Title: Coast Guard Agency Report
1- Coast Guard Agency Report
- First District
2Pollution Cases by Sector in CGD12006-2008
D1 Totals 2006293 2007256 2008242
Source CGBI (MISLE Pollution Substances) as of
3Petroleum Volume into Water by Source in
D1 Totals 2006 99,624 gals.2007 17,206
gals.2008 8,773 gals. Typical discharges to
water within D1 in the early to late 1990s ranged
between 80,000 150,000 gals. 1,068,000 gals in
4Marine Environmental Response Emphasis
- Tremendous Prevention Successes posechallenges
to Response Proficiency. - Spills and near misses continue to occur.
- Several RRT agenda items to show our commitment
in the Marine Environmental Response arena - Regional documents working session
- Biofuels Response education session
- Coast Guard tracking of the Cosco Busan ISPR
Recommendations - Case studies
- Committed to implementing this emphasis
side-by-side with Partners and Stakeholders at
all levels
5Your feedback will help us improveMaritime
Safety and Security Customer Survey
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