Title: California TB Controllers Association Case Conference
1California TB Controllers AssociationCase
- Antonino Catanzaro, M.D.
- Professor of Medicine,UC San Diego
- John Renner, M.D.
- Professor of Radiology, UC San Diego
- Mark Tracy, M.D.
- Kathleen Moser, M.D.
- Nickolas Toth, M.D.
- Tim Rodwell, M.D.
2Case 1 The Fence Jumper
- 47 y/o Latin American Man referred to TB clinic
for evaluation of gross hematuria - Episodic, painless, gross hematuria for 5 months
- Episodic, dry cough for 2 weeks
- Episodic fevers
- Chronic, diffuse abdominal pain
- 30 pound weight loss over one year
- Cirrhosis diagnosis 1997
- Hospitalization for ascites in 2006
- Open reduction Internal fixation right ankle in
3Case 1The Fence Jumper
- Physical Exam
- Weight-85.5 kg.
- Used cane to ambulate due to chronic right ankle
pain - Abdomen-RUQ tender without mass or organomegaly
- No physical findings suggestive of chronic liver
disease - Genital-normal
- TST-20mm.
4Case 1The Fence Jumper
- LFTs-normal
- PT and INR-normal
- CBC and platelets-normal
- Urinalysis-Protein 3, WBC-30-40, RBC-20-25
- Sputum
- AFB smear negative x 3
- MTDs positive
- Urine
- INH, Rifampin, Ethambutol initiated
5Case 1The Fence Jumper
6Case 1The Fence Jumper Follow up at 2 weeks
- M. tuberculosis complex identified in cultures of
the sputum, urine, and stool - Pure cultures for antibiotic susceptibility
studies delayed - Mutations associated with INH resistance not
detected - Mutations associated with Rifampin resistance not
7Case 1The Fence Jumper 2 month follow up
- M. Bovis identified susceptible to INH and
Rifampin - Ethambutol stopped INH and Rifampin continued
for another 7 months - Patient seen by orthopedic surgeon who recommends
ankle arthroplasty
8Case 1The Fence Jumper
9Case 1The Fence Jumper
10Case 1The Fence Jumper 2005
11Case 1The Fence Jumper 2006
12Case 1An Example of disease due to M. bovis
13Case 1An Example of disease due to M. bovis
14Case 1The Fence Jumper
- Since 2000
- 450 to 500 migrants have died each year as a
direct consequence of an attempted illegal entry
along the U.S./Mexico border - LAST decade
- 180 mile stretch of fence
- increased from 8-10 feet to 18-20 feet
- Coincident
- UC San Diego Level-1 Trauma Center
- observed a marked increase in the number of
undocumented immigrants admitted with injuries
related to falls or jumping from the US-Mexico
border fence - Between 2000 and 2006
- 186 fence jumpers were treated at UCSD for
serious trauma - five sustaining fatal injuries
Personal Communications Dr Linda Hill
15Case 1The Fence Jumper
16Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- AB. is a 69 years old Filipina woman who arrived
in the USA on 10/09/06 from the Philippines. - History
- First episode of active TB diagnosed in 2001
- Treated with injections multiple medications
names unknown - The injections were discontinued after one month
she stopped the pills after two months. - Second episode of active TB diagnosed in 2005.
- Treatment was the standard six month regimen by
DOT. - Family History
- Her parents sister also had active TB.
17Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- Upon arrival in October 2006 patient presented _at_
our clinic - She was an elderly cachectic frail individual
who was not in acute pain. - Three sputa were collected which showed 1 AFB
smears on all three slides, confirmed by
18Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- CXR showed emphysematous lung fields with
extensive scarring of the upper lobes a streak
of atelectasis was noted in the RML These
findings were essentially unchanged when compared
to the foreign films..
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24Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- Standard 4-drug regimen was initiated.
- Preliminary cultures were reported by the Public
Health Lab "an organism has been isolated
resembling M. TB-complex
25Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- A week later the patient returned to the Clinic
co/of NV, - She appeared acutely ill. Her bilirubin was
slightly elevated - EKG demonstrated premature ventricular
contractions. - INH RFM were stopped
- the patient remained on home isolation.
- Compazine was prescribed to control nausea.
26Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- Pt. returned a week later feeling much better,
- A new set of AFB smears were negative she was
taken off isolation - Pt. returned a week later asking permission to
attend her sister's funeral in her native country
during Thanksgiving. Request was granted..
27Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- The culture specimen was forwarded to the State
Laboratory for further analysis. - DNA test for of M. TB complex negative
- molecular beacon
- Accuprobe for MTB Complex also negative
- The new set of cultures grew out M.
Chelonea/Absessus Complex..
28Non tuberculous mycobacteriaAtypical Mycobacetia
- Runyon classification based on colonial
out of date - Group I
- Photo chromogen
- Group II
- Scoto chromogen
- Group III
- Non chromogen
- Group IV
- Rapid growers
- Species based on DNA sequencing gt150 species
- More common NTMs
- M avium intracellulare complex MAC
- M. kansasii
- M. abcessus
- M. fortuitum
- M. cheloni
- Rapid growing mycobacteria (RGM)
- Less Common Organisms
- M gordonae
- M. malmoense
- M. simiae
- M. szulgai
- M. smegmatis
- M. xenopi
- M. celatum
- M. marinum
- M. grnavense
- etc
NTM 1.8/100,000
- Frequency of disease when NTM isolated
- 45
- 75
- 18
- Relative frequency of isolation NTM
- M avium intracellulare complex 61
- M. kansasii 10
- M. fortuitum/cheloni complex 19
- Less Common Organisms 10
- M gordonae
- M. malmoense
- M. simiae
- M. szulgai
- M. smegmatis
- M. xenopi
Good JID 1980 1982 OBrien ARRD 1987
30M. abscessus
- Skin soft tissue or bone
- Usually follows trauma or surgery
- Purple nodules
- Pulmonary
- 80 of RGM
- Risk factors
- gt60 years old
- Caucasian
- Female
- non smokers
- Prior mycobacterial disease
- Bonchiectasis
- Radiology
- Multilobar
- Patchy
- Reticulonodular
- With upper lobe preponderance
- Cavitation in 15
- Treatment
- Resistant to RIPE
- Must do sensitivity testing
- Sensitive
- Clarithromycin 99
- Amikacin 90
- Cefoxitin 70
- Imipenem 50
- Extrapulmonary Disease
- Clari 1000 or azithro 250
- Amikacin IV Rx daily or even 3/wk after 3 weeks
- Cefoxitin or imipenem
- Minimum 4 mos
- 6 mos for bone
- Surgery if feasible
- Pulmonary Disease
- There is no cure
- Best hope to control symptoms
- May give periodic rounds of Rx as above
31Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- Upon returning to the USA after Thanksgiving the
patient presented with cough, fever extreme
prostration. - TB drugs were stopped the patient was sent to
the E.R., - She was treated with IV Amicacin Cefoxitin,
which was continued on home IV therapy using
PICC for  M. Chelonea bronchietasis.
32Case 2A Class B1 Alien (TB, active,
- Pt suffered drug toxicity
- She has sustained a significant hearing loss
- dosages had to be adjusted
- oral Clarythromycin was added to the regimen.
- May of 2007
- she has reliably converted therapy was stopped
- Recent follow up
- Pt is surviving but quite sick.
33 34Case 3 The Eloeser Case
- 40 yo male with history of IV drug use/crystal
meth, Type II diabetic - Feb 8, 2005
- Presented to govt health center in Mexicali with
productive cough, fever, malaise x 7 months - AFB 3 (no culture, no CXR)
- Started Rifater (IRP) Ethambutol, self
administered. - April 7, 2005
- AFB negative, gained 4 lbs, reduced sx
- Changed to Rifinah (IR) EMB, self-administered
- June 1, 2005
- AFB 1
- Placed on Rifater EMB Streptomycin
- Rifinah EMB after 2-3 months
- Self-administered, except injectable given at the
local health center - Smear negative by June 30, 2005
- November 15, 2005
35Case 4 The Eloeser Case
- January 9, 2006 (2 months later)
- Returned to local health center with productive
cough, fever, 4 lb weight loss, SOB - 3, no culture
- February 2006
- HIV negative
- Rifater EMB Strep restarted (SAT)
- March 2006 specimen sent to Tijuana Hospital lab
for cx/DST - June 2006
- DSTs from March specimen
- Resistant to I, R, S Sensitive to EMB
Not tested to PZA - Regimen changed to Rifater EMB Cipro
Amikacin twice weekly - Pt had to buy the Cipro (30/8 tab)
- ? July Oct 2006 remained smear positive
36MS 10/2006
- November 28 2006
- Presented to the emergency room
- R-sided empyema
- Drainage/chest tube
- Sputum smear negative and fluid smear negative,
no culture TB treatment considered completed
(Feb Nov, 2006 10 months) -
38MS 11/2006
39MS 12/18/06
40MS 12/19/2006
42MS 1/11/2007
43Case 4 The Eloeser Case
- December 2006
- Seen at the hospital as an outpt, Smear
- DST sent to Imperial County Public Health Lab
- No growth, beacon showed IR mutations
- Jan May 2007 Increased symptoms, Rifater
Amikacin x 2 months, Proth/PZA/Cipro/Kana for 4
days - June 2007
- Increasingly symptomatic, 20 lb weight loss
- 2/27/07 specimen sent to San Diego County PHL
reported - S INH (0.4), EMB, CAP, Levo, Strep.
- R INH (0.1), RIF, PZA, Ethio
- S (from National Jewish) Cyclo, PAS, Kanamycin
- Admitted to the hospital, Eloesser procedure
44Case 4 The Eloeser Case
45Case 4 The Eloeser Case
46MS 2-19-07
47Date reported as June 2007
48Case 4 The Eloeser Case
49Case 4 The Eloeser Case
- August 27, 2007 (97 kg)
- 4 smear
- Started EMB 1400mg (15mg/kg), Cycloserine 250mg
twice a day, PAS 4gm BID, Moxi 400mg, Kanamycin
1000mg (AK 1000mg 12-07) - Oct 07 PAS level 19.7 (10-60mcg/ml), Cyclo
level25.6 (20-35) - Bacteriology
- Sept 07 4 culture positive
- Oct 07 4 culture positive
- Dec 07 4 culture positive
- Resistant to INH 0.1, Rif, EMB, Ethio Sens to
INH 0.4, PZA, Capreo, Levo - Jan 17 08 Smear neg, culture neg at 5 wks
- Feb 19 08 Smear negative
- Jan 2008 (86 kg)
- ?EMB 1800mg, ?PAS 8gms qam ?4gms qpm,
- ?Moxi 600mg, Cyclo 500mg, AK 1000mg
50MS 2-15-08
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- Comments on surgery
- What is the best treatment regimen at this point?
- What doses?
- How long to maintain injectable?
- D/C EMB?
- Start PZA?
- Start INH at what dose?
54Case 4 Internacional Medical Care
- 25 y/o Latina adult female
- Patient lives and works in San Diego area
- Presented to her physician in Tijuana June 2006
- Chronic, dry cough
- Anorexia
- 10 pound weight loss
- Chest x-ray abnormal
55Case 1 Internacional Medical Care
- AFB smear positive
- Diagnosed with TB
- On 6/27 started
- Ethambutol 1200 mg Q noon
- Rifater 4 tablets QD
- Rifater INH xxx mg
- Rifampin xxxxmg
- PZA xxxx mg
- Patient placed on home isolation
56Case 4 Internacional Medical Care
- Patient has been let go by employer after the
Tijuana physician explained to the employer her
need to be off from work for one month - Since she was no longer employed she lost her
employer provided health insurance
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58Case 4 Internacional Medical Care in San Diego
- Symptoms resolved
- No previous TB treatment
- Family History noteworthy
- Aunt had TB diagnosis and treatment 1998
- This patient was not identified as contact
- Chest x-ray
59Case 1 Internacional Medical Care
60Case 4 Internacional Medical Care in San Diego
- INH, Rifampin, Ethambutol, PZA continued
- HIV negative
- Sputum AFB 2
61Case 4 Internacional Medical Care in San Diego
- M. tuberculosis positive culture susceptible to
INH, Rifampin, PZA - Completed two months of HRZ then
- Continued with four months of HR
- Genetic match with her aunts organism