Title: Religion
2What is Religion?
- A set of symbols, feelings of reverence, and
rituals practiced by a community of believers - Comprised of beliefs, symbols and rituals.
- Seeks to answer questions such as why we exist,
why people suffer and die, and what happens when
we die. - All known societies over the past 100,000 years
have had some form of religion. - Religious beliefs and practices vary from culture
to culture.
3What is Religion?
- Emile Durkheim The Elementary Forms of Religious
Life (1912) - Religion is a unified system of beliefs and
practices relative to sacred things - Religions component parts
- A theology
- Organized set of beliefs and practice--doctrine
- A set of rituals
- Beliefs are translated into behaviors--faith must
be observable - Classification of sacred and profane objects
- Sacred (Elements that are set apart from the
everyday world and treated with reverence) - Profane (Elements of the everyday world)
4Religion as a Social Construction
- Religious truths are always subject to change
- Although religious truths are socially
constructed they have a symbolic realism - The symbols constructed have a real effect on
life and how we interpret it--Thomas Theorem - Examples of the fluid nature of religion
- Secularization (Peter Berger)
- Process in which religion is challenged by the
notions of science and the products of
modernization - Fundamentalism
- The revitalization of faith based on the literal
interpretation of religious doctrine
5Civil Religion/Civic Religion
- A system of values associated with sacred symbols
that is integrated into the broader society and
shared by the society's members, regardless of
their individual religious affiliations (e.g.,
patriotism, nationalism)
6Four Categories of Religion
- Simple supernaturalism - the belief that
supernatural forces affect people's lives
positively or negatively. - Animism - the belief that plants, animals, and
elements of the natural world are endowed with
spirits that impact events in society. - Theism - belief in a God or Gods.
- Transcendent idealism - belief in sacred
principles of thought and conduct, such as truth,
justice, life and tolerance for others.
7Functionalism Functions of Religion
- Provides meaning and purpose to life
- Promotes emotional well-being by addressing
important individual questions (Why am I here?) - A source of social cohesion
- Assists in the building of social ties, further
integrating people, gives a sense of belonging - Provides a support system
- Provides strength and comfortespecially in times
of crisis
8Functionalism Functions of Religion (contd.)
- Social services
- Provides much in the way of voluntary services to
those less fortunate - A source of social control
- Often legitimizes the efforts of government to
engage in social sanctioning and the placement of
boundaries on behavior - A source of social change
- Many social movements have had religion as their
source of support and inspiration - Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi
9Conflict Theory
- Karl Marx
- Religion is the opiate of the people
- Argued that religion is an ideology which creates
false consciousness amongst the working classes - Religion makes people apathetic to their plight
- Leads people to falsely believe that those with
more are more deserving - Gives people the belief that their suffering here
on earth is purposefulfor ultimate reward on the
other side
10Conflict Theory
- Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism (1904) - Religious shift is significant to the course of
social change, religion could be a catalyst to
produce social change - Explored the interconnectedness of Protestantism
and the growth of Capitalism - The Protestant ethic is derived from the concept
of predestination - Since predestination could not be known it was
assumed that outward symbols could give some
indication - collection of wealth reflects Gods
elect - Encouraged people to acquire wealth through
self-discipline and hard work - acquisition of
wealth deemed a moral good
11Symbolic Interactionism
- What meaning does religion hold for people?
- Gives sense of purpose to life
- Religion serves as a reference group to help
people define themselves. - Womens versions of a certain religion usually
differ from mens versions.
12Types of Religious Organization
- A church
- Inclusive religious body (moral community)
engaged in formalized worship - A denomination
- A socially and legally recognized religious body
- Exist within a religion through shared theology
but contain differences in interpretation of such
theology - A sect
- Smaller but formalized
- Focus on salvation and otherworldly
concerns--hostile to society - A cult
- Smallest but not formalized--lacking well defined
structure - Typically organized around charismatic leaders
13Churches and Sects
14Gender and Religion
- Religious organizations are dominated by men.
- Barbara Harris 1st female Episcopal bishop
- In both Buddhism Christianity, women were
allowed to express strong religious convictions
by choosing to become nuns. - In 1993, women were finally accepted as priests
in Great Britain. - In the U.S., women have been ordained as
ministers in about half of the Protestant
denominations. - In Orthodox Judaism, women in the U.S. can become
15Major World Religions
16World ReligionsChristianity
- The largest of the world religions
- Dates back 2,000 years
- Roots in Judaism
- Begins as a cult led by a Jew in the Middle-East
(Israel/Palestine) - Contains many denominations
- History recorded in the New Testament of the
BibleShares the first five books of the Hebrew
Bible with Jews - Engaged in missionary work and military conquest
to bolster expansion
17World ReligionsIslam
- Worlds 2nd largest religion
- Like Christianity, faith spread through
missionary and military work - Fastest-growing religion
- Founded in the 7th century by the teachings of
Muhammad - History recorded in the Qur an
- Includes references to Jesus, Abraham, and Moses
- Two major division
- Shiite (Fundamentalist)
- Sunni (More Secular and larger in representation)
18World ReligionsHinduism
- The oldest and third largest religion
- Mostly practiced in India
- Expansion of followers tied to natural growth
- A polytheistic faith lacking a specific sacred
text - No one supreme being sitting in judgment
- Followers undergo reincarnation in death
- On a journey toward nirvana (place of spiritual
19World ReligionsBuddhism
- Does not accept notion of a divine being
- Grew out of Hinduism
- Focus is on living in proper manner so as to
achieve enlightenment - All humans thought to possess Godliness just
unable to tap into it
20World ReligionsJudaism
- Provides the theological roots for Christianity
and Islam - Small in numbers
- 18 million worldwide
- History is recorded in the first five books of
the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Torah - Believe a covenant with God and Abraham makes
them the chosen people destined to live out their
lives in Israel - Driven out by the Romans over 2,000 years ago and
witnessed a return in 1948 - Now fighting with Muslim Palestinians over who is
the rightful settlers of Israel
21World ReligionsConfucianism
- Quite secular in form
- Founded by the Chinese philosopher, followers
mostly in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam - Based on a code of self-discipline
- Work toward the achievement of earthly reward
rather than supernatural reward
22Global Distribution of World Religions
23Trends in Religion in the U.S.
- Approximately 80-85 of Americans say they
believe in God. - Although 50 of Americans say they attend church
weekly, research suggests only 20-25 attend
weekly. - Half of Catholics in the U.S. reject the notion
that the Pope is the voice of God. - The rise of a new fundamentalism has occurred at
the same time as mainline denominations have been
losing membership. - Some members of the political elite in Washington
have vowed to bring religion "back" into schools
and public life. - During the 1990s the Christian Coalition proved
to be a potent force in U.S. politics.
24Who is Religious in the U.S.?
25U.S. Religious Bodies Membership
26Major U.S. denominations that self-identify as
27Major U.S. denominations that self-identify as
Christian (contd.)