International Workshop Governance of periurban Water - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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International Workshop Governance of periurban Water


... support agencies. Cape Town, South Africa, 17-19 October 2005 ... Women / girls are the main procurers and spend 30 minutes to two hours in fetching water. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: International Workshop Governance of periurban Water

International WorkshopGovernance of peri-urban
Water Sanitation services The role of
external support agenciesCape Town, South
Africa, 17-19 October 2005
  • The Chennai Case Study

  • M.G.Devasahayam


Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA)
Chennai Metropolitan Area Map
Defining PUI
  • The peri-urban interface is created by urban
    development. As urban
  • activities grow and spread, links or impacts upon
    rural activities in the
  • countryside are created. These cause changes to
    existing production
  • systems and create new ones that can affect the
    poor in both urban and
  • rural areas. Opportunities arise from easier
    access to urban markets,
  • services and jobs, and the re-use of urban
    wastes. Problems arise from the
  • conversion of land, urban pollutants, farm labour
    shortages and the loss of
  • natural resource based means of livelihood.

Chennai PUI A Profile
  • With 46 settlements in CUA within the direct
    influence of the core City, Chennai PUI is in
    near-perfect consonance with the above
  • Chennai PUI includes statutory Town Panchayats
    and Census Towns having population of over 5000
    with 75 male working population non-agricultural
  • Exponential growth spurred by liberalisation in
    real estate investment (FI), rapid road
    infrastructure, and service / industry /
    institution boom.
  • Urban expansion severely stressing city resources
    - scarcity of land, pollution, lack of adequate
    drinking water and sanitation, degradation of
    coastal ecology and seawater intrusion leading
    to heavy overflow in the PUI
  • Frenzied construction activity in the PUI aided
    by high FSI has led to soaring land prices, at
    places exceeding core city levels. Rapid decrease
    in rural primary activities. Poor are affected
    both in rural and urban areas.
  • Most PUI in the overexploited / critical
    groundwater zone. Also dumping ground for Citys
    solid and liquid waste. Marsh/Wetlands
    (Pallikaranai) bear the brunt.
  • Overlapping between the political and
    geographical boundaries of Urban/PUI
    Administrative Areas Municipality, Town
    Panchayat, Census Town, Village Panchayat. PUI
    areas are rapidly expanding beyond CUA and CMA.

Case Study areas
  • WSS case studies were carried out in two
    localities, selected because of their
  • proximity to the City boundary and comparatively
    intense PUI features. These
  • are
  • Valasaravakkam Group (inland) consisting of the
    five administrative areas of Valasaravakkam (Town
    Panchayat turned Municipality) Ramapuram (Census
    Town) Porur (TP) Karambakkam (CT) and Manapakkam
    (CT). Area 15.03 Population (2001) 112,
    479 Decadal Growth 124.66
  • Kottivakkam Group (coastal) consisting of four
    administrative areas of Kottivakkam, Palavakkam,
    Neelangarai and Injambakkam (all CT). Area 12.4 Population 55,055 Decadal Growth 45

Case Study Areas Map
Case Study Findings-Water
  • Quantity of water supplied through the public
    system in the PUI (10 35 lpcd) is just adequate
    for drinking and cooking.
  • Poor draw water from street taps. Tap to
    population ratio highest 1/258 in
    Valasaravakkom lowest 1/31 in Nilangarai.
    Average 1/52
  • Water quality varies from acceptable to
    unsatisfactory. Needs boiling before drinking.
  • Boiling of water is fuel and time consuming and
    costs money. Taste differs on boiling. Most of
    the households do not boil water before drinking
    leading to chronic health problems.
  • To address their health problems the poor go to
    free hospital facilities or go to private
    Doctors. On an average a household spend Rs.
    200/- a month and some up to Rs.1000/-
  • Poor gets water for cleaning, washing and hygiene
    from shallow wells and ponds. Due to poor quality
    of water clothes become yellow and vessels get
    corroded. Adds to expenses.
  • Women / girls are the main procurers and spend 30
    minutes to two hours in fetching water. Some of
    them have to travel more than a km to fetch
    water. Men procuring water go late for work
    losing wages. School going children suffer
    interruptions in their studies.
  • Middle class with piped connection cope with the
    situation by buying water from private vendors
    that costs 5-6 paise/litre. In times of crisis
    poor also buy water from this source.
  • Extraction from aquifer (virtually mining) is
    intensive to cater to the ever increasing urban
    and peri-urban demand. METROWATER themselves
    indulge in 24-hour water extraction for supply to
    the City for drinking, institutional and
    industrial purposes.         

Case Study Findings-Sanitation
  • Public toilets are virtually absent and where
    available unfit to be used because public on the
    whole do not have a sense of ownership of these
    facilities. Most of the poor residents have to
    use open fields, beach and canal banks for their
    daily ablution. Women are the most affected.
  • Due to open field defecation and sullage flow
    from houses, sanitation is affected severely.
    This is compounded during rainy season.
  • General attitude towards solid waste is apathetic
    and littered waste is collected by the panchayat
    irregularly (many times at a periodicity of one
    week) and this adds further to the sanitation
  • Provision for sanitation take a lower priority to
    water supply and solid waste clearance. Final
    disposal is a serious problem due to
    non-availability of landfill sites.
  • There is no under ground sewer systems at present
    except in Valasaravakkam where an underground
    system was constructed by taking loan from
    TNUDP-WB. Local body was burdened with interest
    even while construction was on. Scheme cannot be
    effective unless increased water supply becomes
  • In recent times sanitation problems have
    increased due to hectic construction activities
    and faulty arrangements for debris / solid waste
    / waste water removal.

Case Study Findings-Institutional
  • TWAD Board which earlier had the responsibility
    of designing and constructing water supply and
    sewerage systems in the PUI has given it up.
  • In 1978 CMWSSB (METROWATER) took over the
    responsibility for construction, operation and
    maintenance of WSS in the CMA that includes PUI
  • In practice, METROWATER is confined to the City
    and a small AUA (10 but has future plans
    to build centralised water supply distribution
    system for a length of 898 kms to AUAs and DUAs
    after finalising funding arrangements!
  • Chennai PUI comprise mostly of independent
    municipal and village panchayats at the lowest
    end of the LG system who are mandated to provide
    water, health and sanitation.
  • LG entities do not have technical, financial and
    managerial assets / resources to carryout this
    important function and cannot by themselves be
    expected to provide satisfactory WSS service to
    their residents especially the poor.
  • Private players extract water from the PUI and
    through tankers supply to affordable groups at
    high cost. While depleting the PUI water
    resource, private operators do not serve the
    needs of the poor. This is leading to serious
  • Community / NGO sectors confine their function to
    regulating water distribution from public tankers
    to ensure equitable share among the poor.

Status quo WSS practices in Chennai PUI
  • Piped network provided by Panchayats
  • (Household connections in some areas and public
  • Wells Borewells
  • Provision by tankers
  • Sewage connections to select areas leading to
  • treatment (small proportion)
  • Community Latrines
  • Providing garbage collection in select areas
  • Buying from licensed tankers
  • Buying packaged water (cans, bottles, sachets)
  • Private builders/suppliers own water supply
    systems (RO Plants-recent trend)
  • Household Septic tanks / soak pits
  • Dumping of garbage in roads
  • Individual wells borewells Rainwater
  • Unauthorized connections / procurement
  • Community lavatories by NGOs
  • Community SW collection by NGOs in select areas.
  • Open defecation and pollution of surface water

PUI-WSS Policy Implications
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Pro-poor Focus
  • Sustainability
  • System Structure
  • Governance

Conflict Resolution
  • Between the opulent consumer (gated communities)
    and the deprived poor
  • Between prosperous water sellers and working
    villagers losing their livelihood because of
    ground water depletion
  • Between METROWATER claiming to extract water only
    from abundant areas where farmers are ready to
    sell and the ecosystem suffering irreparable
    damage due to aquifer drying, salinity, seawater
    intrusion and soil degradation.
  • Villagers who sold water till recently now
    purchasing water.
  • Rural Urban divide on water rights and
  • PUI as urban environment sink. Loss of wetlands
    and green cover
  • The housing crisis for the poor
  • Public vs. Private toilets.

Pro-poor Focus
  • WSS system and structure in the PUI should be
    designed so as to provide the basic level of
    services to the poor without interruption.
  • This cannot be achieved through charity approach,
    but by a conscientious drive for physical
    infrastructure service improvement on priority
  • This is because for the poor communities in PUI
    the pressing problem is not income but affordable
    access to basic WSS infrastructure.
  • It is the responsibility of the LG to provide for
    this infrastructure because they are the ones who
    have been mandated. Central/State Governments who
    have the resources should provide the same.
  • Poor cannot be served through the capital
    intensive, supply-driven WSS network because such
    formal systems have severe spatial and
    non-spatial limitations.
  • Alternative is to have a decentralised,
    non-formal system that is cost-effective and
    amenable to participatory development and
    management through community mobilisation.

Sustainability Issues
  • Water resource base within the PUI and water
  • External sources and their limitations
  • Aquifer / ground water depletion and recharge
  • Restoration of of silted reservoirs,
    abandoned/encroached water bodies, polluted water
    courses and disappearing wetlands
  • Water harvesting, waste-water recycling and
  • Quality of water pollution, salinity, sea-water
  • Land use - compatibility with water resources
  • The urbanisation model. Concentrated corridor
    concept with high FSI. Huge commercial complexes
    and rich gated communities with unlimited water
  • Present water management system centralised,
    capital intensive sourcing and long pipelines /
    thousands of diesel guzzling lorries for
  • Desalination groundwater and seawater
    emerging as alternative!
  • WSS accessibility for resident and migrating
  • Public vs. private toilet provisioning open

Planning for Sustainability
  • Resource mapping of the entire PUI
  • Accounting complete entities population
    covered- industries/companies, commercial
    establishments, apartment complexes, colleges,
    hospitals, individual households
  • Estimation of current projected population
    including permanent floating with emphasis on
    the poor who cannot buy water.
  • Inventory of the available water resource
    natural, harvested, storm water, waste water to
    be recycled / reused and protective mechanism
    like marsh / wetlands
  • Preparation of complete Water Mass Balance
    Total water requirement categorizing the break-up
    quantity quality of water required depending on
    the intended usage (for Class 1 2). Adopt
    reasonable norms.
  • Sanitation strategy public and private
  • Evolving decentralised participatory WSS system
  • Networking the stakeholders - Government bodies,
    private sector, community, industry, NGO and
    strategizing their roles to make the system /
    structure work.

WSS System.
OTHER (Technological)
WSS Structure.
Raw Water Treatment Storage
  • Level of treatment
  • Mode- insitu / centralized
  • Storage Planning

Distribution Usage
Source of Water
  • Adequacy of Quantity population, usage pattern
  • Recharging pattern rate
  • Quality
  • Distance of the source to usage point
  • Mode Pipe / truck / others
  • Usage Domestic, Industrial, Commercial,
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Access to the poor

  • Public/Community toilets
  • Open defecation
  • Solid waste

  • Quantity of municipal wastewater / effluent
  • Sewage system Capacity
  • Source Segregation strategy
  • Method of collection
  • Collection efficiency

Treatment Disposal
  • Public State / LG
  • Private Service Providers
  • Community Sector NGO -
  • Consuming Institutions / Industries
  • Households / Individuals
  • THE
  • Quantity
  • Mode- Centralized / at source
  • Cost
  • Disposal Method

WSS in PUI Stakeholder Matrix for Networking
(No Transcript)
Governance Imperatives
  • 1. Distinguish sourcing, supply, distribution and
    delivery functions.
  • 2. Separate regulatory-executive roles and
    establish regulatory mechanism.
  • 3. Enforce laws to prevent indiscriminate water
  • 4. Decentralise and devolve authority and
    responsibility to LG, Communities, NGOs and
    private enterprises in accordance with the WSS
    system / structure
  • 5. Appropriate legal / institutional mechanism to
    link the multitude of local
  • bodies with supporting managerial/technical
  • 6. Build and sustain LG capacity for effective
    WSS delivery
  • 7. Subsidise the poor while achieving full cost
    recovery for the WSS through
  • user charges in the long run.
  • 8. Human Resource Development leading to more
    effective institutions.
  • 9. Use of Technologies more appropriate to local
  • 10. Determine water rights and entitlements in an
    equitable manner

Regulatory Mechanism
  • Suggested functions of the Regulator are
  • Adjudicate on water rights and entitlements
  • Licensing all WSS providers defining the service
    area and cost of service
  • Monitor service standards, quality, customer
    protection and imposing
  • sanctions for failure to meet agreed
  • Aspects to be considered while setting up the
    Regulatory mechanism
  • Water supply and sanitation sector has functions
    across several
  • Government departments and Community
    organisations. Its regulatory function should
    therefore give all stakeholders an opportunity to
    participate in the decision making process.
  • Potable water and sanitation being a basic need
    with health, economic and social implications its
    administration should be apolitical.
  • Independent and professional decision-making is
    essential to foster financial and technical
    efficiency in the sector.
  • Pricing, cost recovery subsidy issues need to
    be addressed.

Sustainable Resource Management Plan as
Governance Tool
  • Compile and evaluate results from case studies
  • Undertake planning and technical studies, surveys
    and other research activities as follow up
  • Investigate existing regional and local
    mechanisms for Sustainable Resource Management
  • Formulate Sustainable Resource Management Plan
    for the PUI focusing on land use, water and
  • Integrate Supply and Demand Side Management.
  • Consider water resource based zoning for land use
    and building activities
  • Build in decentralised WSS options capable of
    stakeholder implementation.
  • Make WSS access to the poor an important
    component of SRMP.
  • Develop guidelines for implementing SRMP through
    regional and local planning / governance
  • Provide SRM awareness and training to all
    stakeholders, particularly LG
  • Distribute and disseminate information

Role of External Support Agencies
  • The PUI WSS crisis is real and imminent
  • Technology, methodology and solutions are
    available to resolve the crisis
  • What is lacking is appropriate Policy,
    Institutional frame-work and effective system of
    governance. Also absent is a resource planning
    and management tool for ensuring sustainable WSS
    governance in the PUI
  • External Support Agencies can play a facilitating
    and supportive role in formulating policies,
    designing PUI-WSS systems, structuring
    institutions and instruments, preparing SRMP,
    evolving management tools for sustainable WSS
    governance and building LG capacity to implement
    and manage WSS projects.
  • Chennai PUI could be the starting point. Tamil
    Nadu has a special funding vehicle (TNUDP - WB)
    for mobilizing resources for basic urban
    infrastructure investments. Institutional
    development and capacity building in ULBs are the
    key components of this Project.
  • Most of Chennai PUI is also covered under GoIs
    Megacity Programme with special emphasis on slum
    improvement and water supply.
  • All cities/towns in India (numbering 28 at
    present) with IT and service industry potential
    are facing similar PUI crisis. They also need
    special attention.

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