Title: Cheinghsing Junior High School
1Christmas Card Exchange
- Cheing-hsing Junior High School
- Claire Kung
- What is the project about?
- Who was involved in the project?
- Why did we do the project?
- When did we do the project?
- How did we do the project?
- What was the result?
- What did we learn in the project?
3What is the project about?
- In this project, we exchange Christmas cards
with students from the USA, Thailand, Russia,
Belarus, and Taiwan. It is a very interesting
project to do because you can learn many
different kinds of cultures, and meet different
kinds of people.
4Who was involved in the project?
These are my classmates, the whole 7th grade 27th
class. We participated in the project together.
5Why did we do this project?
- To communicate with other schools around the
world, and know how they spend their Christmas. - To practice our English.
- To make friends with students around the world.
- To learn different kinds of cultures.
6When did we do this project?
- Date October-December, 2006
7How did we do the project?
- We used our class website to do the activities.
8What was the result?
- After receiving the cards from other countries,
we put it in our school for display. - We also had an exhibition of the project in 2006
Kaohsiung English contest.
9The exhibition of our project
10The exhibition of our project
11What did we learn in the project?
- We learned many things through this project,
such as, how people all over the world celebrate
Christmas. We also know some of the traditions in
some countries. And I learned that iEARN is a
wonderful system!!!
The wonderful experience encourages us to join
another iEARN projectA Day in the Life. As you
can see in the picture on the right. It shows
what the document looked like
13 Thanks for your listening.