Title: Qooshi.com account registration process
1How to register with Qooshi
2Why register with Qooshi?
- Qooshi is a free appointment booking software and
online marketing tool. - Grow your business by promoting it online to new
and existing customers, offering them an easy way
to book appointments with you. - It is free, simple yet powerful and easy to use.
- No prior knowledge of IT is required. You will be
ready to go in minutes.
3How do I start using Qooshi?
- It is simple
- Register an account with Qooshi
- Configure your calendar in 7 easy steps
- Start accepting appointments
In this document we will walk you through the
account registration process gtgt
4Step 1 What you offer
gtgt Here you describe yourself and the service you
provide. This information will help clients and
potential clients, to understand what you have to
offer and what makes you different.
5Step 2 Where you offer your services
gtgt In this section you help your customers
understand where they can expect to receive your
services. This information will also be
available on your calendar site for your
customers to find you.
6Step 3 Login details
Note Your username will also act as display name
in the URL (webaddress) of your calendar
Note Qooshi will provide with a functional
website if you do not have your own
gtgt Enter your login details in this last step.
Once you press the Submit button, the system
will send you an automatic confirmation email to
the specified email address. Please login to your
email and follow the instructions there.