Title: 30 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes . . .and then some
130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes . . .and
then some
2Your Presenters
- Robert Wesolowski Caring Habits
- Chris Stogel Manhattan College
- Jim ODay Legionaries of Christ
- Carolyn LaSalle Lester Telemarketing
- John Kehoe Trinity Direct
- Ellen Barkenbush Culinary Institute of America
- Joseph Ferraro PULSE Marketing, Development
330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Even if you dont get the results you were
expecting, you can always find positive outcomes
in your program. EB
530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Put first class stamp on your return envelope to
your top 1,000 donors for your best appeal. Make
sure you use 3 or 4 stamps with different values
for a total of 0.41. JK
730 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- A benefit of calling educating the prospect on
the importance of gift - not necessarily the
amount. CL
930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
1030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Gather a list of your fdn/corp prospects with a
thumbnail sketch/giving patterns of each and
circulate to your Board of Trustees to see if
they have contacts many times this can get you
in the door for a major gift. CS
1130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
1230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Build a monthly giving program. You will improve
donor retention substantially upgrade donors
and lower processing and administrative fees. BW
1330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
1430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Know your target audience and remember that one
solicitation does not fit all. Think about what
is meaningful to your donors based on their
relationship to your organization. EB
1530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
1630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Acquisition - Try mailing your multi-buyer
(donor) 4 weeks after your first mailing, but
this time, mail a different package. It will
increase your results. JK
1730 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
1830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Allow for dialogue - sometimes prospects just
need to vent to a live person, or let someone
know how happy they were. CL
1930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
2030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Be careful in evaluating your corp/fdn prospects
many times you MUST go directly through the
program officers and not use your Big Guns
those can come into play later. CS
2130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
2230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Include a soft ask for a one-time gift with your
monthly giving solicitation. As many donors will
give one-time as enroll in the monthly program. BW
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2430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Work with your Advancement Services team to
ensure the accuracy of your data. If you cant
reach your prospects, you cant raise money. EB
2530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
2630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Include lapsed donors in your acquisition
mailing. It is a free list and will increase
results and is a very good way of reactivating
donors. JK
2730 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
2830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Always follow up a grant with a mid-year report
on how the grant is being utilized and an end of
the year final report this is imperative to
getting in the door again. CS
2930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
3030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Upgrade monthly donors annually. Upgrades often
range from 25-50. BW
3130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
3230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Find a brand or theme that works and stick with
that general concept. EB
3330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
3430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Mail your donors one emergency or crisis mailing
per year, but remember, do not make up an
emergency. Every organization needs more funds
for programs. JK
3530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
3630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Build donor loyalty by giving them annual
opportunities to hear about the success of the
organization and to donate regularly. JOD
3730 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
3830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Make contact with other corp/fdn officers at
institutions like yours and exchange ideas you
may get interesting insight on the program
officers personalities and on how to pitch your
people. CS
3930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
4030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- By moving monthly donors from credit cards to
electronic funds transfers, you will lower bank
processing fees by 65-75. BW
4130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
4230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Dont create a whole new program every year. As
you wrap up a fiscal year, look at how you can
carry over projects/solicitations that are
working well, and look at how you can improve
or replace the ones that arent. EB
4330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
4430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Thank your donors within one week and make sure
you put a return envelope in with the Thank You
letter and call all major donors to personally
thank them. JK
4530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
4630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Best window of opportunity is 3-9 months out for
donor acquisitions for Hospital grateful patient
programs. Gives the prospect the opportunity to
recover but still remember the excellent care
they received. And Calling allows for dialogue.
4730 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
4830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- When you get an apt with a program officer (corp
or fdn) be sure to take a faculty member, dean or
provost with you..it will allow you to give more
accurate program/institutional information. CS
4930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
5030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- If you store donors credit card information on
your donor management system, make certain the
software is compliant with the Payment Card
Industry (PCI) security standards. BW
5130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
5230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Make it easy for your donors and prospects to
give included passive solicitations in
recognition materials, newsletters, etc., always
have gift cards available to hand out, put links
to your online gift form on all printed
materials. EB
5330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
5430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Send birthday cards to donors. This will
increase your donation retention. JK
5530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
5630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Best window of opportunity for
Colleges/Universities - 1-5 years out. Stress
participation at minimal level to get the
prospects into the idea of giving - upgrades will
come as jobs improve. Again calling allows for
this dialogue. CL
5730 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
5830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Make sure to have regular conference
calls/meetings (when schedules allow) with the
dinner committee this avoids committee members
from going after the same prospects and lets you
know where you stand on a bi-weekly and weekly
(as the event draws closer) basis. CS
5930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
6030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Review credit card fees annually. The
development staff often assumes the accountants
are checking and the accountants assume the
development staff is looking. BW
6130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
6230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Increasing participation and revenues takes
time, and dont get frustrated if it takes longer
than you, your VP, or your board think it should
to get to where you want to be. EB
6330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
6430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Do not over mail or under mail your donor file,
6-8 contacts is about the right number, 15-18 is
too many. JK
6530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
6630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- On the night of the event, be sure to have staff
well briefed to greet and direct people at the
venue. CS
6730 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
6830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Make sure your communications speak to your
donors and prospects, not at them. A technical
manual about performance metrics and
participation calculations doesnt mean anything
to them, they want to know about the student they
helped or the program they funded. EB
6930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
7030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- If you are going to use a premium in your donor
or acquisition mailing program, make sure it
reflects your mission. If you are an
environmental group, do not send note pads or
name stickers that are not printed on recycled
paper. JK
7130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
7230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Pre call letter is not necessary for donor
acquisitions. A post card will work just as
effectively. CL
7330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
7430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Identify donors who may be able to give middle
and major gifts to the charity. JOD
7530 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
7630 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Employ the use of a teleprompter at the event.
It helped enormously with the speeches at
Manhattans event last year resulting in much
smoother delivery from the speakers. CS
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7830 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- All web giving is event driven. You must give
donors a reason to visit your site and
contribute. BW
7930 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
8030 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Make sure your messages are donor-focused and
relationship-centric. JF
8130 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
8230 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Meet donors and prospects where they are -- have
an integrated outreach approach. JF
8330 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
8430 Breakthrough Ideas in 45 Minutes
- Win a cup a Joe and then some.
- All you need is a business card . . .
85Thank You
- Robert Wesolowski Caring Habits, Inc -
bobw_at_chi.com - Chris Stogel Manhattan College -
chris.stogel_at_manhattan.edu - Jim ODay Legionaries of Christ -
joday_at_circlemedia.com - Carolyn LaSalle Lester Telemarketing -
clasalle_at_lesterusa.com - John Kehoe Trinity Direct - johnk_at_trinitydirect.
net - Ellen Barkenbush Culinary Institute of America
- e_barken_at_culinary.edu - Joseph Ferraro PULSE Marketing, Development
Comm - ferraroja_at_pulsemdc.com