MultiItem Auctions with Credit Limits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MultiItem Auctions with Credit Limits


DIMACS Workshop on Computational Issues in Auction Design, Oct. 7, ... STP-Dow. G-P. S-T. Bid ... STP-Dow. G-P. S-T. Award. Bid. TCRs Awarded (rounded ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MultiItem Auctions with Credit Limits

Multi-Item Auctions with Credit Limits
Shmuel Oren http// Sh
ehzad Wadalawala U.C. Berkeley October 7, 2004
(No Transcript)
Trading Pattern in ERCOT Summer 2001
The ERCOT Zonal Congestion Management Model
  • Three zones and four Commercially Significant
    Constraints (CSC)
  • Zonal spot prices and shadow prices on CSCs
    determined by a zonal economic dispatch algorithm
    (Min generation cost s.t CSCs)
  • Bilateral transactions between zones charged
    zonal price differences for congestion
  • Congestion charges can be hedged by buying
    Transmission Congestion Rights (TCRs) that
    constitute financial entitlements to the real
    time shadow prices on CSCs

Hedging Congestion Charges with TCRs
  • Full hedging of the congestion charge for 1MW
    sent from A to B requires a portfolio of TCRs in
    proportion to the Power Transfer Distribution
    Factors (PTDF)

Bid Format in the TCR Auction
  • Bidders submit price and quantity pairs for
    vectors of flow distribution

The letter identifies the bidder while the number
identifies bid
Resource Constraints
LP Formulation of Clearing Algorithm
LP Solution
Credit Limits
  • Awards to any bidder may be constrained by credit
    limits on total cost of awards
  • Bidders may want to self-impose limits on
    spending in the auction
  • Self-imposed credit limits often serve as a proxi
    for contingent constraints
  • EXAMPLE XOR constraints that would require an MIP
    clearing engine

Criteria for Settlement Rules
  • Allocate objects efficiently
  • Objects given to those bidders who value them
  • No withholding to support prices
  • Incentive Compatibility
  • Induce truthful revelation of values and
  • Market Clearing
  • Accepted bids have greater valuation than prices
    and rejected bids have lower valuation than
    prices or insufficient funds

Bid Based Enforcement of Credit Limit
  • Justification Any bid could set the market
    clearing price
  • Impose Credit limit on submitted bids
  • Introduce new constraint for each bidder to LP

Consequences of Bid Based Approach
  • Over-enforces budget constraints
  • High bidders will see their allocations limited
    due to their budget constraint even when clearing
    price is much lower than their submitted bid
    (violates market clearing condition)
  • Provides incentive to shade bids towards the
    anticipated clearing price.
  • Since bidding a high value can sometimes decrease
    the probability of being allocated an object,
    bidders will start to shade bids down and flatten
    their demand curves

EXAMPLE with Bid Based Approach
LP Results with 100 units Item clears at
1 Bidder A receives 75 units Bidder B receives
25 units
At a price of 1, Bidder A can argue that he
should be allocated all 100 units If he had bid
in the range (1, 1.5, he would have received all
100 units
Exhausting Budget Approach
  • If a persons budget is violated then she would
    maximize her surplus by exhausting her entire
    budget (under a price taking assumption)
  • Method
  • Solve LP excluding budget constraints
  • Find budgets that are exceeded
  • Adjust prices to meet budget constraints with
    minimal distortions to allocations and clear the

EXAMPLE of Price Adjustment
  • One object example
  • A 120 budget, 2 bid, 100 unit maximum
  • B No budget constraint, 1.50 bid, 25 unit
  • C No budget constraint, 1 bid, 150 unit maximum
  • 100 units available
  • LP with over enforcement, A 60, B 25, C 15, P
  • LP no budget constraint, A 100, B 0, C 0, P 2
    (A is over budget)
  • LP with adjustment A 80 B 20 C 0 P 1.5
  • 1.50 clears market AND exhausts bidder As
  • Market clearing conditions satisfied, Efficient
  • Prices depend on budgets (incentive for A to
    shade budget)

Non-existence of market clearing with marginal
value based uniform pricing
  • At P2, A cannot afford all the units and B is
    not willing to pay for the left over
  • At P1, A can afford all the units so marginal
    value is 2
  • Market clearing price that will clear the market
    efficiently is not unique and not incentive

MPEC Formulation
This is a parametric LP contingent on price
vector p (For simplicity we omit ownership
Equilibrium conditions for vector p
Discrete Object CaseVickrey Model
  • Notation
  • Winner Determination Problem

VCG Mechanism
  • Winner determination without bidder k
  • Vickrey payment
  • Outcome efficient and Incentive compatible

VCG auction with self imposed budgets
  • How would they bid to prevent budget violation?
  • Bidder 1 would reasonably do one of the
  • Bid equally for each object
  • Bid aggressively for one object and
    conservatively on the other

Budget issue (cont)
If Bidder 1 allocates resources equally, and is
risk averse (under no circumstances will he
violate his budget)
Applying the VCG mechanism, the following
allocation and prices would result Bidder 2
receives object A and pays 60Bidder 3 receives
object B and pays 60Total value awarded is 75
65 140
Budget issue (cont)
  • An allocation with Bidder 1 receiving either of
    the objects would be better from a welfare point
    of view
  • If he had bid more aggressively on one of the two
    objects, he would have taken one, but he might
    have guessed incorrectly.
  • Similarly, a situation where Bidder 1 would have
    been better off bidding equally than aggressively
    could be created

Incorporating budget constraints into auction
  • Allows bidders to submit a budget constraint
  • Develop award determination algorithm and pricing
    so as to support market clearing conditions
  • When bidders are not allocated an object either
    their bid was too low or they have insufficient
    funds to secure the item

Formulation for discrete case
Placement Bidding System at the U of Chicago
School of Business(Graves, Sankaran and Schrage,
  • Students get 1000 points per season to bid on
    interview slots and use them over several
    interview rounds
  • Under current system total bids placed by a
    student in a round cannot exceed his/hers
    remaining budget (worst case enforcement)
  • Auction cleared so as to maximize award value

Numerical results for discrete formulation with
price based enforcement (Linus Schrage
personal communication)
  • (the results assume that each student has a
    budget of 350 points allocated to each round)

Loss of Incentive Compatibility
  • With truthful bidding the unconstrained VCG will
    award A and B to agent 1 for 140 but that
    violates his budget constraint.
  • With truthful bidding the budget constrained
    formulation with surplus maximization will award
    A to agent 1 at 75 and B to agent 3 at 45.
  • If agent 2 bids 85 while agents 1 and 3 bid
    truthfully then the procedure will award B to
    agent 1 at 65 and A to agent 2 at 55 (agent 2
    surplus increases from 0 to 20 while overall
    award value decreases from 180 to 175))
  • Agent 2 has an incentive to increase its bid .

  • Budget introduces new gaming behavior depending
    on settlement rule
  • For bid based enforcement, bidders will shade
  • For actual price based enforcement, bidders may
    submit lower budgets
  • In discrete case, bidders may benefit from
    bidding beyond valuations to exhaust competitor
  • Multi-round auction with activity rules and bid
    based enforcement of budget may provide a way for
    bidders to tune their bids to reduce the over
    enforcement effect.
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