Title: DH Example: Puma 560
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4D-H Example Puma 560
5First three rotations of Puma
6First three rotations of Puma
9The first rotation q1 occurs about the Z1 axis.
10The second rotation q2 occurs about the Z2 axis.
11However, the Z2 axis and the Z1 axis intersect
one another.
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13Therefore the X1 axis may be oriented arbitrarily.
14Therefore the X1 axis may be oriented arbitrarily.
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16Since the two frames share their origin, a1d20
17Since the two frames share their origin, a1d20
18But what about a1?
19But what about a1?
20But what about a1?
21The third axis of rotation is parallel to the
22The third axis of rotation is parallel to the
23The third axis of rotation is parallel to the
24So we may place the frame-3 origin anywhere along
that axis.
25After locating the origin of the 3 frame we
define d3.
26What is a2?
27What is a2?
28a2 is zero because the Z2 and Z3 frames are