Title: Establishing A Passing Standard
1Establishing A Passing Standard
- Paul D. Naylor, Ph.D.
- Psychometric Consultant
2Standard Setting
- The process used to arrive at a passing score
- Lowest score permitting entry to the field
- Recommended Standard
3Validity is About Interpretation
- Evidence to support the interpretation
- What standard setting system was used?
- What was the rationale for selecting it?
- What was the qualification of those who
- Mandated
- Norm-referenced
- Criterion-referenced
5Mandated Standards
- Often used in licensing
- Difficult to defend
- Not related to minimum qualification
6Norm-referenced Standards
- Popular in schools
- Limits entry
- Inconsistent results
7Criterion-referenced Standards
- Wide acceptqnce in professional testing
- Determines minimum qualification
- Not test population dependant
- Exam or item centered
- Angoff (modified)
- Nedelsky
- Ebell
- Others
9Minimally Competent Performance
- Minimum acceptable performance
- Minimal qualification
- Borderline
- Its all relative
10Angoff Method
- Judges
- Selection
- Training
- Probabilities
- Would vs Should
- Rater Agreement
- Tabulation
111. How many goals are on a basketball court?
122. How many halves are in a college basketball
133. How many quarters are in a high school
basketball game?
14 4. How many points does a 3- point
field goal account for in a basketball game?
155. How many teams are in the NCAA Mens
Basketball National Championship Tournament?
- Adjustment
- Angoff Values
- Alternative Forms of Exam
- Passing Score
17Validity Evidence
- How was the passing score set?
- Who set the passing score?
18Minimum Requirements
- Description of method
- Results of method used
- List of participants and qualifications
- Demographics
- Credentials
- Affiliations
19Additional Evidence
- Data from method used
- Description of training given to participants
- Definition of minimum qualification
- Livingston, S.A. Zieky, M.J. (1982). Passing
Scores. ETS. - Cizek, C.J. Standard setting guidelines.
Educational Measurement Issues and Practices, 15
(1), 13-21, 12. - CLEAR Exam Review (Winter 2001, Summer 2001, and