Title: Being A Good Friend By Room 12
1Being A Good FriendBy Room 12
- February 2006
- Hines/2nd Grade
2Kyle and Tiara
3Being a Good FriendBy Tiara
- My friend Aubrey lets me sleepover at
her house. I am going to give my friends candy
for Valentines day and their names are Madailin,
Aubrey, and Yasmeen. I am nice to all my friends
.My friends names are Aubrey, Yasmeen, Jessica,
and Giana. Me and my best friend Madailin are
doing a country report together on Germany. HAPPY
4Being a good friendBy Kyle
- I go play at my friends house.
- I play in the pool with my friend Luis.
- Me and my friend play R.C. in the dark.
- Me and my friend build a Knex roller coaster.
- Happy Valentines Day to Luis!
5Kyren and Jarod
6Being a Good FriendBy Kyren
- My best is friend treats me special. We do
many fun things together. On Friday Jarod and
I are going to have a sleepover at my house. In
the morning we talk about video games until the
bell rings. Sometimes at recess, Jarod and I dig
in the sand. We have fun together because we
have a lot of stuff in common. I love my best
7Being a good friend by Jarod
- My best friend is Kyren. I am good to him
in the morning by talking to him in the morning.
Im having a sleepover at Kyrens house on
Friday. My other friend Nathan plays a game with
me in the afternoon. I like my funny friends.
8Eric and Steven
9Being a Good FriendBy Eric
- Me and Logan play video games at Logans
house. Steven and me play crash at school I go
on the swing with Steven and Caleb. At the Youth
Center I play with Tiara and Logan. I get picked
up by my mom. Me and Steven go play golf. I
have good friends.
10Being a Good FriendBy Steven
- Me and Eric play tag.
- Me and Eric like to get chased.
- Eric and I play video games.
- At last me and Eric ride bikes.
- When me and Eric have a sleep over we have
popcorn and we watch moves and watch TV. Me and
Eric are Best friends. - My friend is fun.
11Ryan and Logan
12Being a good friendBy Ryan
- Being a good friend is playing outside.
- Second I play at Luis house we watch King
- Kong the move it is raided P.G.13.
- Me and my friend play on the swings it is
- very. very fun. Third, we build sand Castles
- and we play in the sand. Last, being a very
- good friend is playing with them. I have good
13How I Be a Good FriendBy Logan
- I help my friends when they are hurt. I'm
- nice to them when their other friends
- arent playing with them. I play Shadow
- Tag with them. Last, I like to play games
- with them and one of games I play with
- them is kick ball. I play with Kyle, Ryan,
- Eric, Steven, and Zack. It's good to have
- friends.
14Madailin, Brandy, and Dalton
15Being a Good FriendBy Madailin
- I helped my friend Tiara when she fell.
When my friends want me to play with them .
My sister wants to play with me too so I said my
sister can come and they said yes. I was being
a good friend when I didnt want to play with
my best friend but I play with her any way. I
love to be a good friend to everybody.
16Being A Good FriendBy Brandy Lopez
- My friends are very true to me. First, my friends
are Emma and Dalton. Second, when Im sad they
always help me. They always try to make me feel
better. Third, I always play with them at recess
every day. Last, they are always nice to me! I am
thankful for my two friends!!!
17Being A Good FriendBy Dalton
- I know how to be a good friend.
- First, my friends help me up when I am hurt
- or my back hurts. Me and Brandy and Emma have
fun playing with each other. Second, When I am
sad ,my friends are there for me. Third, they
like me for who I am. And last, they are cool
friends. Happy Valentines Day!
18Nicole and Cassie
friend. Cassie and I like to make each other
laugh. Cassie always treats me nice and helps me
when I am hurt. Cassie is always willing to be my
friend. Happy Valentines Day Cassie.
20Being A Good Friend by Cassie
- Nicole is a good friend to me. First,
- Nicole is nice to me. Second, Nicole
- Always plays with me. Third, Nicole is the
- Nicest friend ever. Last, Nicole is always
- willing to be my friend. Im glad she is my
21Zacharay and Kyle
22Being a Good Friend By Zachary
- My best friend is a good friend. He is
very nice to me. His name is Luis. We have
sleepovers on Sunday. We are best friends
forever. He is a cool friend. We like to play
video games together. We like to jump on his
trampoline. We are friends.
23Kristopher and Ryan
24Being a Good Friend by Kris
- I know how to be a good friend. We will
play football together. He helps me when my dogs
hurt me. We will play shadow tag together. We
will be best forever. Me and him always will play
soccer. We play basketball. We will always be
good friends.
25Emma and Brandy
26Being A Good Friend By Emma McAllum
- I know a lot of ways to be a good friend.
First, I ask my friends to come over and play
with me and my sisters and brothers. Second, we
play Hide and Go Seek, Cheetah Tag, and swings.
Third, Zachary always wins on Hide and Go Seek.
Every one finds me first and Zachary last. Last,
we always have a cracker with candy. I have the
best friends EVER!
27Thomas and Logan
28Friendshipby Thomas
- First you play with them. Then you play
Playstation with them. I can play Light Sabers
too. I have a lot of friends.
29Caleb and Friends
30Being A Good Friend By Caleb
- After playing freeze tag, we play on the
swings. We get chased by six girls. We play
outside with my friends. I have two friends. We
will be friends forever. Me and My friends play
with Play Station. I like my friends.
31The End
- By Room 12
- Mrs. Hines
- Second Grade
- February 2006