Title: Memory
Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931
2What if you had no memory of the past? Amnesia -
suspended animation Memory loss brief
narrow? long-lasting far-reaching What
if your memories werent real? False
Memories FM laboratory-created/words?life-chang
3What if you couldnt remember facts? -
difference between a robin and an eagle - the
danger associated with putting an electric
appliance in the bathtub
What if you couldnt remember procedures? - how
to ride a bike/drive a car - how to fix a
meal - how to tie your shoes/button your shirt
4What is Memory?
Persistence of learning over time via storage
and retrieval of information
5Origins of Memory Research
Hermann Ebbinghaus 1850-1909
E. L. Thorndike 1874-1949
- Animal Learning
- emphasized response acquisition
- No interference, memory
- Non-verbal matls
- Human Learning
- emphasized response retention
- Interference
- Verbal matls
6Thorndikes Puzzle Box
- Law of Effect A behavior is selected by its
consequences - Law of Readiness Responses can be chained
together - Law of Exercise Connections strengthened through
practice, weakened without practice
7Ebbinghaus Nonsense Syllable Learning
Day 1 Learn list WID ZOF BNE .
. .
Day n Relearn list WID ZOF BNE
. . .
8Modal Model of Memory
For each stage, what is its
9Iconic MemoryTemporal Integration Eriksen
Collins, 1967
10Iconic MemoryPartial Report Sperling, 1960
- Briefly (50 msec) flash consonant matrix (e.g., 3
x 3) - Report cued row
- Random cuing
- Vary interval between matrix and cue
11(No Transcript)