Title: Periodicals Eligibility
1Periodicals Eligibility
Presented by
- Basic Periodical Standards
- Characteristics
- Types of Authorizations
- Application Process
- In-County Subclass
- Mail Classification Act enacted in 1879
established mail classes, including Second-Class
- Four basic elements to qualify
- Published in serial format
- Established minimum frequency
- Office of Publication located in United States
- Composed of printed sheets
- Mailing Standards DMM 707
4 Periodicals
- Transmission of information
- Original or reprinted articles
- Listings
- Pictures
- Illustrations
- Graphs
- Advertising and non-advertising
- Cartoons comic strips
- Legal notices, Etc.
- Outside-county subclass
- Regular
- Nonprofit
- Classroom
- In-county subclass
- Must publish at least 4 x a year
- Must show number of issues to be printed each
year and at which intervals
- Must be specifically stated
- Acceptable examples
- Monthly Weekly Quarterly Four times a
year in January, February, October and
- Unacceptable examples
- 6 times a year
7Known Office of Publication
- A physical address in the U.S.
- Business conducted during normal business hours
- Supporting circulation records kept there, or
made available for review
10 Main Street Anytown, VA 20147
8(No Transcript)
- Unbound Publications
- Loose sheets, nested within each other to form
pages or have a single staple to hold them
- May consist of a single sheet
- Generally newspapers and newsletters
- Bound Publications
- Held together by glue or two or more staples
- Generally magazines and technical publications
11Printed Sheets
- Pages may be
- Detachable (e.g., coupons, applications, order
- Multilayered (e.g., glued together, unusual
shapes, pop-up, pouches, pockets, holograms)
- Oversized (e.g., maps, posters, charts)
- Constructed using minor amounts of string, rubber
bands, similar materials
12Content Restrictions
- Loose Enclosures (Bound Publications)
- Supplements (Bound Publications)
- Prohibited Matter
- Separate Price
- Catalogs
- Permit Imprints
- ISBN, ISSN, or Other USPS Number
- Products
13 Ride-Along
- Definition A Single Piece that otherwise
qualifies as Standard Mail mailed with a
Periodicals publication for 0.155
14Authorization Categories
- General (paid circulation)
- Requester (can be both paid or requested)
- Publications of institution and societies
- Publications of a State Department of
- Foreign
15General Publications (PAID)
- List of paid subscribers
- 30 of stated basic subscription rate are nominal
- No more than 75 advertising in more than 1/2 the
issues during any 12-month period
16Nominal Rate
- Copies sold for less than 30 the publishers
stated basic subscription rate
- Subscription price is so low it is not a material
- Premium offers
17Requester Publications Free or Paid
- At least 24 pages
- No more than 75 ads in any issue
18Requester PublicationsCirculation Standards
- 50 requesters or persons who have requested or
- Request valid for 3 years
- Must include signature date
- Not valid if induced by premium
- Telemarketing Internet request verified via
Form 3845 or a publishers letter
19Advertising Standards
- House Organs
- Owned or controlled by individuals or a business
- Conducted as an auxiliary for the advancement of
other businesses of those who own or control the
20Publications of Institutions Societies
- Institute of learning
- Benevolent or fraternal society
- Trade union
- Professional society
- Literary society
- Historical society
- Scientific society
- Religious organizations
21Publications of Institutions Societies
- Not authorized to carry general advertising
- All circulated copies are considered subscriber
- No circulation records required
- No circulation audit performed
22Other Types of Publications
- Publication of State Department of Agriculture
- Foreign publications
23Foreign Publications
- Must have the same general characteristics as
domestic publications
- Review of applications is based only on U.S.
- The Known Office of Publication may be the
publishers agent
24Identification Statement
- Shown Conspicuously in one of the specified
- Title (ISSN or USPS)
- Volume/Issue number and issue date
- Known Office of Publication
- Frequency
- Periodicals imprint
- POSTMASTER Send address changes
25Identification Statement
THE DAILY TIMES (ISSN 7132-698x) is
published daily except Sundays and
Mondays for 28 per year by Wright
News Co., 123 Maine Ave., Washington
DC 20004-0001. Periodicals postage
paid at Washington, DC. and additional
mailing offices. POSTMASTER Send
address changes to THE DAILY TIMES, PO Box 4,
Chicago, IL 60607-3385.
26Marked Copies
- Must submit Marked copies of each issue showing
what is advertising vs. non-advertising
- At the Original Entry Post Office, or
- At the Additional Entry Post Office
Publisher Must Also File a Copy of Each Issue
with the Postmaster at the Original Entry Office
27Statement of Ownership
- File annual Statement of Ownership, management,
and circulation as of October 1
- General requesters must print Statement of
Ownership information in specified issue
- Issued more frequently than weekly by October
- Issued weekly or less frequently, but more
frequently than monthly by Oct 31
- In the first issue produced after October 1 for
all other publications
28Statement of Ownership
- Application for Periodicals Mailing Privileges
- PS Form 3500, November 2001
- Used for all types of publications
- Handbook DM-204 Web access
30PS Form 3510
- Additional Entry
- Action
- Open (add)
- Close (cancel)
- Modify
- Only required where mail Is submitted for
- Re-entry
- Frequency
- of Issues
- Title
- Authorization
- Rates
- Original application 500
- Additional entry 75
- Re-entry 55
- Modify/Cancellation 55
- No fee is charged if Form 3510 is used only to
request a change in rates
32Pending Publications
- Mail prepared as Periodicals
- Submit PS Forms 3602 3541
- Pay higher Standard Mail postage
- Receive Periodicals service
- When approved, difference in postage is refunded
33In-County Rates
- In-county rates apply to subscriber copies of any
issue mailed within a county destinating to
addresses within the same county If
- The total paid circulation Is less than 10,000
copies, or
- The number of paid copies of such issues equals
more than 50 of the total paid circulation of
the issue
3410 Nonsubscriber Rule
- 10 limit of nonsubscribers
- During a calendar year, the total number of
nonsubscriber copies mailed at preferred rates
may not exceed 10 of the number of subscriber
copies mailed at preferred rates - The allowance for nonsubscriber copies mailed at
preferred rates is the 10 allowed with preferred
or the overall 10 limit, whichever occurs first
35Foreign Copies
Publishers Periodicals rates for foreign copies
36Periodicals Eligibility