Title: Revolution in Reading
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3Revolution in Reading
an attempt to battle against the missionary
position of reading
Donna Leishman
- Evolution of Reading
- New active readership
- The C Revolutions
- Computerization
- Convenience
- Customization
4The Evidence Readers at Risk
- Fewer than half of Americans over 18 now read
novels, short stories, plays or poetry - Just 56.6 read a book of any kind in the
previous year, down from 60.9 percent a decade
earlier. - 37.6 of men were doing less literary reading
than women (55.1 ) Hispanics (26.5 ) were
doing less than African-Americans (37.1 ) and
whites (51.4 ) but that all categories were
declining. - In 1982, 59.8 of 18-to-24-year-olds read
literature by 2002 that figure had dropped to
42.8 - In the 25-to-34 age group, the percentage of
literary readers dropped to 47.7 from 62.1 - Of literary readers, 43 perform charity work
only 17 of nonreaders do
17,135 people surveyed - data was compared
with similar studies from 1982 1992 The
Survey of Public Participation in the Arts
United States Census Bureau 2002
5 The Evidence The Failure of Technology
- Technology is only great when you know
how to use it. -
Dan Hesse, CEO Sprint - Students surveyed
- Dont like e-learning, too much work
- They want to be connected, principally to one
another - They want to be entertained by games, music, and
movies - They want to present themselves and their work
- Most faculty still teach as they were taught
- Only use electronics to simplify tasks, not
change their teaching - They readily translate lecture notes into
PowerPoint presentations - Use Blackboard / WebCT to distribute materials,
grades assignments - Result? Higher education's jaundiced view of the
fundamental value of electronically mediated
6(r)Evolutionary (e)Books Mantra
- Recognize ebooks as the latest evolutionary stage
in the extraordinary history of the book - Expand the narrow definition of electronic books
beyond the one accepted and propagated by
commercial publishers and the media - Understand the advantages, disadvantages
future impact of new formats - Review, assess and interact with critically
acclaimed digital publications and hardware - Consider significant issues such as the
redefinition of the reading, writing and
creative processes and the future of
information delivery - Re-imagine the importance of the book to
learning and scholarship
7(r)Evolutionary (e)Books The Evolution of the
- Oral tradition
- Wall painting
- Cuneiform / Ideogram
- Alphabets / Calligraphy
- Papyrus / Parchment / Paper
- Binding
- Movable type
8(r)Evolutionary (e)Books A Happening
9(r)Evolutionary (e)Books The Exhibit
10(r)Evolutionary (e)Books On the Road