Title: Cookies and Spam
1Cookies and Spam
2Why cookies?
- Give a form of local storage for remote sites
- Can remember
- Name
- Time of last visit
- Store data from previous visits
- Identify page changes since you were there
- Use CGI scripts to identify user patterns through
3How are cookies constructed
- www.buy.com FALSE / FALSE
1034233570 buycountry us - www.buy.com is the URL
- First FALSE says that the cookie is NOT available
throughout the domain - Second FALSE says that the cookie can be
transmitted over secure and innsecure channels. - 1034233570 gives the expiration time (in
milliseconds since 1970)
4Sample cookies
- cm.bell-labs.com FALSE /cm/ms/who/wim
FALSE 1215755792 count 1 - www.sendwine.com FALSE /order FALSE
2136081693 SecureGate Yes - .amazon.com TRUE / FALSE
2082787201 ubid-main
1428-1515523-803182 - .netscape.com TRUE / FALSE
1293839999 UIDC
76028 - yp.yahoo.com TRUE / FALSE
1262383200 YP.us v2mcityd01Princeton
c - tv.yahoo.com TRUE / FALSE
1271361600 YTV lus_NJ29510v1zip08540
- .doubleclick.net TRUE / FALSE
1920499187 id 63d4e550
5Cookie code
First Visit Popup Window or Splash Page Code
for index.html if (getCookie("visited")) //
if they've already been here go straight to the
content self.location.href "main.html"
else // record that they've been here
setCookie ("visited", true) On the first
visit the page is displayed and the cookie set.
The next time the visitor is forwarded to
main.html. If you use a proper setCookie() call
with an expiry date then you can have the splash
page not display again for a week, a month, a
year, .... From http//members.ozemail.com.au/dc
6Building a page with a cookie
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtMy Cookie Pagelt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT language"JavaScript"gt
- lt!-- Hide from older browsers
- // Original JavaScript code by Duncan Crombie
dcrombie at chirp.com.au - var bikky document.cookie
- function getCookie(name) // use
getCookie("name") - var index bikky.indexOf(name "")
- if (index -1) return null
- index bikky.indexOf("", index) 1
- var endstr bikky.indexOf("", index)
- if (endstr -1) endstr bikky.length
- return unescape(bikky.substring(index, endstr))
7Cookie code (cont.)
- var today new Date()
- var expiry new Date(today.getTime() 28 24
60 60 1000) // plus 28 days - function setCookie(name, value) // use
setCookie("name", value) - if (value ! null value ! "")
- document.cookiename "" escape(value) "
- expires" expiry.toGMTString()
- bikky document.cookie // update bikky
- // Your code goes here ...
- // Stop Hiding --gt
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/HEADgt
- Underlying assumptions for spam removal
- Humans cannot effectively send spam
- Spam contains bad words
- Underlying assumptions for spam removal
- Humans cannot effectively send spam
- Determine if the message came from a human
- Spam contains bad words
- Block messages that contain those words
10Alan Turing 1912-1954
- PU PhD 1938
- Invented the theory underlying modern computing
(Turing test) - Led code breaking during WW 2 (enigma)
- Set tone for artificial intelligence with Turing
11The Turing test
- Turing held that computers would in time be
programmed to acquire abilities rivalling human
intelligence. - As part of his argument Turing put forward the
idea of an 'imitation game', in which a human
being and a computer would be interrogated under
conditions where the interrogator would not know
which was which, the communication being entirely
by textual messages. Turing argued that if the
interrogator could not distinguish them by
questioning, then it would be unreasonable not to
call the computer intelligent.
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13Reverse turing test
- You recently sent email to dpd_at_mailblocks.net. In
order to verify that you are a qualified email
sender please go to http//www.mailblocks.net/conf
irm.htm?todpduid18330 to confirm. If you have
not confirmed within one week then your message
will be treated as spam.
14(No Transcript)