Title: Brucella
- The genus Brucella consists of six species, four
of which cause human brucellosis ???? Brucella
melitensis ????, Brucella suis ????, Brucella
abortus ????, and Brucella canis ???? - Are all intracellular organisms
- B. neotomae B. ovis
2- Brucella are small (0.40.8 0.51.5µm),
non-motile, non-capasulate, gram-negative
coccobacilli. - The organism is aerobic, and their nutritional
requirements are complex. - All strains grow best in a medium enrich with
animal serum and glucose - 5-10 carbon dioxide
3Antigenic Structure and classification
- Two main antigen A and M
- The three main Brucella differ from one another
in the amount or the two main antigen they have
in common - B.abortus AM201
- B.melitensis AM120
- B.suis AM21
4B. abortus
- Bacteria is excreted in genital secretions
(including semen), milk, colostrum. - Survival time
- Cheese at 4oC 180 days !!!
- Water at 25oC 50 days
- Meat and salted meat 65 days
- Manure at 12oC 250 days !!!!
- Widespread Cattle, Bison, Elk, Deer, Moose,
Horse, Sheep, Goat, Swine, Donkey, Dogs, Birds,
Hares, Fox, Rats, mice, Camels and Human.
5B. abortus
- Sources of Human Infection
- Raw milk and products /Direct contact
- Portal of entry oral mucosa, nasopharynx and
conjunctivae, genital then X in regional lymph
node and spread to RES (nodes of udder, uterus,
erythritol...). Placentitis with endometritis.
Fetus die with edema /congestion of lung,
dissimenated hemorrhages of epicardium and
splenic capsule. Bacteria in lung and digestive
tract of the fetus. -
6B. melitensis
- Goat (1886), Sheep, Cow (1905 in Malta), Swine,
Hares, Camels, Buffalo, Impala.
7B. suis
- Wild pigs, Rats, Swine.
- Abortion,metritis, bursitis, spondylitis (Lumbar
and sacral), arthritis, orchitis, paralysis.
8Brucella canis
- Brucella canis was first described as a cause of
abortion in beagles in the USA - It was subsequently shown to infect dogs in many
other countries, irrespective of breed - An occasional cause of brucellosis in humans
9Spread of Brucella in the body
10Incubation period
- Acute or subacute disease follows an incubation
period which can vary from 1 week to 6 or more
months. - In most patients for whom the time of exposure
can be identified, the incubation period is
between 2 and 6 weeks - The length of the incubation period may be
influenced by many factors - virulence of the infecting strain
- size of the inoculum
- route of infection
- resistance of the host
11Portals of entry
- Oral entry - most common route
- Ingestion of contaminated animal products (often
raw milk or its derivatives) - contact with contaminated fingers
- Aerosols
- Inhalation of bacteria
- Contamination of the conjunctivae
- Percutaneous infection through skin abrasions or
by accidental inoculation
12Clinical Manifestations
- The presentation of brucellosis is
characteristically variable - The onset may be insidious or abrupt
- Influenza-like with fever reaching 38 to 40oC
- Limb and back pains are unusually severe, night
sweating and fatigue are marked. - Anorexia, weakness, severe fatigue and loss of
weight, depression - Headache
- The leukocyte count tends to be normal or
reduced, with a relative lymphocytosis - Relative leukopenia
- On physical examination, splenomegaly may be the
only finding.
- If the disease is not treated, the symptoms may
continue for 2 to 4 weeks - Many patients will then recover spontaneously
- Others may suffer a series of exacerbations
- May produce an undulant fever in which the
intensity of fever and symptoms recur and recede
at about 10 day intervals.
- Cyprus fever/Gibraltar fever/Malta fever/Rock
fever/Undulant fever
- Most affected persons recover entirely within 3
to 12 months - Some will develop complications
- involvement of various organs,
- a few may enter an ill-defined chronic syndrome.
- Arthritis, often sacroiliitis, and spondylitis
(in about 10 percent of cases) - central nervous system involvement including
meningitis (in about 5) - Uveitis, epididymo-orchitis
- Endocarditis very rare
- In contrast to animals, abortion is not a feature
of brucellosis in pregnant women.
19Chronic Brucellosis- Depression
20Population risk
- The main source of infection for the general
population is dairy produce prepared from
infected milk. - B. melitensis presents the greatest hazard.
- The milk of infected sheep and goats may contain
large numbers of viable organisms, which become
concentrated in products such as soft cheeses. - Indeed, soft cheese has been recognized as a
major vehicle of infection in the Mediterranean
region, the Middle East and Latin America
21Occupational hazard
- Infection arises from occupational or domestic
contact with infected animals or with an
environment contaminated by their discharges - Farmers and their families, abattoir workers,
butchers and veterinarians are particularly at
risk - Infected animals that have recently aborted or
given birth present the greatest hazard
22Extending spectrum of zoonosis
- The recent isolation of distinctive Brucella
strains, tentatively named Brucella maris, from
marine animals in the United Kingdom and the
United States extends the ecologic range of the
genus and, potentially, its scope as a zoonosis - seals, sea otters, dolphins and porpoises
- An incident of laboratory-acquired infection
suggests that this type is pathogenic for humans - Infection could result from occupational contact
with infected seals or cetaceans.
- Pasteurization of dairy products and use of
protective clothing prevent human infection. More
importantly, systematic identification and
elimination of infected animals and vaccination
of animals reduces the reservoir.
- Eradication of brucellosis in cattle can be
attempted by test and slaughter,active
immunization of heifers with avirulent live
strain 19,combined testing,segregation, and
immunization.Cattle are examined by means of
agglutination tests - Active immunization of humans against brucella
infection is experimental.Control rests on
limitation of spread and possible eradication of
animal infection,pasteurization of milk and milk
products, and reduction of occupational hazards
wherever possible.
- Brucella may be susceptible to tetracyclines or
ampicillin. - Symptomatic relief may occur within a few days
after treatment with these drugs is begun. - However ,because of their intracellular
location,the organisms are not readily eradicated
completely from the host. - For best results,treatment must be
prolonged.Combined treatment with streptomycin
and a tetracycline may be considered
28Genus Yersinia
Genus Escherichia
- Y. pestis
- Y. enterocolitica
- Y. pseudotuberculosis
29Biological Features
- Small, 0.5-0.8 µm in width
- 1.0-2.0 µm in length.
- Gram-negative rods.
- Sometimes appearing as
- cocco bacilli.
- Bipolar StainingRetaining stain at the ends of
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31Biological Features
- Cultural Features
- Facultative anaerobes.
- Optimal growth temperature range form 28C to
30C. - Optimal growth pH 6.97.2.
- Growth is more rapid in media containing blood or
tissue fluids. - Nonmotile when grow at temperatures above 30 C.
Respiratory Tract
33Antigenic Structure
- F1 Antigen
- V,W Antigen
- Yersinia Outer membrane Protein (Yop)
- Murine Toxin (MT)
- 0.3-0.4 formaldehyde Toxoid
- Endotoxin (LPS)
34Y. Pestis Virulence factors schematic diagram
Lymph Nodes In Groin and Axilla
Y. pestis
Enter Respiratory System
Pneumonic Plague
Bubonic Plague
Invade Blood Stream
Septicemic Plague
- Clinical Forms
- Bubonic Plague High fever, Swelling, Bleeding,
Necrosis of lymph nodes - Pneumonic Plague chills, cough, respiratory
failure, circulatory collapse Black Death - Septicemic Plague Fever (39-40 C) , Shock , DIC
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39Y.Enterocolitica Y.Pseudotuberculosis
- Gram negative, No capsule, No spore, Facultative
anaerobes - V-W antigen
- More than 50 serotypes of Y.Enterocolitica
- 6 serotypes of Y.Pseudotuberculosis
- Diseases
- Gastroenteritis
- terminal ileitis, appendicitis, mesenteric
lymphadenitis, - dermatitis contusiformia, arthritis
- Septicemia
- Sanitary precautions, Antibiotic
- Plague
- Probably originated in Asia or central Africa.
- One of the earliest record pandemics occurred in
542 B.C. - Three pandemics in the history.
- 1989-19985440 cases, 681 dead.
Cellular Immunity
Humoral Immunity
Antibody To
1) F1 Ag
2) V,W Ag
Promote phagocytose , agglutinate and kill
- A. Specimens
- Aspirates of lymph nodes
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Blood
- Sputum
- B. Smears
- Giemsas stain
- immunofluorescent stain
- C. Culture
- All materials Cultured on blood agar and
MacConkeys agar and in infusion broth - Positive in 24 hours
- Tentatively identified by biochemical reations
Definite identified by immunofluorescence
CAUTION All cultures are highly infectious and
must be handled with extreme caution
- D. Serology
- In patients who have not been previously
vaccinated, a convalescent serum antibody titer
of 116 or greater is presumptive evidence of
Y.pestis infection.A titer rise in two sequential
specimens confirms the serologic diagnosis.
- Streptomycin
- Tetracycline
- alternative drug
- combination with streptomycin
- essential for control early in disease
- Sulfonamides
46Summary of Yersinia infections
4712. Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacilli
48Bacillus Species
- At least 48 species are known but only
- B. anthracis and B. cereus cause defined diseases
in humans. - B. anthracis is responsible for the disease
anthrax. - This is a disease primarily of animals
(zoonosis) but humans can acquire via handling,
inhaling or ingesting contaminated animal
products. - B. cereus is predominantly responsible for food
poisoning in humans. - Bacitracin and polymyxin are two well-known
antibiotics obtained from Bacillus species. - Spores of many Bacillus species are resistant to
heat, radiation, disinfectants and desiccation
49- It was from studies on anthrax that Koch
established his famous postulates in 1876 - Pasteur (1881) developed a vaccine against
50B. anthracis Gram staindemonstrating spores
51B. anthracis, Colony on SBA
52STICKY Consistency ofB. anthracis Colony on
53Anthrax infections are classified by route of
- Cutaneous
- Gastrointestinal
- Respiratory
54Cutaneous Anthrax
- gt 95 of naturally occurring cases
- Spores enter breaks in skin after contact with
contaminated animal products - Papule??- Vesicle??- Ulcer - Eschar??
- Up to 20 case fatality rate if untreated
- Mortality with treatment lt 1
55- After a 2- to 3-day incubation period, a small
pimple or papule appears at the inoculation site.
- A surrounding ring of vesicles develops
- Over the next few days, the central papule
ulcerates, dries, and blackens to form the eschar
56Vesicles Black Eschar
57Painless Edema
- The lesion is painless and is surrounded by
marked edema that may extend for some distance - Pus and pain appear only if the lesion becomes
infected by a pyogenic organism - Similarly, marked lymphangitis????and fever
usually point to a secondary infection.
58Evolution of an anthrax eschar in a 4-year-old
boyDAY 6
59DAY 10 - 15
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62Evolution of an anthrax eschar in a 4-year-old
boy. (AB) the lesion when first seen (day
0).Note the arm swollen from the characteristic
edema. (C) Day 6. (D) Day 10. (E) Day 15.
Although penicillin treatment was begun
immediately and the lesion was sterile by about
24 hours, it continued to evolve and resolve as
63Cutaneous anthrax Differential diagnosis
64Cutaneous anthrax
- For cutaneous and gastrointestinal anthrax,
low-level germination occurs at the primary site,
leading to local edema and necrosis
- Bacillus spores are inhaled and ingested by
alveolar macrophages?????? - These cells carry the bacteria to the regional
lymph nodes, causing necrotic hemorrhaging which
leads to death
- Ingestion of contaminated meat produces systemic
symptoms which can lead to death - Mortality by gastrointestinal anthrax may be 50
67Gastrointestinal and pulmonary anthrax are both
more dangerous than the cutaneous form because
they are usually identified too late for
treatment to be effective
- Anthrax infections result only if the bacteria
produce a - i) capsule (poly-y-D-glutamic acid polypeptide)
- ii) exotoxins
- both encoded on plasmids
- three proteins
- protective antigen (PA) (82. 7 kDa)
- lethal factor (LF) (90.2 kDa)
- edema factor (EF) (88.9 kDa)
20 kDa
Host Protease
The complex (PALF or PAEF) is internalized by
endocytosis acidification of the endosome the LF
or EF cross the membrane into the cytosol via
PA-mediated ion-conductive channels
70Effects of anthrax exotoxins on macrophages
- Edema toxin is a calmodulin?????-dependent
adenylate cyclase that increases intracellular
levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) on entry into most
types of cell - This is believed to alter water homeostasis
- resulting in massive edema
71Effects of anthrax exotoxins on macrophages
- Lethal toxin is a zinc metallo-protease that
causes a hyperinflammatory condition in
macrophages - activating the oxidative burst pathway
- release of reactive oxygen intermediates
- production of proinflammatory cytokines
- responsible for shock and death.
- MAPKK denotes mitogen-activated protein kinase
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75Once they have been released from the
macrophages, there is no evidence that an immune
response is initiated against vegetative bacilli
76Protective immunity
- Antibodies against protective antigen
- Both the noncellular human vaccines and
live-spore animal vaccines confer protection by
eliciting antibodies to protective antigen - The poly-g-D-glutamic acid capsule of B anthracis
is poorly immunogenic, and antibodies to the
polysaccharide and other components of the cell
wall are not protective.
77Species differences
- Anthrax has been documented in a wide variety of
warm-blooded animals - Some species, such as rats, chickens, and dogs,
are quite resistant to the disease - Others (notably herbivores such as cattle, sheep,
and horses) are very susceptible - Humans have intermediate susceptibility.
78reservoir of B anthracis is contaminated soil
- Spores remain viable for long periods
- Herbivores, the primary hosts, become infected
when foraging in a contaminated region - Because the organism does not depend on an animal
reservoir, it cannot readily be eradicated from a
region - anthrax remains endemic in many countries
- Humans become infected almost exclusively through
contact with infected animals or animal products
79Cycle of infection in nature
- As a susceptible animal with anthrax approaches
death, its blood contains as many as 109
bacilli/ml - Necrosis of the walls of small blood vessels
during the acute phase of the illness leads to
hemorrhages and to characteristic bloody
exudations from the mouth, nose, and anus, a
highly diagnostic sign - These exudates carry vast numbers of the bacilli
- sporulate on exposure to air
- produce a heavily contaminated environmental site
- potentially capable of infecting other animals
for many years
80Handling of carcasses????
- Sporulation of B anthracis requires oxygen
- therefore does not occur inside a closed carcass
- regulations in most countries forbid postmortem
examination of animals when anthrax is suspected - The vegetative cells in the carcass are killed in
a few days by the process of putrefaction.
81- In endemic areas, animals that die suddenly
should be handled cautiously - Livestock should be vaccinated annually.
Do I look that I am going to die?
82Non-Industrial vs Industrial Anthrax
- Nonindustrial anthrax
- usually affects people who work with animals or
animal carcasses - farmers, veterinarians, butchers
- almost always cutaneous
- Industrial anthrax
- acquired from handling contaminated hair, hides,
wool, bone meal, or other animal products - higher chance of being pulmonary as a result of
the inhalation of spore-laden dust
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85Bacillus Cereus??????
- B. cereus food poisoning results from the
ingestion of preformed enterotoxins, producing
predominantly vomiting and diarrhea. - The vomiting form is most often associated with
ingestion of a heat stable toxin from
contaminated rice, while the diarrheal form is
most often associated with ingestion of a heat
labile toxin from contaminated meat or vegetables
86B cereus virulence factors
- A 38 to 46-kDa protein complex has been shown in
animal models - to cause necrosis of the skin or intestinal
mucosa - to induce fluid accumulation in the intestine
- a lethal toxin
- Responsible for the necrotic and toxemic nature
of severe B cereus infections and for the
diarrheal form of food poisoning
Bacillus cereus also produces two hemolysins
Phospholipases produced by B cereus may act as
exacerbating factors by degrading host cell
membranes following exposure of their
phospholipid substrates in wounds or other
87Bacillus Food Poisoning Two Distinct Types
- Diarrheal type
- diarrhea and abdominal pain
- 8 to 16 hours after consumption of the
contaminated food - Associated with a variety of foods, including
meat and vegetable dishes, sauces, pastas,
desserts, and dairy products - Emetic?? disease
- nausea and vomiting begin 1 to 5 hours after the
contaminated food is eaten - Boiled rice that is held for prolonged periods at
ambient temperature and then quick-fried before
serving is the usual offender, although dairy
products or other foods are occasionally