Creation and Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Creation and Science


For example, potassium-40 decays to argon-40; uranium-238 decays to lead-206 via ... Some interesting facts: There is no mystery if you accept what the Bible says ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Creation and Science

Creation and Science
  • Friends or enemies?

The big issues
  • Evolution
  • Dating methods
  • Fossils
  • Flood
  • Dinosaurs
  • Starlight and time
  • Irreducible complexity
  • Information theory

Authority of scripture
  • All Scripture is given by inspiration of God
  • 2 Tim 316

  • Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in
    our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of
    the sea and the birds of the air, over the
    livestock, over all the earth, and over all the
    creatures that move along the ground."
  • Genesis 126
  • By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food
    until you return to the ground, since from it you
    were taken for dust you are and to dust you will
  • Genesis 319

  • Let the land produce vegetation seed-bearing
    plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with
    seed in it, according to their various kinds
    plants bearing seed according to their kinds and
    trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to
    their kinds.
  • Genesis 111-12
  • Let the land produce living creatures according
    to their kinds livestock, creatures that move
    along the ground, and wild animals, each
    according to its kind.
  • Genesis 124

  • Let the land produce vegetation seed-bearing
    plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with
    seed in it, according to their various kinds
    plants bearing seed according to their kinds and
    trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to
    their kinds.
  • Genesis 111-12
  • Let the land produce living creatures according
    to their kinds livestock, creatures that move
    along the ground, and wild animals, each
    according to its kind.
  • Genesis 124

  • Evolution is a belief system (that claims to be
    a science) that says that all life on earth
    ultimately derives from a single original life
    form, and those life forms have been
    progressively changing (evolving) over millions
    of years into the complex forms of life
    (including human life) we see today
  • Evolutionary effects are often classified into
    one of two categories
  • Microevolution changes within a kind
  • Macroevolution changes between kinds

  • There are two views
  • Evolution from non-living elements, up through
    endless. development, through ape-like creatures,
    till finally human existence became different to
    ape existence. This is the atheistic evolutionist
  • God set evolution in progress and guided progress
    and guided the development, and so, in effect,
    created man. Therefore man is still responsible
    to his Creator, and the evolutionary scientist is
    also seen to be credible. This view is known as
    theistic evolution.

Biblical model for change in animals
  • God commanded the living things He created to
    multiply after their kindan expression
    repeated 10 times in Genesis 1 (v 11, 12, 21, 22,
    24, 25, 26, 28)
  • Adams sin brought a curse on the entire
    creation one consequence was that mutations
    began to accumulate in DNA.
  • Noah had 2 of each kind (seven of the clean) of
    air-breathing land animal (probably around 16,000
    individual animals) with him on the Ark. After
    the animals disembarked and began to multiply,
    they would have migrated to various areas and
    adapted to the area they settled in.
  • We observe reproduction only within the created
    kinds today, e.g. dogs breed other dogs,
    weasels breed other weasels, etc.
  • Great amounts of information variability still
    exist today in the animal, plant and human
    genomes. This means that many varieties can arise
    within each kind by sorting out already
    existing information. The number of different
    offspring that could theoretically be produced
    from two people is 102017 (compare to the number
    of atoms in the known universe 1080).

Evolutionary model for change in animals
  • Violence and bloodshed are a required part of
    evolutionary theory
  • Animals are improved through the process of
    natural selection and genetic mutation
  • The informational effect of natural selection and
    genetic mutation is positive and over time
    improved versions of the original animal will
  • These changes made to animal offspring can be so
    severe that they can change the type of animal
    from one to another (amphibian to reptile for

Suggested mechanisms for molecules-to-man
  • Natural Selection
  • Thirteen species of finches live on the
    Galápagos, the famous island group visited by
    Charles Darwin in the 1830s. The finches have a
    variety of bill shapes and sizes, all suited to
    their varying diets and lifestyles. The
    explanation given by Darwin was that they are all
    the offspring of an original pair of finches, and
    that natural selection is responsible for the
    differences. Say some finches ended up on islands
    in which there was a shortage of seeds, but many
    grubs were living under tree bark. In a
    population with much variation, some will have
    longer, some shorter, beaks than average. Those
    birds carrying more of the long-beak
    information could survive on those grubs, and
    thus would be more likely to pass the information
    on to their descendants, while the others would
    die out. In this way, with selection acting on
    other characters as well, a woodpecker finch
    could arise. The same thing is seen in artificial
    selection, with all the various modern breeds of
    dogs being more specialized than the parent
    (mongrel) population, but carrying less
    informationand thus less potential for further
    selection (you cant breed Great Danes from
    Chihuahuas). In all these sorts of changes,
    finches are still finches and dogs are dogs. The
    limits to change are set by the amount of
    information originally present from which to
  • Carl Wieland, Darwins Finches

Suggested mechanisms for molecules-to-man
  • Natural Selection
  • Living things are culled based on environmental
    pressures or changes.
  • This involves a loss or redistribution of genetic
    information as animals become unable to
    interbreed, so cannot be a mechanism for
  • Natural selection is basically a conservative
    force, which supports the Biblical teaching that
    all things were created to reproduce after their

Suggested mechanisms for molecules-to-man
  • Mutations
  • Mutations are copying mistakes as genetic
    information is passed from parent to child.
  • This also involves a loss or corruption of the
    original genetic content, not a net gain, as is
    required by fish-to-philosopher evolution.
  • This is explained by the Biblical teaching that
    all things are suffering from the curse God
    placed on His creation because of Adams sin
    (Genesis 31719, Romans 820-22)

Suggested mechanisms for molecules-to-man
  • With this array of human diseases that are
    caused by mutations, what of positive effects?
    With thousands of examples of harmful mutations
    readily available, surely it should be possible
    to describe some positive mutations if
    macroevolution is true. These would be needed not
    only for evolution to greater complexity, but
    also to offset the downward pull of the many
    harmful mutations. But, when it comes to
    identifying positive mutations, evolutionary
    scientists are strangely silent. The mutation
    responsible for sickle cell anaemia has been put
    forward as an example of evolution. The problems
    with this is obvious, as the sickle cell
    mutation, like the many other described
    haemoglobin mutations, clearly impairs the
    function of the otherwise marvellously
    well-designed haemoglobin molecule. It can in no
    way be regarded as an improvement in our species,
    even though its incidence is enhanced in
    malaria-endemic parts of central Africa by
    natural selection.
  • The blind gunman, Institute for Creation research

Evolution where is the evidence?
  • There are no transitional links and intermediate
    forms in either the fossil record or the modern
    world. Therefore, there is no actual evidence
    that evolution has occurred either in the past or
    the present.

Absolutely no transitional forms either in the
fossil record or in modern animal and plant life
have been found. All appear fully formed and
complete. The fossil record amply supplies us
with representation of almost all species of
animals and plants but none of the supposed links
of plant to animal, fish to amphibian, amphibian
to reptile, or reptile to birds and mammals are
represented nor any transitional forms at all.
There are essentially the same gaps between all
the basic kinds in the fossil record as exists in
plant and animal life today. There are literally
a host of missing links in the fossil record and
the modern world.
Dating methods
Dating methods Carbon-14
  • Carbon-14 is made when cosmic rays knock neutrons
    out of atomic nuclei in the upper atmosphere.
    These displaced neutrons, now moving fast, hit
    ordinary nitrogen (14N) at lower altitudes,
    converting it into 14C. Unlike common carbon
    (12C), 14C is unstable and slowly decays,
    changing it back to nitrogen and releasing
    energy. This instability makes it radioactive.
  • Ordinary carbon (12C) is found in the carbon
    dioxide (CO2) in the air, which is taken up by
    plants, which in turn are eaten by animals. So a
    bone, or a leaf or a tree, or even a piece of
    wooden furniture, contains carbon. When the 14C
    has been formed, like ordinary carbon (12C), it
    combines with oxygen to give carbon dioxide
    (14CO2), and so it also gets cycled through the
    cells of plants and animals.
  • We can take a sample of air, count how many 12C
    atoms there are for every 14C atom, and calculate
    the 14C/12C ratio. Because 14C is so well mixed
    up with 12C, we expect to find that this ratio is
    the same if we sample a leaf from a tree, or a
    part of your body.
  • In living things, although 14C atoms are
    constantly changing back to 14N, they are still
    exchanging carbon with their surroundings, so the
    mixture remains about the same as in the
    atmosphere. However, as soon as a plant or animal
    dies, the 14C atoms which decay are no longer
    replaced, so the amount of 14C in that
    once-living thing decreases as time goes on. In
    other words, the 14C/12C ratio gets smaller. So,
    we have a clock which starts ticking the moment
    something dies.

Dating methods Carbon-14
  • Limitations
  • Only works for living things (that take in 14C)
  • Has a half life of 11,460 years
  • Plants discriminate against 14C
  • The ratio of 14C/12C in the atmosphere is not
  • No. 4 means 14C dates are adjusted based on
    historically dated objects
  • No. 5 means 14C dating can only be used for dates
    on historical record

Dating methods Carbon-14
  • More Limitations
  • Cosmic rays affect the amount of 14C in our
    atmosphere based on the suns activity (which we
    cannot predict)
  • The earths magnetic field affects the cosmic rays
    entering the atmosphere
  • The flood buried the 12C producing animals and
    plants, but the 14C production would have
    remained constant upsetting the 14C/12C ratio

Dating methods Carbon-14
  • How reliable / useful is 14C dating?
  • Within certain known parameters it is useful but
    there are so many effects that alter the dates
    you get out of it that the results are likely to
    be incorrect.

Dating methods other radiometric dating
  • There are various other radiometric dating
    methods used today to give ages of millions or
    billions of years for rocks. These techniques,
    unlike carbon dating, mostly use the relative
    concentrations of parent and daughter products in
    radioactive decay chains. For example,
    potassium-40 decays to argon-40 uranium-238
    decays to lead-206 via other elements like
    radium uranium-235 decays to lead-207
    rubidium-87 decays to strontium-87 etc. These
    techniques are applied to igneous rocks, and are
    normally seen as giving the time since
  • The isotope concentrations can be measured very
    accurately, but isotope concentrations are not
    dates. To derive ages from such measurements,
    unprovable assumptions have to be made such as
  • The starting conditions are known (for example,
    that there was no daughter isotope present at the
    start, or that we know how much was there).
  • Decay rates have always been constant.
  • Systems were closed or isolated so that no parent
    or daughter isotopes were lost or added.

Dating methods other radiometric dating
  • When a date differs from that expected,
    researchers readily invent excuses for rejecting
    the result. The common application of such
    posterior reasoning shows that radiometric dating
    has serious problems. Woodmorappe cites hundreds
    of examples of excuses used to explain "bad"
  • For example, researchers applied posterior
    reasoning to the dating of Australopithecus
    ramidus fossils. Most samples of basalt closest
    to the fossil-bearing strata give dates of about
    23 Ma (Mega annum, million years) by the
    argon-argon method. The authors decided that was
    too old, according to their beliefs about the
    place of the fossils in the evolutionary grand
    scheme of things. So they looked at some basalt
    further removed from the fossils and selected 17
    of 26 samples to get an acceptable maximum age of
    4.4 Ma. The other nine samples again gave much
    older dates but the authors decided they must be
    contaminated and discarded them. That is how
    radiometric dating works. It is very much driven
    by the existing long-age world view that pervades
    academia today.
  • The forms issued by radioisotope laboratories for
    submission with samples to be dated commonly ask
    how old the sample is expected to be. Why? If the
    techniques were absolutely objective and
    reliable, such information would not be
    necessary. Presumably, the laboratories know that
    anomalous dates are common, so they need some
    check on whether they have obtained a good

Dating methods physical evidences
  • Evidence for a rapid formation of geological
    strata, as in the biblical flood. Some of the
    evidences are lack of erosion between rock
    layers supposedly separated in age by many
    millions of years lack of disturbance of rock
    strata by biological activity (worms, roots,
    etc.) lack of soil layers polystrate fossils
    (which traverse several rock layers
    verticallythese could not have stood vertically
    for eons of time while they slowly got buried)
    thick layers of rock bent without fracturing,
    indicating that the rock was all soft when bent
    and more. For more, see books by geologists
    Morris and Austin.
  • Red blood cells and haemoglobin have been found
    in some (unfossilized!) dinosaur bone. But these
    could not last more than a few thousand
    yearscertainly not the 65 Ma since the last
    dinosaurs lived, according to evolutionists
  • The earths magnetic field has been decaying so
    fast that it looks like it is less than 10,000
    years old. Rapid reversals during the flood year
    and fluctuations shortly after would have caused
    the field energy to drop even faster.
  • Radioactive decay releases helium into the
    atmosphere, but not much is escaping. The total
    amount in the atmosphere is 1/2000th of that
    expected if the universe is really billions of
    years old. This helium originally escaped from
    rocks. This happens quite fast, yet so much
    helium is still in some rocks that it has not had
    time to escapecertainly not billions of years.

Dating methods physical evidences
  • A supernova is an explosion of a massive starthe
    explosion is so bright that it briefly outshines
    the rest of the galaxy. The supernova remnants
    (SNRs) should keep expanding for hundreds of
    thousands of years, according to physical
    equations. Yet there are no very old, widely
    expanded (Stage 3) SNRs, and few moderately old
    (Stage 1) ones in our galaxy, the Milky Way, or
    in its satellite galaxies, the Magellanic Clouds.
    This is just what we would expect for young
    galaxies that have not existed long enough for
    wide expansion.
  • The moon is slowly receding for the earth at
    about 4 centimeters (1.5 inches) per year, and
    this rate would have been greater in the past.
    But even if the moon had started receding from
    being in contact with the earth, it would have
    taken only 1.37 billion years to reach its
    present distance from the earth. This gives a
    maximum age of the moon, not the actual age. This
    is far too young for evolutionists who claim the
    moon is 4.6 billion years old. It is also much
    younger than the radiometric dates assigned to
    moon rocks.
  • Salt is entering the sea much faster than it is
    escaping. The sea is not nearly salty enough for
    this to have been happening for billions of
    years. Even granting generous assumptions to
    evolutionists, the sea could not be more than 62
    Ma years oldfar younger than the billions of
    years believed by the evolutionists. Again, this
    indicates a maximum age, not the actual age.

Dating methods how do we date?
  • Creationists understand the limitations of dating
    methods better than evolutionists who claim that
    they can use processes observed in the present to
    prove that the earth is billions of years old.
    In reality, all dating methods, including those
    that point to a young earth, rely on unprovable
  • Creationists ultimately date the earth
    historically using the chronology of the Bible.
    This is because they believe that this is an
    accurate eyewitness account of world history,
    which bears the evidence within it that it is the
    Word of God, and therefore totally reliable and

Fossils Humanist view
  • Over millions of years animals and plants have
    slowly become fossilised leaving us evidence that
    evolution is true that there has been a gradual
    upward progression in the animal kingdom.

Fossils Humanist attacks
  • There are millions of dead fossilised things
    which are millions of years old all over the
    earth we can date these and prove that there
    have been millions of years.
  • The fossils are in layers which prove they
    occurred at particular time periods.
  • The fossil record proves that evolution is true
    it is a historic record of the progression of
    evolving life on earth.

Fossils Christian view
  • God judged the earth because of the sinfulness of
    man with a global flood from which only Noah, his
    family, and some of each of the animal types were
    saved. During the flood millions of animals and
    plants were killed, these would have been
    fossilised by the sudden catastrophic influx of
    water, leaving us with the fossil record we see

Fossils Christian counter attacks
  • This is just a dating argument, so we can refer
    to the things said previously about dating.
  • We would expect fossils to be in layers because
    of the separating effect the flood waters would
    have based on animal size / mass, also the more
    intelligent and mobile animals would have escaped
    to higher ground and so therefore been buried
    later. This fits well with what we find.
  • We know that fossils need to be formed through
    sudden catastrophic events because otherwise the
    body of the animal would not be fossilised it
    would be eaten, float away, etc so this closely
    fits a global flood scenario.
  • There is no evidence of transitional forms in the
    fossil record see evolution
  • We know that rock layers can be formed suddenly
    Mt St. Helens it doesnt require millions of
  • The earth has billions of dead things buried in
    rock layers laid down by water all over the
    earth. This is stunning proof of the truth of the
    flood, it is exactly the kind of evidence we
    would expect!

Fossils quotes
  • A thin slice of T. rex bone glowed amber
    beneath the lens of my microscope. Blood vessel
    channels snaked through a bone matrix, and tiny
    chambers known as lacunae, which house
    bone-forming cells, appeared as small ovals. The
    lab filled with murmurs of amazement, for I had
    focused on something inside the vessels that none
    of us had ever noticed before tiny round
    objects, translucent red with a dark center.
    Then a colleague took one look at them and
    shouted, Youve got red blood cells. Youve got
    red blood cells!Finding remains of dinosaur
    blood cells would have astounding implications.
  • Mary Schweitzer Tracy Staedter,
  • The Real Jurassic Park, Earth

Fossils quotes
  • One of the things that we have is a part of the
    hip bone or pelvis. Now this specimen actually
    looks like it had come from an animal that looks
    like it died two or three hundred years ago. All
    dry, chalky, this sort of thing. Doesnt actually
    mean it died two or three hundred years ago. In
    Montana, Ive seen dinosaur bones that look like
    theyve come from animals that died two or three
    hundred years ago, and I know very well that they
    died much longer than that. It gives the
    suggestion that Megalania may have been alive
    fairly recently.
  • Dr Ralph Molnar, Into the Unknown,

If the evidence for the flood is so compelling
why dont scientists agree?
  • 5But they deliberately forget that long ago by
    God's word the heavens existed and the earth was
    formed out of water and by water. 6By these
    waters also the world of that time was deluged
    and destroyed.
  • 2 Peter 35-6

  • Dinosaurs the big mystery the Bible cant answer

  • According to evolutionists
  • Dinosaurs evolved 235 million years ago long
    before man
  • Humans never lived at the same time as dinosaurs
  • 65 million years ago the dinosaurs all
    disappeared, probably due to an asteroid
  • Some believe some dinosaurs survived and became
    the birds

  • According to the Bible
  • Dinosaurs first existed 6,000 years ago
  • God made the dinosaurs along with the other land
    animals on day six
  • Adam and Eve were made on day six so they lived
    at the same time as dinosaurs
  • Dinosaurs could not have died out before people
    because death did not exist before the fall
  • Some of the kind of dinosaurs would have been
    on the ark (possibly as eggs / infants)
  • Due to post-flood climactic change, lack of food,
    disease, and mans activities many animals became
    extinct (possibly some or all dinosaurs)

  • 15"Look now at the behemoth
  • which I made along with you He eats grass like
    an ox. 16See now, his strength is in his hips,
    And his power is in his stomach muscles. 17He
    moves his tail like a cedar The sinews of his
    thighs are tightly knit. 18His bones are like
    beams of bronze, His ribs like bars of iron.
    19He is the first of the ways of God Only He
    who made him can bring near His sword.
  • Job 4015-19
  • The phrase first of the ways of God suggests
    that this was the biggest animal God had made
    (note the elephants and hippos dont fit this

  • Some interesting facts
  • There is no mystery if you accept what the Bible
  • Many (recent) dragon legends fit dinosaur

Starlight and time
Starlight and Time
  • Solving the puzzle of distant starlight in a
    young universe
  • These are attempts to solve some unsolved
    astrophysics questions in particular
  • The Bible says the universe is just thousands of
    years old, and yet we can see starts that are
    billions of light-years away. How can see those
    stars? How did the light get here?
  • Recommended book Starlight and Time, D
    Humphreys Ph.D

Irreducible complexity
Irreducible complexity
  • Irreducible complexity is the idea that a system
    cannot be reduced any more, nothing more can be
    removed if the system is to continue to function.
    If true this suggests the system could not have
    evolved in a stepwise manner.
  • Examples are cillium, blood clotting, AMP and
  • production in cells.
  • There are some issues with this approach
  • Recommended book Darwins black box, M. Behe

Information theory
Information theory
  • A type of modern scientific design argument based
    on information theory
  • Very complex and esoteric!
  • Fun to read if you enjoy those things though!
  • Recommended book In the beginning was
    Information, Werner Gitt

  • Please be kind!
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