Title: MLA Sample Citations
1Citation Primer
- Citing Examples
- Cite organization as an author
- Author/ page
- Author/ no page
- More than one author
- Two works in same sentence
- Multiple works by same author
- Authors with Same Last Names
- Book with an editor as an author
- No author/ Web or Database Journal
- Long quotation
- Quote with words omitted
- Quote with word added
- Indirect Quote article that is quoting another
author - Citing Common Literature
- Citing the Bible
- Multi-Volume Work
- Tweet
- eReader (Kindle, Nook, etc.)
- Introduction
- When not to cite
- Direct quote reminder
- Paraphrasing explained
- Prefacing
- Basic parenthetical samples
3When a Citation Is Not Needed
Common sense and ethics should determine your
need for documenting sources. You do not need to
give sources for familiar proverbs, well-known
quotations or common knowledge. Remember, this is
a rhetorical choice, based on audience. If you're
writing for an expert audience of a scholarly
journal, for example, they'll have different
expectations of what constitutes common knowledge.
4When Using a Direct Quotation
- You use the exact wording of the author from the
source therefore, you MUST use quotation marks.
Quotations can be short (4 lines or less) and
long (more than 4 lines).
- You may put a statement into your own words, but
you still need to the cite the author or work
because this idea or fact has been borrowed. - The authors name may appear either in the
sentence itself OR in parenthesis following the
quotation or paraphrase, but the page number (s)
should always appear in parenthesis, not in the
text of your sentence. When using facts that are
word for word, be sure to preface the quoted
6Always Preface
- Introduce the quotation or paraphrase. A sentence
should NEVER start with a quotation you must
always write something first to make the quote
flow with the rest of your text.
7Some Basic Parenthetical Sample
8Work with Organization as an Author
- MLA format follows the author- page method of
citation. The authors last name and the page
number (s) from which the quotation or
information is taken must appear in the text. - A complete reference should appear in your Works
Cited page. - Special Note
- For an organization, the first mention must be
the entire name followed by the parenthetical
acronym if you wish to continue using just the
acronym throughout the rest of the paper - for example
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a
statement regarding - the validity of supplements. The FDA also gave
further evidence that
9Sample Author The Associated PressPage
12Quote Students have refused to give up their
cell phones, saying the devices have become too
vital to their daily existence and to their
parents peace of mind.
- There are 3 different ways to accomplish citing
this - Internal citation of author and preface the
quote, use part of the quote word for word.
Include the page number in external parenthetical
citation. -
- The Associated Press (AP) stated that there is
reluctance by - students to relinquish their cell phones because
the devices - have become too vital to their daily existence
(12). -
10- OR
- Preface the quote, use part of the quote word for
word, external parenthetical citation for author
and page number. - Students will not hand over cell phones because
they are too vital to - their daily existence (The Associated Press
12). -
- OR
- Internal Citation of author, paraphrase of the
entire quote, parenthetical citation for page
number. -
- The Associated Press (AP) explains that because
students believe their - cell phones are crucial to their everyday
activities, they have - adamantly declined handing them over to school
authorities (12).
11 Author/ Page
Fig. 7. Parenthetical text citations.
- To indicate short quotations (4 or less typed
lines) in your text, enclose the quotation within
quotation marks and incorporate it into your text
by prefacing or introducing the quote. Then,
provide the author and specific page citation in
the text. - Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and
semicolons should appear AFTER the parenthetical
citation. Question marks and Exclamation points
should appear within the quotation marks if they
are part of the quoted passage.
12SampleAuthor James SterlingPage 32Quote
Children are at much higher risk than adults of
experiencing health problems related to regular
exposure to radio frequency radiation thinner
and smaller skulls translate to greater
absorption of radio frequency.
- 2 ways this can be done
- Preface the quote, and use part of the statement
as a quote, cite the author parenthetically. -
- According to some current health warnings,
Children are at much higher risk than adults of - experiencing health problems related to regular
exposure to radio frequency radiation thinner
and - smaller skulls translate to greater absorption of
radio frequency. (Sterling 32). -
- OR
- Internally cite the author, preface the quote,
and use part of the statement as a quote. -
- According to James Sterlings study, the dangers
are not always equal as Children are at much
higher - risk than adults of experiencing health problems
related to regular exposure to radio frequency - radiation thinner and smaller skulls translate
to greater absorption of radio frequency (32). - Special note
- -The first time an authors name is used
internally, use the whole name. For instance
James Sterling believes - -After that you may refer to the last name for
further internal referencing. For instance,
Sterling also promotes
13Work with Author but No Page
- To indicate short quotations (4 or less typed
lines) in your text, enclose the quotation within
quotation marks and incorporate it into your text
by prefacing or introducing the quote. Then,
provide the author and specific page citation in
the text. When there is no page number, it is
omitted. - Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and
semicolons should appear AFTER the parenthetical
citation. Question marks and Exclamation points
should appear within the quotation marks if they
are part of the quoted passage.
14SampleAuthor Adam FoulkesPage NoneQuote
The study of dreams has been widely used to prove
profound aspects of personality are evident in
seemingly unrelated events recounted in the
- 2 ways this can be done
- Preface the quote, and use part of the statement
as a quote, cite the author parenthetically. -
- According to some, dreams express profound
aspects of personality (Foulkes). -
- OR
- Internally cite the author, preface the quote,
and use part of the statement as a quote. -
- According to Adam Foulkes study, dreams may
express profound aspects of personality...
15More than One Author
- 2 Authors
- (Bradley and Rogers 7)
- 3 Authors
- (Sumner, Reichl, and Waugh 23).
- 4 or More Authors
- Jones et al. counter Smith, Yang, and Moore's
argument by noting that the current - spike in gun violence in America compels law
makers to adjust gun laws (4). - or
- Legal experts counter Smith, Yang, and Moore's
argument by noting that the current - spike in gun violence in America compels law
makers to adjust gun laws (Jones et al. - 4).
16Two Works Cited in Same Sentence
- When paraphrasing and combining ideas from 2
works they need to be separated parenthetically
by a semicolon - (Burns 54 Thomas 327)
- If the two ideas are kept separate in the writing
for emphasis or contrast, cite parenthetically
after each - Yet what seems to be at the heart of peoples
disaffection is the fact - that repressive, often western-backed regimes
led by strongmen or - ruling cliques have maintained ossified systems
in the Arab world for - decades (Burns 54) and those heading the
regimes and their cronies - have led comfortable lives, while the vast
majority of Arab citizens - have been denied their political or economic
rights (Thomas 327).
17Citing Multiple Works by the Same Author
- For a single citation in a sentence where the
author is mentioned again in another article in a
different part of the paper. - Also, watch for the special note regarding how to
include the same author for multiple works in
your Works cited page!
18- Sample Articles
- Author James Stockwell
- Article 1 Title Towards Justice on the Road
- Page B1
- Quote The trial that ensued charged that Jason
Jones was busy talking - on a cell phone and charged him with two counts
of vehicular - manslaughter and did not pursue higher charges in
the deaths of John and - Carole Hall.
- Author James Stockwell
- Article 2 Title Man and Negligence Should not
be an Excuse - Page B4
- Quote Jason Jones learned this lesson in law and
was convicted of negligent driving and fined
500, the maximum penalty allowed.
19- When using more than one work by the same author
in your paper, the author's name must be followed
by a comma, accompanied by a word from the title
of the source you are referring to in quotes, and
the page number (if provided). -
- On December 6, 2000, it was reported that
distracted - driver Jason Jones had been charged with "two
counts of - vehicular manslaughter . . . in the deaths of
John and - Carole Hall" (Stockwell, "Towards" B1).
20- When using both articles in the same sentence,
follow this example - On December 6, 2000, it was reported that
- distracted driver Jason Jones had been charged
- with "two counts of vehicular manslaughter . . .
In - the deaths of John and Carole Hall" (Stockwell,
"Towards - B1) and the next day reported the judge's ruling
Jones - "was convicted of negligent driving and fined
500, the - maximum penalty allowed" (Stockwell, "Man" B4).
21- Special Note
- On the Works Cited page the first Alphabetical
article appears as a full entry and the Authors
name is replaced by 3 hyphens for the second
entry as in the following example -
- Stockwell, James. " Man and Negligence Should not
be an Excuse." When Morality Meets Legality. Ed.
Mike Rose. New York Guilford, 1986. B4. - ---. "Towards Justice on the Road." Legal Justice
46.1 (1995) B1.
22Authors with Same Last Names
- Sometimes more information is necessary to
identify the source from which a quotation is
taken. For instance, if two or more authors have
the same last name, provide both authors' first
initials (or even the authors' full name if
different authors share initials) in your
citation. For example - Some medical ethicists claim that cloning will
lead to - designer children (R. Miller 12). Other experts
note that - the advantages for medical research outweigh this
- consideration (A. Miller 46).
23Book with an Editor as an Author
- Works Cited Entry
- Galley, Krista E. M., ed. Global Climate Change
and Wildlife in North America. Bethesda Wildlife
Society, 2004. Print. - In-text citation
- (Galley 125)
24Web or Database Journal With No Author
- If the work you are citing has no author, use the
editor(s). If neither are listed use the works
title (or web page title) in quotation marks if
it is an article title or italicized if a book
title. If the title is long, an abbreviated
version of the title (first 1-2 words of the
title) may be used.
25Sample (if there is an editor)Article Title
Wordsworth in ReviewPage 98Editors Steven
Miller and Sara Cuyer Quote Wordsworths
stubbornness resides as much with readers who
dont want to change their minds as with the poet
who so successfully hid his early development
from posterity.
- Some believe Wordsworth remains stubbornly
hidden, but others - disagree, ruefully recognizing that Wordsworths
stubbornness - resides as much with readers who dont want to
change their minds as with - the poet who so successfully hid his early
development from posterity - (Miller and Cuyer 98).
- Note In the works cited page the entry for the
editor instead of the author must denote their
title, followed by the article title etc.--- - Miller, Steven, and Sara Cuyer, eds. Wordsworth
in Review
26Sample (if there is no editor)Article Title
Wordsworth is a Loser Based on Current
StandardsPage 100Quote Wordsworth does not
compare well to the pragmatism of the modern
world as his poems are too emotional.
- An anonymous Wordsworth critic once argued that
his poems are too - emotional (Wordsworth is a Loser 100).
- Note
- Internal citation can also be used when there is
no author or page . - This would be an example of internal citation
when there is no page -
- In an article titled Wordsworth is a Loser, an
anonymous critic argued - that his poems are too emotional (100).
27Long Quotations
- After developing your own preface, place
quotations longer than 4 typed lines in a
free-standing block and omit quotation marks.
Start the quotation on a new line, indented one
inch from the left margin, and maintain double
spacing. The right margin remains the same as the
normal paper. Your parenthetical citation should
come AFTER the closing punctuation mark. The
Author, or article title if no author is given,
can be cited internally in the preface or
parenthetically at the end of the quote.
28- Sample
- because feminism is structured around
emphasizing the differences - between men and women, this school of feminist
theory - has not been able to account for differences
among women. In her article - entitled Feminism and Subordination, Nancy
Fraser is clear on this point - In repressing the differences among
women, the mainstream - movement had also repressed axes of
subordination other than - gender. It therefore repressed what
Deborah King has called - multiple jeopardy, the multiple forms
of subordination faced by - lesbians, women of color, and/or poor
and working class women. - Consequently, the mainstream movement
failed to grasp the multiple - affiliations of such women, their
loyalty to more than one social - movement. (179)
Note the block indent return to your normal
paragraph after the quote with the standard 1
29Omitting Words in a Quotation
Ellipsis punctuation marks that indicate a
segment of a quote has been omitted. Should only
be done if the segment used still makes sense
based on the context within which it is being
used. The word processing rule is to put a space
before and after the ellipsis. Do not put spaces
between them as the software is already set to
recognize the spacing.
30- Example of omitting beginning segment
- You do not have to use the ellipses when you omit
information at the BEGINNING of - the quotation. In this case, the first letter of
where you pick up the quotation must be - lower case.
- Regardless of whether talking about
professional, college, or even high school today,
sports have lost credibility as a result of the
league officials negligence to enforce
standards. - Those in favor of drug testing professional
athletes argue that sports have lost credibility
as a result of the league officials negligence
to enforce standards. - (Here, the s is lowercase because the original
quoted sentence did not begin at sports.)
31- Example of omitting middle segment
- They prepare students for the real world since
the a significant percentage of corporate attire
is readily visible in mainstream America even
McDonalds has employees wear uniforms. - They prepare students for the real world ...
even McDonalds has employees wear uniforms. - Example of omitting end segment
- Before making the uniform decision, he suggests
that schools carefully consider their unique
populations what kind of message they want to
send and whether or not they think their kids
will go for it. - Before making the uniform decision, he suggests
that schools carefully consider their unique
32Adding Words in Quotations
- Sample
- Author Jan Harold Brunvard
- Page 78
- Quote It is valuable for our understanding when
some individuals make a point of learning every
recent rumor or tale because missing links and
information gaps become quite evident. The
transference of information is expedited in this
way and in a short time a lively exchange of
details occurs. - If you add a word or words in a quotation, you
should put brackets around the words to indicate
that they are not part of the original text. -
- A wide understanding of geographic culture is
valuable as Jan Harold Brunvard, in an essay on
urban - legends, states that some individuals who
retell urban legends make a point of learning
every rumor - or tale (78).
33Cite a Quote Within a Quote-Also Known as
Indirect Quote
- Sometimes you will want to use a direct quote
from a writer who is actually using someone
else's direct quote. - For example if you are reading by book by William
Brey and he refers to a sample done by Larry
Jones that revealed "ten percent of the air we
breathe is polluted," you would cite each author
in your paper and use a single parenthesis mark
to note what is quoted within the quote.
34SampleAuthor William BreyPage 55Quote As a
result of the harmful gases emitted in the
environment, Larry Jones confirmed that, Ten
percent of the air we breathe is polluted.
- William Brey confirms that As a result of the
- harmful gases emitted in the environment, Larry
- Jones found, Ten percent of the air we breathe
- is polluted (55).
- Denying that man has emitted toxic compunds to
- the environment would be folly as Larry Jones
- found, Ten percent of the air we breathe is
polluted - (qtd. in Brey 55).
35Citing Common Literature
- Page numbers are always required, but additional
citation information can help literary scholars,
who may have a different edition of a classic
work like Marx and Engels's The Communist
Manifesto. In such cases, give the page number of
your edition (making sure the edition is listed
in your Works Cited page, of course) followed by
a semicolon, and then the appropriate
abbreviations for volume (vol.), book (bk.), part
(pt.), chapter (ch.), section (sec.), or
paragraph (par.). For example - Sample 1
- Marx and Engels described human history as marked
by class - struggles (79 ch. 1).
- Sample 2
- One of the most memorable scenes in Don Quixote
is when the man of - la Mancha charges and tilts at the windmills
(Cervantes 4 bk. 5, ch. - 16).
36Citing the Bible
- Parenthetical References
- In parenthetical references, the titles of the
books of the Bible are often abbreviated. Click
here to see the list of common abbreviations for
books of the Bible found in the MLA Handbook. - Example (2 Cor. 5.17)
- A period separates chapter and verse.
- The first time you refer to a particular version
of the Bible, include the name of the version,
followed by a comma. Example (New
International Version, Gen. 3.15) - You do not need to identify the version in
subsequent references unless you switch to a
different version.
37Online Source with Numbered Paragraphs
- Use the Authors name or article/ web page title,
followed by a comma, the abbreviation for
paragraphs and the number of the paragraphs - (Fox, pars. 4-5)
38Multi-Volume Work
- References to volumes and pages
- (Wilson 2 1-18)
- References to an entire volume
- (Henderson, vol. 3)
- Begin the entry in the works-cited list with the
authors real name and, in parentheses, user
name, if both are known and they differ. If only
the user name is known, give it alone. - Next provide the entire text of the tweet in
quotation marks, without changing the
capitalization. Conclude the entry with the date
and time of the message and the medium of
publication (Tweet). For example - Athar, Sohaib (ReallyVirtual). Helicopter
hovering above - Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event). 1 May
2011, 358 - p.m. Tweet.
- A book which has been downloaded to an e-reader
could be cited as a digital file (PDFs, MP3s,
JPEGs). For instance, a book on a Kindle can be
identified as a "Kindle file". If you are citing
a direct quote and need a page number, try
the chapter and paragraph number where the
quoted lines appear, to ensure that others can
find it (location numbers within readers can
vary, so are not always reliable). - Determine the type of work to cite (e.g.,
article, image, sound recording) and cite
appropriately. End the entry with the name of the
digital format (e.g., PDF, JPEG file, Microsoft
Word file, MP3). If the work does not follow
traditional parameters for citation, give the
authors name, the name of the work, the date of
creation, and the medium of publication.
Use Digital file when the medium cannot be
determined. For Example - Beethoven, Ludwig van. Moonlight Sonata.
Crownstar, 2006. MP3. - Smith, George. Pax Americana Strife in a Time
of Peace. 2005.Microsoft Word file. - Bentley, Phyllis. Yorkshire and the
Novelist. The Kenyon Review 30.4 (1968) - 509-22. JSTOR. PDF file.
- Only provide the author if the creator of the
blogs first and last name is available. Do not
use the user name given. Otherwise, treat the
citation as if there is not an author. -
- Author. Title of Blog Post. Title of Blog.
Blog Site Name, Date blog was posted. Web. Date
blog was accessed. -
- Supak, Sharon. Pesticides Linked to Frog
Mutations. - Organic Gardening News and Advice.
Blogspot, 2 - March 2006. Web. 13 March 2008.
42YouTube or Other Video Clips
- Only provide the author if you are certain that
the person created the video. Otherwise, treat
the citation as if there if not an author. - Author. Title of Video. Online posting.
Title of Website, Date video was posted. Web.
Date video accessed. - Takayma-Ogawa, J. What is information
literacy? Online - posting. YouTube, 14 March 2007. Web. 30
April 2010. - Slingshot fun. Online posting. YouTube, 29
January 2007. - Web. 30 April 2010.