Title: MAID Analysis Techniques
1MAIDAnalysis Techniques
- introduction
- a dynamical approach to meson electroproduction
- the unitary isobar model MAID
- comparison of multipoles between MAID and SAID
- resonance parameters and transition form factors
- summary and outlook
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4why partial wave analysis
- learn about nucleon resonancesin particular
about their e.m. structuretransition moments,
form factors GE, GM, GC - study threshold amplitudesto compare with ChPT
- obtain cross sections and amplitudes over a wide
range of energies for dispersive studies- sum
rules GDH, FFR, etc.- two-photon reactions
Compton, VCS, SSA, etc. - find missing or exotic resonances
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6part of the resonance dressing in K-matrix and
isobar models - as well as in PDG definition -
the Mainz-Dubna Unitary Isobar Model
K-matrix unitarization
unitarization phase determined by the Watson
theorem, below 2p threshold relaxed above 2p
- the Resonances in MAID are dressed resonances
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16Results on photo- and electroproduction of
nucleon resonances
17(MAID uses SAID pion nucleon analysis)
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19comparison between MAID and SAID
20comparison between MAID and SAID
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22electroproduction analysis of nucleon resonances
with MAID
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26Delta P33(1232) and D13(1520) resonances
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31Roper P11(1440) and S11(1535) resonances
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34some results from Eta-MAID
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36Resonance Parameters from h-MAID
10-3 GeV-1/2
Numbers in green are fitting parameters
37D15(1675) mainly a neutron resonance with large
branching into hN
38summary on MAID techniques
- field theoretical background in tree
approximation - pion loop contributions in K-matrix
approximationguarantees a unitarized background - non-Born bg terms account for missing loop
contributions a) empirical terms near threshold
for E0, S0b) PS-PV mixing at higher energies
in E0, S0, M1-, S1- - nucleon resonance excitation in s-channel
Breit-Wigner parametrization(MAID strategy as
few as necessary, in Maid05 13 res.) - Q2 dependent transition form factorslead to
superglobal energy- and Q2 dependent solutions - Outlook PWA groups should work together in order
todetermine and eventually to reduce model