Title: 1.1 The Text of the Old Testament
11.1 The Text of the Old Testament
- 1. Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- 2. Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 3. Septuagint
- 4. Targumim
- 5. Peshitta
- 6. Vulgate
- 1.2 Text Criticism of the Old Testament
- R. Ishmael "My son, be careful, because your
work is the work of heaven should you omit
(even) one letter or add (even) one letter, the
whole world would be destroyed" b. Sot. 20a
- There are many witnesses to the Old Testament
(First Testament). The Hebrew is the easiest to
deal with, while the translations are dealt with
in a secondary manner, due to the problem of
- Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls,
however the earliest Hebrew witness to the
Scriptures were the Nash Papyri (1st-2nd century
- Although early Church Fathers were already
interested in comparing the Hebrew text along
with different Greek versions, it was Origen, in
the third century that produced a 6 columned
Greek Hebrew edition of the Bible called the
Hexapla. - http//rosetta.reltech.org/Ebind/docs/TC/
- Although Jerome, ultimately relied on the Greek
text of the Old Testament, he compared his
translation and commentaries with Hebrew
manuscripts of his time, along with the older
Latin version.
71. Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- "The name Masoretic Text refers to a group of
manuscripts and other sources all of which are
close to each other. Many of the elements of
these manuscripts and even their final form were
determined in the early Middle Ages, but they
continue a much earlier tradition. - Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, 16
81. Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- The name Masoretic Text was given to this group
because of the apparatus of the Masorah attached
to it. This apparatus, which was added to the
consonantal base, developed from earlier
traditions in the seventh to the eleventh
centuries the main developments occurring in
the beginning of the tenth century with the
activity of the Ben Asher family in Tiberias. - Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, 16
91. Proto-Masoretic Masoretic Texts
- The Masoretic Text (MT) Contains
- The consonantal text found in the proto-Masoretic
texts of the Second Temple era and the Masorah
which developed later - The vocalization developed by the Masoretes
- Para-textual elements
- Accentuation
- The apparatus of the Masorah
10Some Helpful Books
- Ginsburg, C. D. Introduction to the
Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible.
London Trinity Bible Society, 1897.
http//ericlevy.com/Revel/Revel.htm - Kelly, Page H., Daniel S. Mynatt and Timothy
Crawford. The Masorah of the Biblica Hebraica
Stuttgartensia. Grand Rapids Wm. B. Eerdmans,
11Some Helpful Books
- Tov, Emanuel. Textual Criticism of the Hebrew
Bible. Minneapolis Fortress Press, - Yeivin, Israel. Introduction to the Tiberian
Masorah. n.l. Scholars Press, 1980.
121.1 The History of the MT
- The MT probably developed via the Pharisees, with
possible Temple ties. - 1. The period of internal differences in the
textual transmission. - This period comes to an end at the time of
destruction of the Second Temple.
131.1 The History of the MT
- The Qumran material contains not only
proto-Masoretic texts, but also pre-Samaritan,
Hebrew source for the LXX, Qumran original, and a
141.1 The History of the MT
- The differences in the proto-Masoretic group and
the later MT tended to be limited to single words
and phrases, although this understanding may
change. - The Talmudic and later rabbinic literature have
preserved other early variants. Tov
151.1 The History of the MT
- 2. The Period of relatively high degree of
textual consistency. - From the destruction of the Second Temple until
the 8th century CE. - Documents from the Judean Desert
(????????????????? and ????????????? ) written
before the Bar-Kochba rebellion (132-135 CE) - Cairo Genizah material.
161.1 The History of the MT
- 3. The Period of almost complete textual unity.
- From the 8th century until the end of the Middle
Ages. - "The earliest dated Masoretic mss proper are from
the 9th century, and are characterized by the
introduction of vocalization, cantillation signs,
and the Masorah. The consonantal texts of the
individual codices are virtually identical." Tov
171.1 The History of the MT
- N.B. Moshe Goshen-Gottstein's discussion of the
Ben Asher witness - Second Rabbinic Bible eclectic text (BH1-2)
- codex Leningrad B 19a (AD 1009) (BH3-BHS)
- But, the Aleppo Codex is considered the best
(Hebrew University Library Project)
181.2 Masorah
- Some Editions of the Masorah
- C. D. Ginsburg, The Massorah Compiled from
Manuscripts, Alphabetically and Lexically
Arranged, vols. I-IV (London/Vienna, 1880-1905
repr. Jerusalem 1971) - G. E. Weil, Massorah Gedolah manuscrit B.19a de
Leningrad, vol. I (Rome, 1971). - D. S. Loewinger, Massorah Magna of the Aleppo
Codex (Jerusalem, 1977).
191.3 MT Manuscripts
- Qumran, Murabba'at, Masada
- Nash Papyrus (Exod 20.2-17, partly Deut 5.6-21)
- Geniza fragments
- Ben Asher Manuscripts
- Codex Cairensis (Former Latter Prophets, 895
CE) - Aleppo Codex (Shelomo ben Buya'a wrote the
consonants, while Aaron Ben Asher vocalized and
accentuated the codex, 925 CE) lost Gen
1.1-Deut 28.26 SoS 3.12-the end, i.e., Qoheleth,
Lamentation, Esther, Daniel, and Ezra.
201.3 MT Manuscripts
- Ben Asher Manuscripts
- A Tenth-century codex from the Karaite synagogue
in Cairo containing the Pentateuch. - Codex Leningrad B 19A (from 1009)
- Codex B.M. Or. 4445, indicated as B (significant
sections of the Torah from the first half of the
tenth century) - Codex Sassoon 507 of the Torah (tenth century)
- Codex Sassoon 1053 of the Bible (tenth century)
21The First Edition of the Psalter, 1477 Bologna,
with David Kimhi
22Complutensian Polyglot (1514-17)
23Codex Cairensis 827CE, Moshe ben Asher
24Aleppo Codex Shelomo ben Buya?a, 930CE
25Aleppo Codex Shelomo ben Buya?a, 930CE
26Codex 17, Firkowitsch Collection 930CE
27Codex Leningrad B19A 1008-9CE
28Codex Leningrad B19A 1008-9CE
29Benjamin Kennicott Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum
cum variis lectionibus, 2 vol. (Oxford, 1776-1780)
31Benjamin Kennicott Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum
cum variis lectionibus, 2 vol. (Oxford, 1776-1780)
32Benjamin Kennicott Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum
cum variis lectionibus, 2 vol. (Oxford, 1776-1780)
332. Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- "The Samaritan Pentateuch contains the text of
the Torah, written in a special version of the
"early" Hebrew script as preserved for centuries
by the Samaritan community. Tov
342. Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- This text is permeated with ideological elements
which, however, form only a thin layer added to
the text. Scholars are divided in their opinion
on the date of this version, but it was probably
based on an early, pre-Samaritan, text, similar
to those found in Qumran." Tov See Esther
Hanan Eshel
352. Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 1. Origin Background "The Samaritans
themselves believe that the origin of their
community goes back to the time of Eli (11th
century BC), when the Jews withdrew from
Shechem to establish a new cult in Shiloh, which
was later brought to Jerusalem. Tov
362. Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- A different view is reflected in 2 Kgs 1724-34,
according to which the Samaritans were not
originally Jews, but pagans brought to Samaria by
the Assyrians after the fall of Samaria in the
8th century BC. Tov
372. Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 2. Character of the Samaritan Pentateuch
- The academic consensus was that the SP differed
from the MT in 6000 details and of those
differences the SP agreed with the LXX on 1600
occasions. - Kyung-Rae Kim concludes that the SP and LXX agree
over against the MT in 964 cases . . . 471 of
these are insignificant, while among the 493
remaining, 328 are common harmonizations. Kim,
Diss, 1994
382. Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 1. Harmonizing Alterations The SP has been
understood to be a part of a group of
harmonistic texts, in which passages are added
from other parts of the Torah in an
expansionistic fashion. Esther and Hanan Eshel,
Kim and Tov - It is interesting to note that conflicting laws
have not been harmonized.
393.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- ". . . in the MT the Fourth Commandment in Exod
208 begins with ??????? (remember) and in
Deut 512 with ???????? (observe), but the Sam.
Pent. reads ???????? in both verses." Tov
403.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 2. Linguistic Corrections this is found in both
the Pre-Samaritan and SP in general. - 3. Sectarian Changes in the Samaritan Pentateuch
- The Place of worship Mount Gerizim and not
Jerusalem. - The addition of a commandment to the Decalogue
after Exod 20.12 Deut 5.18 which makes Mount
Gerizim the proper place of worship The first
commandment is added to the introduction.
413.2 Pre-Samaritan Samaritan Pentateuch
- 4. Orthography in the SP
- The use of matres lectionis
- 5. Modern Editions of the SP
- A. F. von Gall, Der hebräische Pentateuch der
Samaritaner, (Giessen, 1914-18 repr. Berlin,
1966). http//rosetta.reltech.org/Ebind/docs/TC/
- A R. Sadaqa, Jewish and Samaritan Version of
the Pentateuch - With Particular Stress on the
Differences between Both Texts, (Tel Aviv,
42Some Helpful Recent Reads
- Anderson, Robert T. and Terry Giles. The Keepers
An introduction to the History and Culture of the
Samaritans. Peabody, MA Henderickson Publishers,
1989. - Hjelm, Ingrid. Jerusalem's Rise to Sovereignty
Zion and Gerizim in Competition. London T. T.
Clark, 2004. - Hjelm, Ingrid. The Samaritans and Early Judaism
A Literary Analysis. Sheffield JSOT Academic
Press, 2000. - Hjelm, Ingrid. What do Samaritans and Jews have
in Common? Recent Trends in Samaritan Studies.
Currents in Biblical Research 3, no. 1 (2004)
43Samaritan Pentateuch 1215/6 - Num 34.26-35.8
44A. F. von Gall, Der hebräische Pentateuch der
Samaritaner, (Giessen, 1914-18 repr. Berlin,
453. Septuagint
- "LXX is a Jewish translation which was made
mainly in Alexandria. Its Hebrew source differed
greatly from the other textual witnesses (MT, T,
S, V and many of the Qumran texts), and this
accounts for its great significance in biblical
studies. Moreover, LXX is important as a source
for early exegesis, and this translation also
forms the basis for many elements in the NT."
463. Septuagint
- Date Utilizing Septuagintal manuscripts and
citational evidence, Eugene Ulrich has argued
that the Greek translation of the Torah was made
by the late third century B.C.E. Nina Collins,
focusing primarily on text critical and
comparative analysis of the Letter of Aristeas,
concludes that it was translated in 281 B.C.E.
473. Septuagint
- Witnesses
- 1. Early texts written on papyrus and leather
including both scrolls and codices. - 2nd Century BCE onward, many fragments in
Palestine Egypt. - Chester Beatty / Scheide Collection (Egypt, 1931)
contained most of the books, even Daniel. - Also Qumran 4QLXXLeva
48Online Sources on Manuscripts
- Kaft, Robert A. Some Observations on Early Papyri
and MSS for LXX/OG Study http//ccat.sas.upenn.ed
u/rs/rak/earlypaplist.html - Kraft, Robert A. The Textual Mechanic' of Early
Jewish LXX/OG Papyri and Fragments
http//ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/rak/earlypap.html - Kraft, Robert A. Treatment of the Greek Variants
lical/lxxvar/new/ruth.txt - Muccigrosso, John D. Papyrology Home Page
http//www.users.drew.edu/jmuccigr/papyrology/ - Kalvesmaki, Joel. The Septuagint Online
493. Septuagint
- 2. Uncial (uncialis) or majuscule (majusculus)
manuscripts from the fourth century onwards,
written with "capital" letters. - B Vaticanus, dates from the 4th century and is
considered the best complete manuscript of the
LXX. Relatively free of corruption and influences
of the revisions of LXX.
503. Septuagint
- S or a Sinaiticus, dates from the 4th century
and usually agrees with B, when the two reflect
the Old Greek translation, but S is influenced by
the later revisions of the LXX. - See http//rosetta.reltech.org/Ebind/docs/TC/
513. Septuagint
- Witnesses
- is influenced by the later revisions of the LXX.
- A Alexandrinus dates from the 5th century and
is greatly influenced by the Hexaplaric tradtion
and in several books represents it faithfully.
52Codex Vaticanus LXX, - B Cod. Vat. Gr. 1209
533. Septuagint
- Witnesses
- 3. Minuscule (minusculus) or cursive
manuscripts, written with small letters, from
medieval times. - Many minuscule manuscripts from the ninth to the
sixteenth centuries are known. N.B. Göttingen and
Cambridge editions.
543.3 Septuagint
- Critical Editions
- 1. A. E. Brooke, N. McLean and H. St. J.
Thackeray, The Old Testament in Greek according
to the Text of Codex Vaticannus (Cambridge,
1906-1940) known as "The Cambridge Septuagint". - Gen-Neh, Esther, Judith, Tobit according to B,
and where that manuscript is lacking, it has been
supplemented by A or S. - http//rosetta.reltech.org/Ebind/docs/TC/
55"The Cambridge Septuagint"
563. Septuagint
- Critical Editions
- 2. Ziegler, ed., Göttingen Septuaginta, Vetus
Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Societatis
Litterarum Göttingensis editum. - This is the most precise and thorough critical
edition of the LXX.
57Göttingen Septuaginta
583. Septuagint
- Importance of LXX for Biblical Studies
- Gen genealogies, chronological data
- Exod the second account of the building of the
Tabernacle in chapters 35-40 - Num sequence differences, pluses and minuses of
593. Septuagint
- Josh significant transpositions, pluses, and
minuses - Sam-Kgs many major and minor differences,
including pluses, minuses, and transpositions,
involving different chronological and editorial
603. Septuagint
- Jer differences in sequence, much shorter text
- Eze slightly shorter text
- Pro differences in sequence, different text
- Dan Est completely different text, including
the addition of large sections, treated as
"apocryphal." - Chr "synoptic" variants, that is, readings in
the Greek translation of Chronicles agreeing with
MT in the parallel texts.
613. Revisions of the Septuagint
- General
- LXX and the revisions share a common textual
basis. - The revision corrects the LXX in a certain
623. Revisions of the Septuagint
- Kaige-Theodotion
- The Greek scroll of the Minor Prophets found in
Nahal Hever was identified as an early kaige
revision of the LXX by Barthelemy (1952). - Also in 6th column of the Hexapla and in the
Quinta (fifth) column of the Hexapla . . . - Supplanted the current Greek version of the Book
of Daniel . . . ." Jellicoe, The Septuagint and
Modern Study, 84 - Corrected the LXX with a Hebrew text.
633.3.1 Revisions of the Septuagint
- Aquila
- Aquila prepared his revision in approximately 125
CE. Some biblical books have two different
editions. - Student of R. Akiba
- "Aquila . . . Made an attempt to represent
accurately every word, particle, and even
morpheme. For example, he translated the nota
accusativi ta separately with su,n, "with,"
apparently on the basis of the other meaning of
ta, namely "with"." Tov - The Aquila Onqelos theory.
643. Revisions of the Septuagint
- Symmacus
- 2nd or 3rd century CE either an Samaritan who
had become a proselyte or and Jewish-Christian
Ebionite. - "Two diametrically opposed tendencies are visible
in Symmachus's revision. On the one hand he was
very precise, while on the other hand, he very
often translated ad sensum rather representing
the Hebrew words with stereotyped renderings."
653. Revisions of the Septuagint
- Hexapla
- Origen in the mid-3rd century CE.
- Six columns
- Obelos (?) elements in Greek, but not in Hebrew
- Asteriskos (?) extant in Hebrew, but not in
Greek, which were added in the fifth column from
one of the other columns.
663. Revisions of the Septuagint
- Post-Hexaplaric Revisions
- Lucian (d. 312 CE). (b, o, c2, e2 in the
Cambridge Septuagint). - Known from both Greek and Latin sources, now in
Hebrew (4QSama).
67Helpful Literature
- Dines, Jennifer M. The Septuagint. London T T
Clark, 2004. - Hengel, Martin. Tthe Septuagint as Christian
Scripture Its Prehistory and the Problem of Its
Canon. Grand Rapids Baker Academic, 2004. - Jellicoe, Sidney. The Septuagint and Modern
Study. Winona Lake Eisenbrauns, 1993.
68Helpful Literature
- Marcos, Natalio Fernandez. The Septuagint in
Context Introduction to the Greek Versions of
the Bible. Boston/Leiden E. J. Brill, 2001. - Jobes, Karen H. and Moises Silva. Invitation to
the Septuagint. Grand Rapids Backer Academic,
2000. - Tov, Emanuel. The Text-Critical Use of the
Septuagint in Biblical Research. 2nd Edition.
Jerusalem Simor Ltd., 1997.
694. Peshitta
- Peshitta means "the simple translation or
plain" - "Peshitta is of Christian or Jewish-Christian
704. Peshitta
- "The quality of the Peshitta (Syriac translation)
varies from book to book, ranging from fairly
accurate to paraphrastic. The Heb Vorlage of the
Peshitta was more or less identical with MT. The
Peshitta offers fewer variants than the LXX, but
more than the Targums and the Vulgate." Tov
714. Peshitta
- The Hebrew Vorlage for the Peshitta has been seen
as close to an early MT, most likely after the
LXX had split off from the development of MT. Yet
at times the Peshitta's Vorlage stands with the
LXX trajectory when the MT has a corrupted
reading. Some scholars argue for an early
Rabbinic oral vocalization of the text, playing
into the translation and at times Targum-like
72Helpful Sources
- Dirksen, P. B. The Old Testament Peshitta. In
Mikra, 255-98. - Lamsa, George M. Holy Bible From the Ancient
Eastern Text. New York HarperSanFrancisco, 1968. - Weitzman, M. P. The Syriac Version of the Old
Testament An Introduction. Cambridge Cambridge
University Press, 1999.
73Helpful Sources
- Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon http//cal1.cn.huc.
edu/ - Hugoye Journal of Syriac Studies
http//syrcom.cua.edu/Hugoye/ - Beth Mardutho The Syriac Institute
745. Targumim
- Targum means explanation, commentary or
translation. - Both Jewish and Samaritan Targumim exist. However
the Jewish Targumim had a higher status within
their own community.
755. Targumim
- Jewish Targumim exist for all the books of the
Hebrew Bible except Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel. - The Targumim reflect a Hebrew text that is very
close to the MT, except for the Job Targum from
763.5 Targumim
- Targum Onqelos (Torah)
- Translated by Onqelos the proselyte, "under the
guidance of R. Eliezer and R. Joshua" - Date first, third or fifth century CE?
- As a rule Onqelos follows the plain sense of
Scripture, but in the poetical sections it
contains many exegetical elements. - Sperber argues that there are 650 minor variants
in the Targum Onqelos.
773.5 Targumim
- Palestinian Targumim (Torah)
- Jerusalem Targum I Targum Pseudo-Johnathan.
- Jerusalem Targum II, III The Fragment(ary)
Targum(im) - Targumim from the Cairo Genizah
- Vatican Neophyti 1 discovered in 1956 in a
manuscript dating 1504 1st/2nd century CE but
others 4th/5th century CE.
783.5 Targumim
- Targum to the Prophets
- Targum Jonathan to the Prophets varies from book
to book. - Targum to the Hagiographa
795. Targumim
- "The quality of the translation of the Aramaic
Targums varies from Targum to Targum and from
book to book. As a rule, the Targums from
Palestine are more paraphrastic in character than
the Babylonian ones. The more literal
translations of 11QtgJob and 4QtgLev, though
found in Palestine, are an exception to this
rule." Tov
803.5 Targumim
- "The Targums usually reflect the MT deviations
from it are based mainly on exegetical
traditions, not on deviating texts. An exception
must be made for 11QtgJob, which contains
interesting variants and which possibly lacks
some verses of the MT (4212-17), a fact which
would be significant for the literary criticism
of the book. It may perhaps be assumed that
other Targums in an earlier stage of their
development also contained more variants than in
their present form. Targum Onqelos as a rule
contains more variants than the Palestinian
Targums." Tov
81Suggested Reading
- Alexander, P. S. Jewish Aramaic Translations of
Hebrew Scriptures. In Mikra, ed. M. J. Mulder,
217-54. Minneapolis Fortress Press, 1990. - Beattie, D. R. G. M. J. McNamara. The Aramaic
Bible Targums in their Historical Context.
Sheffeild Sheffield Academic Press, 1994. - Flesher, Paul V. M. ed. Targum Studies Volume 1
Textual and Contextual Studies in the
Pentateuchal Targums. Atlanta Scholars Press,
1992. - Levin, Etan. The Aramaic Version of the Bible.
Berlin W. de Gruyter, 1988.
82Online Sources
- Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon http//cal1.cn.huc.
edu/ - Newsletter for Tagumic Cognate Studies
http//www.tulane.edu/ntcs/ - N.B. the Journal Aramaic Studies can be located
via APTS's EbcoHost site!
836. Vulgate
- Old Latin Tradition The lack of a completed
critical edition of the Old Latin tradition,
differing translation consistencies from book to
book and the debate over whether there was a
single original translation or multiple separate
translations are just a few of the problems that
plague the work on this witness.
846. Vulgate
- The Old Latin holds the potential for uncovering
an early Greek tradition that attests to a better
reading than the MT in places, comparative
material for analyzing the Targumic and Christian
versus Jewish interpretations in the LXX, and an
exposition of the beliefs of early Christians
during the period of its writing and transmission.
856. Vulgate
- Although Jerome utilized a rabbinic Hebrew Bible
for his Vulgate translation, he continued to
rely on different Setuagintal witnesses in both
his translation and commentaries.
864.1 Text Criticism of the OT
- "Until recently, OT textual criticism has paid
much attention to the Versions. This interest
was justified because the oldest Heb mss were
dated to the Middle Ages while some of the mss of
the LXX, Peshitta, and Vulgate date from the 4th
and 5th centuries AD (some fragmentary papyruses
of the LXX go back as far as the 2d century BC).
This situation has now changed because the Hebrew
scrolls from the Judean desert/Dead Sea are not
only considerably older than these but often also
more important. Therefore text-critical interest
will in the future be focused more on
874.1 Text Criticism of the OT
- Hebrew sources than on the Versions, even though
text-critically the LXX will always remain of
great importance. The importance of the other
Versions for textual criticism is diminishing,
although occasionally they contain significant
readings. At the same time, these Versions
remain important as witnesses to ancient
exegesis." Tov
884.1 Text Criticism of the OT
- 1. Relationship between Textual Witnesses
- "The most important textual witnesses to the OT
are MT, with Heb Vorlage of the LXX (here simply
designated as LXX), independent Qumran texts
and those written in the Qumran orthography and
language, the proto-Samaritan sources, and the
Sam. Pent. All other sources (such as the
Peshitta, Vulgate, Targums, the Heb texts from
?????????????, ?????????????????, Masada, and
many Qumran texts) are less significant for the
history of the OT text since they are virtually
identical with MT." Tov
894.1 Text Criticism of the OT
- 2. Urtext or Early Divergence
- de Lagarde vs. Kahle
- 3. Textual Variations
- Unintentional Variants
- Confusion of consonants
- Dittography errors produced by the repetition
of letters or words. - Haplography errors produced by skipping one or
more letters or words. - Homoeoteleuton errors produced by skipping a
group of words with the same
904.1 Text Criticism of the OT
- ending, cause by the eye of the copyist jumping
down to a similar word. - Metathesis transposition of letters.
- Doublet (conflated readings) the juxtaposition
of two or more parallel readings, with or without
grammatical connection, could lead to an error. - Different word division.
- Other Variants
- Linguistic
- Theological