Title: Recovering From Dental Implants Surgery: 10 Life Hacks
1Dental Implants
2If you want to make your dental implants last as
long as possible, it is essential to take care of
them after surgery.
4Despite being an outpatient dental surgery,
patients will feel groggy after getting dental
implants. The effects of local anesthesia can
last for several hours after the surgery, so
patients should rest well after their surgery. We
use local anesthesia to numb the treatment area
before inserting dental implants.
5Ensure that you follow your dentist's
post-surgery advice. After your procedure, your
dentist will arrange a follow-up appointment or
two. Attend these appointments on time. During
these visits, dentists check the dental implants
to ensure that they are healing properly and that
nothing unusual is visible.
Follow the Dentists instructions
6Take your painkillers exactly as directed every
time, even if it's in the middle of the night.
Always follow the directions on your prescription
for pain relief.
7A good oral hygiene routine is crucial to good
oral health. Keep your mouth clean to prevent
bacteria from building up on the operated area.
Bacteria on fresh wounds can cause infection in
the gums, which will lead to further issues.
Keep Your Mouth Clean
8There are several recipes for a soft food diet
that are rich in vitamins. Fruits and vegetables
with high fiber content are the best after
surgery. In order to promote healing, foods rich
in vitamins A and C, such as mashed potatoes,
creamy soup, applesauce, milkshakes, and yogurt,
should be consumed.
9It is important to avoid fluoride-free
toothpaste, charcoal toothpaste, baking soda, and
vinegar because they can damage your teeth and
implants. Fluoride is present in toothpaste,
mouthwash, and water.
Use Fluoride
10You should avoid touching the dental implants
with your fingers a few days after surgery
because the wound is still fresh.
11After dental implant surgery, smoking interferes
with the natural healing process and increases
your risk of infection and failure. It stains the
enamel of your teeth, making them yellow. As a
result of the motion of sucking while smoking,
dry sockets can develop.
Dont Smoke
12The extreme coldness of wine and carbonated
beverages can stain dental implants and cause
13After getting dental implants, hard, chewy, and
sticky foods are strictly forbidden. They can
damage the implants as well as break them. Foods
to avoid include popcorn kernels, ice, hard
candies, gummy candies, taffy, caramel apples,
and seeds.
Avoid Certain Foods
14Any physical exertion can impede the healing
process at the area of treatment. When lifting,
bending, pulling or pushing objects which require
significant force, there is a risk of undue
bleeding, pain or swelling. On the first day it
is important to rest and allow your gums time to
recover from their stress-filled ordeal. Steer
clear of sudden movements such as standing too
quickly as this may cause dizziness. Moreover,
strenuous exercise should not be done as your
body may be incapable of handling it with reduced
caloric and fluid intake.
16(No Transcript)
DDS, Prosthodontics
Dr. Joel Khoo is a prosthodontist who earned his
degrees from the National University of Singapore
and the University of Iowa. He finds dentistry
fulfilling and challenging and enjoys restoring
patients' dental health and confidence. He lives
in Corpus Christi with his family and enjoys
spending time with them and engaging in outdoor
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