Title: Paul Merrell Dinesh Manocha
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2Continuous Model Synthesis
Paul Merrell Dinesh
Manocha The
University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
3Model Synthesis
- Procedural Modeling Technique
- Inspired by texture synthesis
Example Texture
Example Model
Output Texture
Output Model
4Model Synthesis
- Procedural Modeling Technique
- Advantages
- General
- Applies to many types of models
- Simple
- Simple to use, simple to implement
- Efficient
- Generates complex shapes in a few minutes
- Related Work
- Method
- Results
- Comparison
6Related Work
- Texture Synthesis
- Efros and Leung, 1999
- Wei and Levoy, 2000
- Kwatra et al., 2003
- Model Synthesis
- Merrell, 2007
Axis Aligned Parts
7Related Work - Procedural Modeling
Wonka et al., 2003
Müller et al., 2006
Legakis et al., 2001
Prusinkiewicz et al., 2001
Mech Prusinkiewicz, 1996
Musgrave et al., 1989
8How are the Shapes Similar?
Output Shape
Example Shape
9Create Sets of Parallel Lines
Example Shape
Sets of Parallel Lines
10Create Vertices at Intersections
Example Shape
2D Arrangement
11Output is Generated within the Lines
Example Shape
Output Shape
12Divide the Example with Lines
Example Shape
13What Could Appear at an Edge?
Possible Edge States
14What Could Appear at an Edge?
Possible Edge States
This never appears in the Example Shape.
15What Could Appear at a Vertex?
Possible Vertex States
16What Could Appear at a Vertex?
Possible Vertex States
17Enumerate All Possibilities Initially
For a triangular example shape
Edges have three states.
Vertices have five states.
Faces have two states.
18Assign States
We now know something about the adjacent edges.
The edge must be above the blue vertex.
Empty space must be beneath it.
Interior above exterior beneath the edge.
, Propagate
Each removal may cause additional
removals. The removals propagate.
20Finished Removing States.
No more states need to be removed.
The result is a triangle.
We havent determined whats here.
Assign more states
21Algorithm Overview
- Create sets of parallel lines.
- Find acceptable states.
- while there exists an unassigned edge or vertex
- . Randomly assign a state to it.
- . Remove incompatible states.
Example Shape
22What Happens in 3D?
Example Model
- Create parallel planes instead of lines.
23Find All Possible States
Nine States
Example Model
24Example Model
25Generated Model
26Example Model
27Generated Model
28Example Model
29Generated Model
30Example Model
31Generated Model
32Example Model
33Generated Model
34Example Model
Sierpinkski Tetrahedron
35Generated Model
36Result Statistics
- Total modeling time was short.
- Input models were easily created.
- Each model was generated in two minutes or less.
- Other methods model complex buildings.
- Müller et al., 2006
- Wonka et al., 2003
- They require more guidance from the user.
- They use shape grammars.
- Earlier work in model synthesis required
axis-aligned parts.
- Each distinct normal requires another set of
planes. - With many planes, the algorithm becomes less
efficient. - More user control is needed.
- Model synthesis is a general, simple, and
efficient method for generating complex models. - Acknowledgements
- Intel
40Constraint-Based Model Synthesis
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42Modifying in Parts