How to be a good teacher? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to be a good teacher?


the North and the South in the eve of war between the states ... The French built settlements along the St. Lawrence River (?????) and in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How to be a good teacher?

American History
(No Transcript)
The time table of History
  • (16071733) the establishment of North America
    colony belonged to
  • (17741783) War of Independence
  • (17811814)The founding of independent national
  • (18141861) the different development of economy
  • the North and the South in the eve
    of war between the states
  • (18141861) the diplomacy and polity before the
    war of states.
  • (18611877) the war of states and period of

The time table of History
  • (18771900) rapid economic development in the
    late of 1800s.
  • (18891914) the inside and outside policy before
    the first world war
  • (19141930) the America between the first world
    war and the late of 1920s
  • (19301940) the America in1930s
  • (19411945) the America during the second world
  • (1945present) the America after the second
    world war

The Founding of the Colonies
After the discovery of New World, Spanish and
Portuguese overrun (??) the vast land of what is
today called Latin America. North America was
visited mainly by explorers and traders. Portugal
set up colonies in Brazil. Spain explored and
colonized much of the South America and Mexico.
They drove into Mexico, explored Florida, and
entered the Mississippi River Basin. They went as
far as California and built some settlements.
Spain remained the dominant (????) force in
America and the dominant naval power in Europe.
The French built settlements along the St.
Lawrence River (?????) and in the Great Lakes
(?????) region.
The Founding of the Colonies
The Founding of the Colonies
At about the same time, some English
adventures were also exploring the coast of North
America. In 1588, the English navy destroyed the
Spanish Armada (????) and controlled the main sea
routes. This marked a turning point in the course
of American history, for the English began to
replace the Spaniards as the most important
colonists in North America. The first English
settlement in the New World was established (set
up) in Virginia in 1607. Between 1607 and 1733
the British established 13 colonies along the
east coast of North America. The early settlers
in all these 13 colonies were from different
European countries, but the majority of them came
from England.
The Founding of the Colonies
  • In the 17th century, England found itself
    fighting against France for world leadership in
    many parts of the world after having defeated the
    Spanish Armada in 1588 and take the place of
    Spain as a world power. Its contest with France
    for the North American Continent never ceased. In
    1754 there broke out what has been known as the
    French and Indian War (also called the Seven
    years War in Europe). Fighting began in North
    America in 1754 and in Europe in 1756.

The Founding of the Colonies
  • Large number of troops came from England to
    join the fight against the French and their
    Indian allies. The war lasted 8 years and in the
    end the French were completely defeated. The
    English conquered Canada and the upper
    Mississippi valley and the French lost their last
    hope for controlling North America. As a result
    of the War, France ceased to be a major power in
    North America, but England became an important
    world power.

Relations Between the Colonies and England
  • Each year large quantities of tobacco,
    cotton, grain, wine and other raw materials went
    to Britain from the colonies in return for
    Britains manufactured goods. Meanwhile,
    Britains merchants and adventurers reaped (gain)
    much money by transporting black slaves to
    America. On the other hand, the colonies also
    needed the support of their mother country.
  • At that time other European countries,
    especially France, were trying to enlarge their
    control in North America and this certainly
    endangered the existence of the English colonies
    and limited their expansion.

Relations Between the Colonies and England
  • Besides, there were the Indians to deal
    with. Since the expansion of the English colonies
    reduced the size of forests and took up much
    fertile soil, many Indians found it more and more
    difficult to make a living by hunting and
    farming. Whole tribes of Indians thus began to
    attack the English colonies. The French and the
    English each tried to make use of angry Indians
    to attack the other. After the war with French,
    the British government took further actions to
    fasten (strengthen) its control over the 13
    American colonies.

Relations Between the Colonies and England
Britain passed laws taxing (to place a tax on)
sugar, cloth, wine and other goods. In 1765, the
Stamp Act (?????) was passed by the English
parliament. These stamps had to be pasted (?) on
all newspapers and many other important papers
(document). Many Americans became very angry
about this tax. They refused to pay it. They
warned others not to pay it. The colonies joined
together and sent a message to Britain. They
asked that the stamp tax be stopped. The British
didnt agree.
Relations Between the Colonies and England
The Boston tea is famous in America.
Americans were very fond of tea, and much tea was
brought to the port of Boston. The British
Government was looking for more ways to get money
out of America. So it put a big tax on tea. They
made the Bostonians angry. On the night of
December 16, 1773, they rushed to the port and
boarded a ship and threw all the tea, which was
from China, into the sea. This is called Boston
Tea Party (???????). It led to a war between
the people of Boston and the British soldiers and
it was the immediate cause (direct cause) of the
War of Independence.
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Relations Between the Colonies and England
  • The British government was thus forced to
    take actions. Otherwise (or else), it would lose
    face before the world for its failure to control
    its own colonies. The Boston port was closed
    until the tea was paid for.

Continental Congress
  • In the face of such a situation, the
    representatives from 12 colonies held a meeting
    in Philadelphia t o talk about their troubles
    with their mother country in September of 1774.
    This meeting was called the First Continental
    Congress. They stated (announced) that they were
    loyal to the king of England. They drew up a
    petition (???) asking the king to grant (agree)
    self-government to colonies. They agreed not to
    import any goods from England until England
    repealed all the unfair laws.

Continental Congress
  • Neither parliament nor king listened to the
    petition of the First Continental Congress.
    Matters grew rapidly worse as England planned to
    send more soldiers to enforce (carry out) the
    law. It was impossible to deal with this problem
    by peaceful means. Both sides prepared to fight
    it out. All that was needed was a spark to light
    the flame of a war.

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Continental Congress
  • The spark came in the Boston area on
    April 19, 1775. The commander of the British
    troops sent some British troops to arrest the
    revolutionaries. When the British troops, after a
    night of marching, reached the village of
    Lexington. Shots (gunfight) soon broke out from
    both sides. Many Americans nearby heard the shots
    and began to prepare themselves. The British
    soldiers were fired on from behind. It marked the
    beginning of the War of Independence.

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Continental Congress
  • The Second Continental Congress met in
    Philadelphia in 1775, in a house which later
    became known as Independence Hall. The
    representatives of the colonies agreed to take
    steps to (try to) organize an American army and
    appointed George Washington Commander in Chief of
    the Continental Army. The Congress also decided
    to ask help from other countries, especially
    France. The colonies were preparing for armed
    struggles. The British government was also
    preparing to fight a war.

The Declaration of Independence
  • The colonies declared that they favored
    (like) independence. Finally Jefferson and
    Benjamin Franklin were appointed to draw up the
    declaration of independence.

. The situation of drawing up the
declaration of independence
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  • The Congress adopted (passed) the Declaration
    of Independence on July 4, 1776, a day which has
    been celebrated each year as Independence Day or
    National Day in the United States. The
    Declaration of Independence declared All men
    are created equal (??????). It is the right of
    the people to set up a new government. A new
    nation, the United States of America was born.

The Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Right,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these right,
Governments are instituted among MenThat
whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
people to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government. ????????????????
?? ,????????????????????????????????,???????????
  • We therefore, the Representatives of the
    United States of America in the Name, and by
    Authority of the good People of these Colonies,
    solemnly publish and declare, that these United
    Colonies are, and of Right ought to be free and
    Independent States that they are absolved from
    all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all
    political connection between them and the State
    of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally
    dissolved and that as Free and Independent
    States, they have full Power to levy War,
    conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish
    Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things
    which Independent States may of right do.
  • ???????????????????????????????????,??????

The American Revolution
  • The colonies were not in a very favorable
    position and the war did not go well for
    Americans at first, because the British army was
    the finest and strongest in the world. The
    British had a navy to control the sea and a
    highly-developed industry and commerce to keep
    the army well supplied, while the American army
    was composed mainly of farmers and small traders,
    who were poorly trained and equipped. The English
    navy was the strongest with about 800 battle
    ships while the colonies had practically (nearly)
    none at the start of the war. The colonies had a
    population of about 3 million while England had
    about 10 million. Their manufacture (???) was not
    developed because of Englands colonial policy
    while England was the most advanced country in
    manufacture. What is more, there was no strong
    central government to raise money to support the
    American army.

  • But the Americans had one thing which the
    English soldier lacked (be short of) high morale
    (??). All this determined (decide) that the war
    would be tortuous (???) and long.

The American soldiers endured (bear) great
hardships during the winter due to their poor
equipment and the extreme (very) cold. Washington
proved himself to be an able leader. Franklin
obtained (gain) aid from France for the Americans
  • After 1777, the war began to go against (???)
    the British troops. The Americans could start
    successful surprise attacks and kept the British
    soldiers on the run. In 1777, the Americans
    defeated the British troops in Saratoga. The
    Battle of Saratoga was the turning point for the
    Americans. As a result, the French who had a
    strong navy, agreed to join the war against
  • .

In 1781, Washington with the help of the French
army, encircled British troops at Yorktown on
October 19. The same year, the British troops
surrendered. The war ended in victory for the
Americans. The peace treaty was signed in 1783.
England admitted the independence of the United
States. The colonists had won their freedom
  • The war won independence for the 13 states
    and started a new stage (period) in American
    history. The next thing for the Americans to do
    was to organize a new nation state and establish
    their central government.

The Influences of the American War of
  • The American War of Independence was
    both a national liberation war and a Bourgeois
    revolution. The British colonial rule was
    overthrown and a new independent national country
    was set up.
  • The American War of Independence shows
    that a weak nation can defeat a strong one. It
    was a historic event by smashing the fetters
    (??) of British colonial rule, the American
    people gained independence, which gave capitalism
    a chance for rapid development.

  • It was the first large-scale revolutionary
    movement of a colonial people against national
    oppression (????). It had great international
    influences. The American Revolution directly led
    to the French Revolution in 1789 and some (about)
    forty years later, the Spanish America (????)
    rose up one after another to overthrown
    Spanish-America colonial rule.

New Problem After Independence
  • After America won her formal
    independence in 1783, there appeared new problems
    for the newly independent states to deal with.
    According to the peace treaty with Britain, the
    new nation had an area of about 2 million square
    kilometers with a population of about 3.5
    million. The territory extended from the Atlantic
    Ocean to the Mississippi River. Most of her
    people lived in the 13 states or near the
    Atlantic coast. Of the total continental area
    (from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean), more than
    two-thirds was not occupied by the Americans yet.
    The first problem was how to make use of the new
    land west of the Appalachians (??????).

  • Immediately (at once) after independence, the
    13 states were not very closely united (hold
    together). Many of them had the belief that the
    peace treaty had provided independence for each
    state, not for united country. But soon new
    difficulties force them to give up their false
    belief. After the 13 colonies won their
    independence, Britain reduced its importation
    (??) from America. American farmers and
    manufacturers found it hard to sell their
    products abroad.
  • They lost much of her foreign market. What
    was even worse, their domestic (internal) market
    was flooded with (full of) foreign goods because
    there was no strong central government to protect
    it. Prices of farm products dropped sharply in
    the years after the war.

  • Nearly all the people realized that
    something had to be done, but the problems were
    so serious and wide spread that no state alone
    (by oneself) could deal with. Many began to see
    the importance of a strong central government.
    The Congress, set up during the Revolutionary War
    and still in existence, but it was too weak to
    deal with these problems. Sixty-five delegates
    (representative), including Washington and the
    81-year-old Franklin, met and discussed the
    problems facing the nation.
  • Their work was to draw up a constitution and
    set up a central government. This was not easy.
    The Northern States were in favor of (support)
    protective tariffs and free labor while the
    Southern States wanted to retain (keep) the slave
    system and a policy of low tariff.

The American Constitution
  • After the repeated compromise (??), the
    work of drawing up a constitution was completed
    on September 17, 1787, a day which has been
    designated as Constitution Day of America. The
    appearance of constitution was a great event in
    American history. It established the Federal
    System (???) which was the first in the world at
    that time.

  • The main feature of the American
    constitution was its division of power. For this
    purpose the power was divided between central
    government and state government. The second
    division of power was among the different
    branches (department) of the Federal government.
    It was called the check and balance system
    (???????). In this system, the power of the
    Federal Government was divided among three
    separate branches Legislative (to make the
    laws), Executive (to enforce or make people obey
    the laws), and Judiciary (to explain the meaning
    of the laws and to try people charged with
    breaking the laws).
  • These three branches were balanced against
    each other. This made it difficult for persons
    like Hitler to appear in America.

Mount Rushmore (????) National Memorial (?????)
  • The faces of George Washington, Thomas
    Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln
    are carved into the face of Mount Rushmore,
    forming the Mount Rushmore National Memorial,
    South Dakota (????). Each president was chosen to
    represent something different about America.
    George Washington represented the founding of the
    country. Thomas Jefferson represented faith in
    the common man. Abraham Lincoln represented the
    unity saved after the Civil War. And Theodore
    Roosevelt represented the progressive spirit of

American Presidents
American Presidents
  • Washington As the First President In
    1788, the nation began to organize her first
    Federal Government. Washington was elected the
    first President of the United States in 1789. He
    chose several strong men to help him set up the
    government. He named Thomas Jefferson as
    Secretary of State (???). After serving his
    country as President for 8 years (two terms),
    Washington firmly refused to accept a third term
    (?) and returned to his hometown in Virginia
    (????). He set a good example to later American
    President that no president should hold office
    for more than two terms, with Franklin Delano
    Roosevelt as the only exception. Washingtons
    contribution (??) to his country has always been
    cherished (remembered) by the American people.
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