PlantMicrobe Interactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PlantMicrobe Interactions


Epiphytic = organisms growing on the surface of photosynthetic organisms ... the rose family such as apple, pear, peach, cherry, almond, raspberry and roses. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PlantMicrobe Interactions

Plant-Microbe Interactions
Outline of topics for today and Wednesday
  • Terminology
  • Microbial plant pathogens
  • Coevolution between plants and pathogens
  • Rhizosphere interactions
  • General biology of mycorrhizae

Terms describing the location of microbial
habitats related to plants
  • Epiphytic organisms growing on the surface of
    photosynthetic organisms
  • Phylloplane leaf surface
  • Phyllosphere area surrounding the leaf and
    impacted by it
  • Rhizoplane root surface
  • Rhizosphere area surrounding the root and
    impacted by it

Profiles of two plant pathogens
  • 1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Profiles of two plant pathogens
  • 1. Agrobacterium

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes crown gall
    disease of a wide range of dicotyledonous
    (broad-leaved) plants, especially members of the
    rose family such as apple, pear, peach, cherry,
    almond, raspberry and roses.

  • Agrobacterium is significant as a tool to insert
    foreign DNA into a plant. Basically, the
    bacterium transfers part of its DNA to the plant,
    and this DNA integrates into the plants genome,
    causing the production of tumors and associated
    changes in plant metabolism.

Agrios, 1978
  • tumefaciens is a Gram-negative, non-sporing,
    motile, rod-shaped bacterium, closely related to
    Rhizobium which forms nitrogen-fixing nodules on
    clover and other leguminous plants.
  • Most of the genes involved in crown gall disease
    are not borne on the chromosome of A. tumefaciens
    but on a large plasmid, termed the Ti
    (tumour-inducing) plasmid. In the same way, most
    of the genes that enable Rhizobium strains to
    produce nitrogen-fixing nodules are contained on
    a large plasmid termed the Sym (symbiotic)
  • Thus, the characteristic biology of these two
    bacteria is a function mainly of their plasmids,
    not of the bacterial chromosome.

The central role of plasmids in these bacteria
can be shown easily by "curing" of strains. If
the bacterium is grown near its maximum
temperature (about 30oC in the case of
Agrobacterium or Rhizobium) then the plasmid is
lost and pathogenicity (of Agrobacterium) or
nodule-forming ability (of Rhizobium) also is
lost. However, loss of the plasmid does not
affect bacterial growth in culture - the
plasmid-free strains are entirely functional
In laboratory conditions it is also possible to
cure Agrobacterium or Rhizobium and then
introduce the plasmid of the other organism.
Introduction of the Ti plasmid into Rhizobium
causes this to form galls introduction of the
Sym plasmid into Agrobacterium causes it to form
nodule-like structures, although they are not
fully functional.
Studies such as these raise many interesting and
challenging questions about the nature of
bacteria. For example, what does the name of a
bacterial species or genus really mean, if the
organism can change so drastically by loss or
gain of a non-essential plasmid? And how much
gene exchange occurs by means of plasmids and
other mobile genetic elements within natural
  • It is important to note that only a small part of
    the plasmid (the T-DNA) enters the plant the
    rest of the plasmid remains in the bacterium to
    serve further roles. When integrated into the
    plant genome, the genes on the T-DNA code for
  • production of cytokinins
  • production of indoleacetic acid
  • synthesis and release of novel plant metabolites
    - the opines and agrocinopines.

The plant hormones upset the normal balance of
cell growth, leading to the production of galls
and thus to a nutrient-rich environment for the
bacteria. The opines are unique amino acid
derivatives, different from normal plant
products, and the agrocinopines similarly are
unique phosphorylated sugar derivatives.
All these compounds can be used by the bacterium
as the sole carbon and energy source, and because
they are absent from normal plants they provide
Agrobacterium with a unique food source that
other bacteria cannot use.
  • tumefaciens has been used extensively for genetic
    engineering of plants.
  • This is achieved by engineering selected genes
    into the T-DNA of the bacterial plasmid in
    laboratory conditions so that they become
    integrated into the plant chromosomes when the
    T-DNA is transferred.

A few of the commercial applications of T-DNA
However, the complexity of the patent landscape
has created by the real and perceived obstacles
to the effective use of this technology.
  • Here we show that several species of bacteria
    outside the Agrobacterium genus can be modified
    to mediate gene transfer to a number of diverse

Broothaerts et al., 2005
  • 2. Phytophthora (plant destroyer)
  • The genus Phytophthora contains about 35 spp.,
    many are notorious plant pathogens.

For example, Phytophthora cinnamomi has destroyed
millions of avocado trees in CA and eucalyptus in
Australia. Its motile zoospores are attracted to
root exudates. It produces resistant spores that
can survive up to 6 years in moist soil. Big
concern with this pathogen for Port Orford Cedar
in the Pacific NW.
From http//
  • Phytophthora infestans is famous because it was
    responsible for the great potato famines in
    Ireland in which over a million people died due
    to starvation.

sporangia germinate either by releasing zoospores
or by producing a hyphal outgrowth.
  • Virtually the entire potato crop was wiped out in
    a single warm, wet week in the summer of 1846.
  • This event initiated large-scale emigration.
  • Within the decade that followed the population of
    Ireland dropped from 8 million to 4 million

Coevolution between plants and pathogens
  • Consider pathogens as part of the biotic
    environment that exert a strong selective force
    on populations of plants and animals.

Plants have two general responses to pathogen
  • Passive Constitutive defenses
  • Active Induced defenses

Two general plant responses to pathogen attack,
from Dickinson Lucas 1982
  • 1. Passive, constitutive defenses ( defenses
    that are constantly available
  • Structural physical e.g. waxy or thickened
    cuticle, hairy stomates, structures to nurture
    associations with ants, etc.
  • Chemical e.g. tannins, terpines, resins,
    alkaloids, ... many drugs vices)

  • 2. Active, induced defenses acquired after the
    plant is attacked.
  • a. Structural localize responses at the site of
    entry e.g. necrosis, callose deposition,
    lignification, abscission layers, tyloses etc.
  • b. Chemical i.e. systemic acquired resistance
    (SAR) e.g. phytoalexins including polyphenolic,
    flavonoid or proteinaceous antimicrobial
    compounds. Salicylic acid plays a role in
    activating the genes coding for these compounds.

  • What is the relationship between pathogens and
    genetic diversity in plant populations and
    species diversity in plant communities?

  • What is the relationship between pathogens and
    genetic diversity in plant populations and
    species diversity in plant communities?
  • Microbial parasites, pathogen, and herbivores may
    be responsible for maintaining a high degree of
    genetic polymorphism in plant populations and a
    high degree of species diversity within plant

  • Dan Jansen suggested that pathogen pressures are
    responsible for maintaining the incredibly
    diverse tropical forests.

  • Keith Clay and Jim Bever suggest that infection
    of plants by mutualistic fungi may be a
    prerequisite for survival and persistence of
    plant species (i.e. a stabilizing force), but
    parasitic fungi may prevent plant communities
    from becoming dominated by one or several species
    (i.e. destabilizing force).

  • Back to the Red Queen analogy of a coevolutionary
    arms race between plants and microbial pathogens.

Red Queen hypothesis
  • Genetic systems determining virulence in the
    pathogen will be paralleled by genes conferring
    resistance in the host.
  • This is because any mutation to virulence in a
    pathogen population will be countered by the
    selection of hosts able to resist this more
    aggressive pathogen.
  • Thus, in a ideal world, we might expect a
    perpetual stalemate, with host and pathogen
    populations being closely matched in resistance
    and virulence.
  • Hence, over time disease would be neither
    completely absent nor epidemic.

  • So what happened in Ireland in 1846?
  • Why did P. infestans wipe out virtually all of
    the potatoes?

  • Disease epidemics often occur when genetic
    diversity of plant populations is eliminated by
    human intervention.

IV. Rhizosphere interactions
  • Roots exude a tremendous quantity of carbon into
    the rhizosphere.
  • Why?

Microbial biomass C (mg Cg1 soil dry wt)
measured by using substrate-induced respiration
method in rhizosphere continuums of three
experiments shows that root exudates increase
microbial biomass. From Bonkowski et al., 2000
  • Rhizosphere bacteria and fungi generally
    immobilize nitrogen and phosphorus

  • 3. Grazing by microfauna can influence the
    whether bacteria and fungi in the rhizosphere
    mineralize or immobilize the nutrients.
  • Grazing of microflora by microbivores seems to
    be a crucial mechanism to maintain the balance in
    the competition between micro-organisms and
    plants. (Bonkowski et al. p. 137)

These microshredders, immature oribatid mites,
skeletonize plant leaves. This starts the
nutrient cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and other
elements. Collohmannia sp. Credit Roy A.
Norton, College of Environmental Science
Forestry, State University of New York
Interactions between soil bacteria and microfauna
  • Generally, protozoa increase mineralization in
    soil, whereas the effects of bacterial feeding
    nematodes appear to depend on the status of the
    populations with nutrients released only if
    nematode populations decline or are in the
    presence of nematode predators. (Bonkowski et
    al. p.136-137)

Respiration by protozoa account for 2/3 of all
respiration by soil-animals
Flagellates, photo by Sarah Spaulding
Unlike bacteria and the substrates that they
consume, protozoa and their bacterial prey differ
little in respect to their CNP ratios. Why
is this important?
Protozoa use only 10 to 40 of the prey carbon
for biomass production and excrete the excess N
and P. Also, when protozoa die (e.g. in the
winter) they release a flush of highly
decomposable protozoan tissue.
Protozoa are picky eaters and they feed
selectively on certain species of bacteria. The
species composition of soil communities can
impact their ecosystem function (e.g.
flagellates, amoebae and ciliates stimulate
nitrifying bacteria), which can feedback on plant
community composition.
Interactions between soil fungi and microfauna
  • Collembola and oribatid mites feed selectively on
    certain soil fungi. Not all fungi are grazed
  • EARLY DOGMA Fungivorous microarthropods
    influence plant growth through grazing on
    mycorrhizal fungi.
  • However, studies have turned this idea

A mushroom of Laccaria bicolor fruiting with a
white pine seedling. The size of the mushroom
indicates that abundant photosynthate must be
transported from the needles of the seedling to
its root/mycorrhiza system. Photo by Christian
Godbout and Andre Fortin
Close up of springtails, Folsomia candida
  • Klironomos Hart discovered a surprising
    relationship between one fungus and a putative
    collembolan grazer
  • Klironomos, J. and M.M. Hart. 2001. Animal
    nitrogen swap for plant carbon. Nature
  • This study showed that mycorrhizal fungi can
    parasitize soil insects and transfer
    insect-derived nitrogen to their plant partners.
    Up to 25 of total plant nitrogen may be of
    insect origin.

  • Our results reveal a nitrogen cycle of far
    greater flexibility and efficiency than was
    previously assumed, where the fungal partner uses
    animal-origin-nitrogen to barter for carbon
    from the host tree. The host, in turn, supplies
    its fungal associate with carbon to synthesize
    proteolytic enzymes. Should this phenomenon
    prove to be widespread, forest-nutrient cycling
    may turn out to be more complicated and tightly
    linked than was previously believed.
  • Klironomos Hart, 2001
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