayThese are just a few of the many symptoms
of sleep apnea and if your child is showing two
or more of these signs, then there is a very high
chance that he has sleep apnea.
3What is Sleep Apnea?
- Sleep apnea in children is known as
obstructive sleep apnea or OSA which is described
as long pauses of breathing when asleep. - It is usually caused by an enlarged
tonsil or adenoid that obstructs the air
passageways which results to snoring and
sometimes choking and gasping for air. Thus,
children with sleep apnea have daytime behavioral
and attentional problems. - Moreover, unlike adults with sleep
apnea, OSA in children are more difficult to
recognize and diagnose.
4How Serious is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
- If left untreated obstructive sleep
apnea can have real effects to your childs
health, learning development and behavior. Since
your child poses for a long period of time, there
will be a shortage of oxygen going through the
brain and it can hamper your childs learning
ability. - Moreover, because he is not getting
enough sleep he will become excessively sleepy
during the day and he will find it difficult to
concentrate in school resulting to poor grades.
He will also become moody and might not be able
to get along well with other kids of his age.
Because he will experience a delay, he will be
left behind and feel frustrated and depressed.
5How OSA is Diagnosed?
- When your child is snoring really loud
and suffers from severe bedwetting, you should
consult his physician immediately. - You will then be referred to a
well-recognized EENT doctor to properly evaluate
your childs condition. - You can also choose to know once and
for all if your child has sleep apnea by taking a
24 hour sleep apnea test which can be done at
home. It is easy as well as safe to use and
results are reliable.
6To know more about sleep apnea, to have access to
a number of anti-snoring products like the sleep
apnea test or their sleep apnea cures, you can
call the leading anti-snoring shop, Stop Snoring
Shop Now at (1) 208-726-6858
visit them at http//www.stopsnoringnowshop.com/