Title: MLA Citation:
1MLA Citation
- One Author
- Bode, J. Death is Hard to Live With Teenagers
and How They Cope With Loss. New York Delacorte
Press, 1999. - Two or More Authors
- Monroe, J. G., Williamson, R. A. First Houses
Native American Homes and Sacred Structures.
Boston Houghton, 1993. - Anonymous Book
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (4th ed.).Washington, DC American
Psychological Association, 1998. - A Translation
- Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich. Fathers and Sons.
Trans. Michael R. Katz. New York Norton, 1994.
3 More Books
- Single Work from an Anthology
- Perkins, D. N. Why the Human Perceiver is a Bad
Machine. Human and Machine Vision (pp.
341-364). New York Academic Press. 2002. - Article in a Reference Book
- Lynch, A. C. Russia. Colliers Encyclopedia
(pp. 279-280). New York P. F. Collier, 1996. - Government Publication
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Human Spaceflight Student Activities (NASA
Report No. 89-10639). Washington, DC U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1997.
- Using MLA citation style (from Bedford/ St.
Martins http//www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/cit
ex.html)1. World Wide Web site 2. Email
message 3. Web discussion forum posting
4. Listserv message 5. Newsgroup message
6. Real-time communication 7. Telnet, FTP, and
gopher sites
- One Author
- Consumerism has become a national obsession
(Jones, 1998, p. 12). - Multiple Authors
- Teenagers who feel maladjusted in some aspect of
their lives are likely to think of themselves as
unpopular (Reinherz et al., 1994). - Anonymous
- World population still expands, but more slowly
now (New Hope, 2000). - Indirect (or Secondary) Source
- This process has been illuminated by Hannover
(as cited in Montrose, 1998). - Personal Communications (letters, emails, phone
conversations, etc.) - The management team expects to finish hiring
this spring (R. Fouser, personal communication,
Dec. 17, 1999).
- Signed Article in a Magazine
- Fishman, K. D. Problem Adoptions. The
Atlantic, 270 Mar. 1998 37-69. - Unsigned Article in a Magazine
- Saving the Elephant, Natures Great
Masterpiece Banning the Ivory Trade is the
Wrong Way to Save Africas Vanishing Elephants.
Economist 1 Jul. 198915- 17. - Signed Newspaper Article
- Trost, C. Born to Lose Babies of Crack Users
Crowd Hospitals, Break Everybodys Heart. The
Wall Street Journal, 18 Jul. 1998 1. - Unsigned Newspaper Article
- Angry Pilot Quits Airliner on Field as
Passenger Suggests He is Drunk. The New York
Times, 22 Apr. 1990 20.
- Interview by the Author (yourself)
- OConnell, Amanda. Telephone Interview. 7 Jan.
2004. - CD-ROM
- Sepoy Rebellion. Microsoft Encarta 98
Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1998 ed. Redmond
Microsoft, 1998. - Film, Video, DVD, etc.
- Going Back A Return to Vietnam. DVD. Virginia
Productions, 1982. - Map or Chart
- Wisconsin Territory. Map. Madison Wisconsin
Trails, 1998.
8Works Cited (example page)
Erickson, Jon. Historical Geology Understanding
Our Planets Past. New York, NY Facts on
File, Inc., 2003. Topinka, Lyn. Mt. Pinatubo.
Description Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines. 2 Aug.
2005. U.S. Geological Survey. 4
lip pines/Pinatubo/description_pinatubo.htmlgt. V
olcanoes Earthquakes. Ed. Dr. Eldridge M.
Moores. Time Life Books. 1995.
- Chart, image, graphic, or map
- Trypanosomiasis, African. Chart. Laboratory
Identification of Parasites of Public Health
Concern. 2 Aug. 2004. Center for Disease Control
and Prevention. 12 Dec. 2006 lthttp//www.dpd.cde.g
ov/dpdx/HTML/TrypanosomiasisAfrican.htmgt. - Website article
- Toxoplasmosis. Parasitic Disease Information.
23 Sept. 2004. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. 12 Dec. 2006 lthttp//www.cdc.gov/ncidp