Title: Agave
- Kingdom Plantae
- Subkingdom Tracheobionta
- Superdivision Spermophyta
- Division Magnoliophyta
- Class Liliopsida
- Subclass Liliidae
- Order Liliales
- Family Agavaceae
- Genus Agave
- 20-40 ft flowering stalk
- Usually green, yellow or white bell shaped
flowers - Produces wind dispersed seeds, and bulbs
(vegetative reproduction) - Rapid growth (15cm/day)
- 30 day period1
- 3 days to anthesis (maturation of anthers)
- 5 days to maturation of pistils
1Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Two sets of pollinators (day and night)
- Day butterflies, hummingbirds
- Little contribution towards pollination
- Night bats, moths
- Bats make up majority of pollination effort
- Without bats, seed production estimated at lt5
- In arid communities, Agave and other succulents
constitute majority of bats diet2
2Journal of Mammalogy
- Well drained rocky slopes in arid to tropical
climates - About 200 species
- Range from Southwest US to South America
- Some mediterranean species, plus many that have
escaped cultivation and become established around
the world.
- Rosette
- Ranges in size from 6-15
- All structure arising from single base
- Generally no stalk/trunk
- Well protected
- Leaves usually have spikes
- Heart of plant resembles pinecone
- Sweet, edible
6Uses of Agave
- Fermented beverage Agaumeil (honeywater) into
Maguey, Pulque, and Tequila - As a fiber soucre, strong fibers for making rope,
sandals, etc. - In Aztec society one could only drink Pulque
non-ceramoniously if over age of 52, or of Noble
8Agave as Fiber Source
Source of Sisal, a fiber comparable to hemp in
strength, ease of production, and availability
In Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula most of the
worlds rope was produced from Sisal plantations.
Play a key role in the national economy of Mexico
through 19th and early 20th centuries -leading
cash crop
Mexican Dictator Porfirio Diaz, in his project to
clear the Yaqui River Valley of barbarity, he
forced thousands of Yaqui Indians to work on
these Sisal Plantations
- Made from Agave tequilana (Blue Agave)
- Grown on plantations
- Plant densities 1,500 2,000 plants per acre
- Fermented by yeasts that are naturally occurring
in Agave - Aged in barrels
- Reposado 3-12 months aging
- Anejo 1 years aging
- Muy Anejo 5-6 years aging
10Jose Cuervo Plastic Jug BAD
- Some manufacturers speed fermentation process
- Mixto Addition of cane or brown sugar to speed
fermentation - Doesnt require mature plants
- Doesnt require many plants
- Makes awful tequila, as guy may be able to tell