Title: Life Hacks
1Life Hacks
- An Introduction to Getting Things Done
- UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies . Professional
Development Initiative - http//www.grad.ubc.ca/gradpd/
2Life Hacks Agenda
- Introduction to Getting Things Done
- Exercise I The Mind Sweep
- Action Contexts
- Exercise II Process Your Sweep
- Practical Implementations for Graduate Students
- Creating Systems You Trust Examples
- Project The Hipster Nano PDA
- Resources
3Life Hacks Introduction
- Defining Getting Things Done for Graduate
Students - Getting Things Done rests on the principle that
a person needs to move tasks out of their mind
and get them recorded somewhere. That way, the
mind is freed from the job of remembering
everything that needs to be done, and can
concentrate fully on actually performing those
tasks. - What are your competing networks of contexts?
- What kinds of personal information management
systems or tools do you currently employ?
4Life Hacks Exercise I
- The Mind Sweep
- Identify and write down the largest tasks that
you have facing you - Write, in one sentence, your intended successful
outcome for that task - Write down the very next physical action required
to move the objective closer.
5Life Hacks Goals of the Mind Sweep
- Capturing your stuff
- Understanding your commitments
- Dealing with your commitments
6Life Hacks Action Contexts
- What is an action?
- What is an action context?
- Defining your next actions
- Turn your tasks into real, actionable items
- Outcome thinking vs. To do lists
7Life Hacks No Next Actions
- Trash
- Incubate
- File as Reference
8Life Hacks Exercise II
- Process Your Sweep
- Apply a context to every task that you have
listed from Exercise I - Try to keep your contexts physical ones, if you
are able - Review
- Review your action lists daily
- Organize your future tasks according to the most
appropriate context consistently
9Life Hacks Summary Processing Your Tasks
- Turn your tasks into actionable items
- Control your commitments
- Be consistent
10Life Hacks Summary Processing Your Tasks
- Trash
- Complete (two minute rule)
- Sort
- Identify further tasks
11Managing Your Open Loops
- In short form, you want to
- Capture
- Collect
- Clarify
- Act
- Remind
12Life Hacks Creating Systems You Trust
- Examples 43 Folders
- Reference Files and Support Information
13Life Hacks Google Calendar (http//www.google.c
14Life Hacks Practical Implementations for
Graduate Students
- Course work
- T.A. work
- Comprehensive examinations
- Meeting submission deadlines for grants and
program work - Theses and dissertations
- Preparing for your defense
- Coordinating job searches
15Life Hacks Grading Rubrics and Note-Taking
- Implementations for T.A. Work
- Standardized marking guide
- Consistent marking criteria
- Facilitates grading process
- Implementations for Course Work and Research
- Cornell Note Taking System
- Google Notebook (http//www.google.com/notebook)
16Life Hacks Using mind maps
17Life Hacks using concept maps
18Concept Maps Vs. Mind Maps
- Concept Maps
- Sciences
- Focus question
- Context frame
- Linear
- objective
- Mind Maps
- Humanities
- Central image
- Radial
- Non-linear / spontaneous
- subjective
19Life Hacks In Your Pocket
- The Hipster Nano PDA
- Moleskin Notebook
- Sticky notes
- Zip lock baggies
- The space pen
20Life Hacks D.I.Y Planners
- Setting up your planner
- Cover
- Contacts
- Calendar
- Actions
- Project
- Potentials
- Read/review
- Reference
- Miscellaneous lists
21Life Hacks Resources
- Academic Productivity Blog http//www.academicprod
uctivity.com/blog/ - Wikindx http//wikindx.sourceforge.net/ (a free
bibliographic and quotations/notes management and
article authoring system ) - Novel Writer (freeware, useful for academic
writing as it allows you to link marginal notes
to internal context) http//jerssoftwarehut.com/Ab
outJNW.shtml - Key Note (tabbed notebook program allows you to
open one file which gives you access to multiple
levels of notes attached to the primary file)
http//www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html - Kinkless GTD (applescript plugins for
OmniOutliner Pro to facilitate GTD
http//kinkless.com - Build an online research diary using weblogs and
wikis, or using software such as Journler for Mac
http//journler.com/ , Microsoft One-Note, or
EverNOte http//www.evernote.com/en/