Title: Chapter 13 Cooper Chapter 17 SulzerAzaroff
1Chapter 13 (Cooper)Chapter 17 (Sulzer-Azaroff)
2Effective Goal Setting
- Be realistic
- Shape
- Goals should be SDs
3Prompting and Prompt Fading
- Prompts
- supplemental stimuli that control the target
response but are not a part of the natural SD
that will eventually control the behavior - (Touchette Howard, 1984)
- Prompts are given before or during the
performance of a behavior they help behavior
occur so that the teacher can provide
reinforcement - Only introduced during the acquisition phase of
instruction - Prompt Fading
- technique to gradually change the antecedent
stimulus Stimuli are faded in or out. - Transfer of Stimulus Control
- technique used to fade response and stimulus
42 Types of Prompts
- Response Prompts stimuli added to a childs
response - Verbal Directions
- Modeling
- Physical Guidance
- Stimulus Prompts Stimuli used in conjunction
with the task stimuli or instructional materials - Movement Cues
- Position Cues
- Redundancy Cues
5Response prompts stimuli added to a childs
- Verbal directions
- can be one word or several in length and are
- used very often in typical classrooms
- e.g., When teaching a child to tie a shoe can
say remember to make the bows big - e.g., remind the student what they need to do
Remember do your math worksheet and then we can
go to the party - but can be used with children with autism
- Child must have responding that is rule-governed
or use familiar language - Make sure they are not prompts but critical
variables of concern - E.g., instructions can be taught to response to
these pair with modeling
6Response prompts stimuli added to a childs
- Modeling prompts
- a behavior can be modeled by demonstrating the
desired behavior so that it can be imitated. It
can be used in combination with other prompts - Child must have genrealized imitation
- e.g., words on a card to be copied writing
activity schedules - e.g., videotaping the actions of a play script
- e.g., drawing the components for an art script
- E.g., posture and attention
7Response prompts stimuli added to a childs
- Physical guidance
- an instructor manually guides a child through the
entire target response - e.g., teaching a child to dress not pulling the
pants up for a child but putting your hands over
the childs and guiding them pull them up
8Ways to Fade Response PromptsWolery and Gast
- Most-to-Least Prompts
- Graduated Guidance
- Shadowing and spatial fading
- Least-to-Most Prompts
- Time Delay
9Response Prompt Fading
- Most-to-least
- the instructor initially guides the student
physically through the entire performance then
gradually reduces the amount of physical
assistance provided as training progresses from
session to session. - e.g., dressing
- Graduated guidance
- is defined as the teacher provides a physical
prompt only when it is needed and then it is
faded immediately whenever the student responses
10Response Prompt Fading
- Foxx and Azrin (1973) recommend using shadowing
and spatial fading with the graduated guidance
procedure as soon as the student is performing
the skill independently. - Shadowing
- has the teacher following the students
movements with her hands very near but not
touching the child. The teacher then gradually
increases the distance of her hands from the
student. - Spatial fading
- involves gradually changing the location of the
physical prompt. - e.g., if the physical prompt is used for a hand
movement, the teacher can move the prompt from
the hand to the wrist, to the elbow, to the
shoulder, and then to no physical contact.
11Response Prompt Fading
- Least to most prompts
- involves giving the student the opportunity to
perform the response with the least amount of
assistance on each trial. Greater degrees of
assistance are provided as successive
opportunities are required. - This procedure requires that a latency interval
(frequency 5 seconds) occur between the
presentation of the natural SD and the
opportunity to emit the response.
12Least-to Most
- Wolery and Gast (1984) List 4 basic Guidelines to
be followed - The natural SD to which stimulus control will be
transferred is presented at each prompt level - a constant latency interval follows the
presentation of each natural SD or prompt within
which time the student has an opportunity to
response without additional assistance - Increased assistance is presented at each prompt
level - Each correct response is positive reinforced even
if prompted - Advantages
- the student always has an opportunity to response
and the students behavior determines the level
of prompting needed for a correct response
increasing assistance as necessary. - Disadvantages
- multiple errors.
- e.g., Joe point to the number 8
- no response
- Joe point to the number 8. Its the one between
7 and 9 on your - number line.
- No response
- Joe want me point to the number 8 on your paper.
Now you point - to the number 8.
- He points to the 9
- Join point to the number 8. The tutor placed
his hand on top of Joes and moves his hand close
to the number 8 - He points to 9
- Joe, point to the number 8. The tutor guides
Joes fingers to the - number 8
14Response Prompt Fading
- Time delay
- delays the presentation of the prompt after the
natural stimulus has been presented. - Snell and Gast (1981) describe two time delay
procedures - Progressive time delay
- starts with a zero time delay between the
presentation of the natural stimulus and the
response prompt. The time delay is then gradually
and systematically increased usually in 1-second
intervals. The time delay can be increased after
a specific number of presentation after each
session or after a specific number of sessions. - Constant time delay
- begins with several trials using a zero second
delay. Then for all other trials the response
prompt is delayed for a fixed time interval after
the presentation of the natural stumbles.
15Stimulus prompts stimuli added to an SD prior
to a child emitting a response.
- Movement prompts
- pointing to or looking at the target stimulus.
- e.g. when teaching a student to discriminate a
penny from a dime you might point to correct
coin. - Positional prompts
- moving the target stimulus closer to a child.
- e.g., if asking for a dime move it closer
- Redundancy prompts
- when additional dimensions (e.g., color, size
shape) of the target stimulus are exaggerated. - e.g. prompt is exaggerating the lettering on a
dime criterion related - e.g., placing the correct coin on a white sheet
of paper non-criterion related
16Fading Stimulus Prompts
- Stimulus prompts are typically faded through
errorless learning procedures such as stimulus
shaping, transposition, and stimulus fading
(LaBlanc Etzel, 1981)
17Fading Stimulus Prompts
- -Stimulus fading
- highlighting a physical dimension (e.g., color,
size, position) of a stimulus to increase the
likelihood of a correct response. - The highlighted or exaggerated dimension is faded
gradually in or out. - e.g., fully highlighting a letter A to teach
handwriting criterion related prompt - e.g., 17 and 71 in puzzles give them a one and
have them place the one in the correct position
to make 17 or 71 eventually fade this to a
writing task - criterion related prompts ensure that the child
is attending to the relevant dimension of the
18Fading Stimulus Prompts
- Superimposition of stimuli is
- Frequently used with stimulus fading.
- Two specific classes of stimuli are presented to
prompt a response. - In one instance the transfer of stimulus control
occurs when one stimulus is faded out in another
application one stimulus is faded in as the other
stimulus is faded out.
19Fading Stimulus Prompts
- E.g. Terrace (1963)
- colored lights (red green)
- Lines superimposed on lights
- Lights faded out
- e.g., 5 2 7
- 1-2-3-4-5- 6-7
- E.g., Pg 320 criterion related?
20Fading Stimulus Prompts
- -Stimulus shaping occurs when the overall
configuration or topography of the stimulus is
changed. - e.g., picture of a car gradually changing to the
written word car criterion related
21Discriminative Motivational Functions of Stimuli
- To demonstrate stimulus control
- A response characteristic such as probability of
occurrence is altered whenever a change is made
in a particular property of an antecedent
stimulus - A response in the presence of an antecedent
stimulus is followed with reinforcement
22Discriminative Motivational Functions of Stimuli
- To demonstrate stimulus control
- 3. The SD condition is correlated with an
increased frequency of reinforcement as opposed
to the S - -differential reinforcement is critical!
- -Sometimes, a stimulus change alters the rate of
probability of a response occurrence and appears
to have an SD effect without any history of
effective differential reinforcement correlated - deprivation and satiation states
- Michael uses the terms establishing operations
and establishing stimuli to distinguish the
discriminative and motivational function of
23Contextual Variables
- Setting Events
- Establishing Operations
- Establishing Stimulus
24Setting Events
- Setting Events (Conditional Discrimination)
- the presence or absence of an SD that alters the
function of any other SD in a general way - SD Context Movie Theatre
- S ? R ? SR
- See Minimal Avoid
- friends Conversation Complaints
25Setting Events
- Setting events acquire their function through a
history of differential reinforcement, just as
any other sort of discriminative stimulus does. - Examples of contextual stimuli related to
classroom performance - E.g., faster rates of presentations of
instructional stimuli are associated with both
lower rates of disruption and higher rates of
correct responses that are slower-paced
presentations. - So too are frequent praise, clear signals,
consistency within a setting, and immediate
26Establishing Operations
- Any change in the environment which alters the
effectiveness of some object or event as
reinforcement and simultaneously alters the
momentary frequency of the behavior that has been
followed by that reinforcer. - E.g., salt ingestion, perspiration and blood loss
are establishing operations for water consumption - Others?
- Note that establishing operations resemble events
that other learning theorists might have labeled
drives or motivational variables.
27Establishing Operations
- A history of differential reinforcement is much
less relevant with establishing operations than
with setting events. - Establishing operations is less dependent on
learning than setting events - e.g, first time a bay is nauseated he or she will
refuse food. The b aby does not have to have
learned previously that eating will be punished. - Establishing operations is not the same as a
discriminative stimulus and does not obtain it
controlling properties in the same way.
28Establishing Stimulus
- The effectiveness of conditioned reinforcement is
altered but not the effectiveness of
unconditioned reinforcement - If there is an increased likelihood of the
occurrence of behavior that in the past has
produced the conditioned reinforcement associated
with the second stimulus change
29Establishing Stimulus
- Michael (1982) describes an establishing stimulus
as a form of conditioning that produces an
evocative relation similar to that of an
establishing operation. - That is an antecendent-response relation between
when you find yourself desperately seeking or
needing an item or event, person, tool, or
different environment and when you respond
according to your prior experiences - A response cannot occur unless some stimulus
change enables it to happen - E.g., you cannot drive your car unless you have
the key, but you have misplaced it. So you look
in all the familiar places until you find it.
Locating the key is a conditioned reinforcing
event, whereas hunting for it was evoked by the
stimulus event no key.
- An establishing operation alters the
effectiveness of reinforcement for all members of
a species. Not affected by individual history - E.g., water deprivation for humans
- An establishing stimulus does depend on
individual history in altering the effectiveness
of reinforcement. Does not effect all members of
the species in the same way - E.g., teacher tell student to complete math
worksheet 4. One student lost his worksheet so
asks the teacher for another copy - Student cannot complete worksheet and then
receive reinforcement, if does not have a
worksheet. Establishing Stimuli are the worksheet
and thus asking the teacher for a worksheet
worksheet then becomes conditioned reinforcer
because completion of it leads to reinforcement.
31Questions to answer when selecting a prompt
- What is the target response?
- Does my prompt lead to the target response?
- What is the natural stimuli that should control
this behavior? - Does my prompt lead to that stimuli controlling
the behavior? - Order your SDs in a hierarchy from the most
natural to the most artificial and select from
there - E.g. eye contact why you wouldnt say look or
hands down - E.g., teaching a student to discriminate b and
d - Extra stimlus prompt-non-criterion related
prompts - Within-stimulus prompts criterion related
prompts magnified critical features
32Information to remember when fading prompts
- Am I producing a shift in attention from my
prompt to the relevant discriminative stimuli? - Am I decreasing the likelihood of prompt
dependency while preventing errors? - -e.g., fading prompts in a timely fashion
- Am I using an error-correction procedure if the
child makes a mistake? - Am I reinforcing only when I reduce my level of
prompt giving the child an incentive to
independently perform the response?
33Coping with Stimulus overdependence and
- Children with autisms behavior may be controlled
by a limited number of even just one often
non-relevant stimulus -of the complex stimulus - E.g., placement of an object, its color, person
doing the teaching - Can recall someones name when they are sitting
in their seat in the classroom pass them on the
street and Im in trouble - How do you fix this?
34Correcting Overselectivity
- Control has to be transferred over to the
critical features of the SD - Alternate trials involving single components of
the complex stimulus with trials containing the
intact complex stimulus - Use intermittent schedules of reinforcement may
promote attending