Title: Fundamentals
1Fundamentals Principles of Effective Teaching
- Dr. Salah Soltan
- Director of ISGC Fatwa Islamic Education Center
- President of American Center for Islamic Research
- The Teacher's Credentials
- Teaching Techniques
- Methodology and Practical Examples
- ?????? ??????
- ??? ???????
- ????? ?????
3Goals of Education
????? ???????
????? For the mind
?????? Intellectual
???? ???? Strong idea
????? For the heart
??????? Emotional
???? ???? Pure nature
??????? Goals
??????? For the body
?????? Behavioral
???? ???? Youthful movement
4Pillars of the Educational Process
????? ??????? ?????????
?????? Building
?????? Parents
?????? Teacher
?????? Students
?????? Curriculum
??????? ????????? Administration
5Teacher Credentials
?????? ??????
?????? ?????? Fundamental credentials
?????? ?????? Job-related credentials
- ?????? ??????
- Spiritual
- ?????? ??????
- Manners
- ?????? ??????
- Intellectual
- ?????? ??????
- Physical
??? ?????? ?????? Knowledge of the subject
matter ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
????????? Knowledge of psychology of students
their social construct ??? ???? ????? ????????
?????? Knowledge of methods of teaching
6????? ?????? ??????
Knowledge of the Subject Matter
- ????? ????? ???? ???????
- ?? ????? ??????? ??????
- ?? ????? ??????!
- ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????
- ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???
- ??????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???
- ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ???????
- ??????? ??????
- ????? ?????????? ???????
- Knowing the fundamentals of the subject matter
- Example Grammer
- Example Tajweed
- Extending beyond the basics
- Following up with the latest studies in the
subject matter - Knowing the technology of teaching
7????? ?????? ??????
Knowledge of the psychology
- ??????? ?? ??????
- ??????? ?? ????????
- ??????? ?? ???????
- ?????? ?? ??????
- ??????? ?? ??????
- ????? ?? ??????
- ?????? ????????
- The creative vs. the imitator
- The challenger vs. the loser
- The realistic vs. the dreamer
- The generous vs. the miserly
- The talkative vs. the silent
- The serious vs. the humorous
- The leader vs. the follower
8????? ?????? ??????
Knowledge of the psychology
- The brave vs. the coward
- The calm vs. the angry
- The excited vs. the cool
- The social vs. the lonely
- The smiley vs. the frowner
- The active vs. the idle
- The quick to memorize and slow to understand and
vice versa - The intellectual vs. the emotional
- ?????? ???????
- ?????? ???????
- ??????? ? ??????
- ???? ????????? ????????
- ???? ?????? ???????
- ???? ?????? ???????
- ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ???? ?????
- ???? ???????? ????????
9?????? ?????????
10??????? School
- Public
- Private
- Islamic
- Home based
11???????? The Laws
- Children rights
- Area of freedom
- Beating as punishment
- ???? ???????
- ????? ???????
- ?????
12???????? Friends
- All good
- All bad
- All in between
- Mixture
- ???? ??????
- ???? ??? ???
- ???? ??????
- ?????
13??????? Commercials
- Enjoyment
- Plentifulness
- Consumption
- Money
- Effort
- Time
- ?????????
- ???????
- ?????????
- ?????
- ?????
- ?????
14?????? Parents
- Religious?
- In good terms together?
- Educated?
- Financial status?
- Cultural background?
- ??????? ?? ??????
- ???????? ?? ????????
- ??????? ?? ??? ???????
- ??????? ??????
- ????? ??????
15??????? Media
- Identifies the values
- Identifies methods of problem solving
- Changes the norms
- Guides or misguides and tempts
- ????? ?????
- ????? ??? ?? ????????
- ????? ???????
- ??????? ?? ??????? ????????
16??? ??????? ??????Effective Teaching Techniques
- ????????? ??? ???????
- ??????? ????? ???????
- ??????? ??? ???????
- Preparation before teaching
- Involvement during teaching
- Motivation after teaching
17????????? ??? ???????Preparation Before Teaching
- Preparing oneself
- Wudu
- Looking good
- Intention
- Preparing the lesson
- Educational goals
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Behavioral
- Timetable
- Fundamental elements
- Teaching aids
- ????? ?????
- ??????
- ??? ??????
- ?????
- ????? ?????
- ??????? ????????
- ??????
- ???????
- ??????
- ?????? ??????
- ??????? ????????
- ??????? ????????
18(2) ??????? ????? ???????Involvement During
- ??? ??????
- ??????
- ????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?? ??????
- ??????
- ?????????
- ????? ???????
- ???? ???????
- ?????
- ????? ????????? ?????????
- ?????? ?? ?????
- ??????? ????????
- ???????
- ?????????
- ???????
- Good beginning
- Activeness
- Greetings
- Smiling
- Starting with the student not the board or the
desk - Energize the questions
- Avoid Monotony
- Voice
- Order of participation
- Movement in the classroom
- Teaching aids
- Board
- Computer
- Panels
19(2) ??????? ????? ???????Involvement During
- ??????? ????? ???????? ?????
- ?????????
- ??? ????? ??????? ??????
- ?????? ?????? ???????
- ??????? ?????????
- ????? ?????????
- ????? ?????????
- ?????? ?????? ??????
- ???????
- ???? ?????? ???????
- ??????? ??????? (??????? ?????????)
- Enriching the heart and convincing the mind
- Competitions
- Connect the lesson with the daily reality
- Consider the personal differences
- Help the lagging
- Encourage the distinguished
- Involve the average
- Consider the personal circumstances
- Orphans
- Absence of a complete family
- Diseases (temporary or permanent)
20(3) ??????? ??? ???????Motivation After Teaching
- ???????? ??????????
- ??????? ???? ????
- ???????
- ?????????
- ??????
- ????
- ??????
- ???????
- ????????
- ???????
- ???????
- Social relations
- Extra curricular activities
- Games
- Competitions
- Sports
- Arts
- Knowledge
- Trips
- Camps
- Festivals
- Evaluation
21?????? ????? ??????Methodology of Teaching
??????? Writing
???????? Listening
????? Pronunciation
??????? Reading
?? ??????? Teacher ?? ???? ????? Distinguished
student ?? ??????? Everyone ?? ?????? (????
???????? - ????? ???? ?????) Instruments (CD,
VCR, Tape, TV)
??? ????? Collectively ??????? In
groups ???? Individually
????? Individually ?????? Collectively
????? Individually
1- ??? ??????? (???? ??????? ????????) Correctnes
s of Pronunciation
2- ??? ????? ???????? Correctness of emphasis
3- ????? ?????? Connecting and stopping
4- ????? ????? ????? End of words (Arabic related)
23?? ???? ????? ??????
?? ???? ????? ???
?? ???? ????? ?????
?? ????? ????? ???
Arabic Example
24????? ??????
1-?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???
2-?????? ???? ???? ????.
3-???? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????.
Arabic Example
25??? ????? ??? ????
????? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????????
????????????? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ????
????????????? ???????
????? ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ?????
???????? ?????
?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ??????
???????????? ???? ???
Arabic Example
26?????? ??? ???? ???????
??? ????????? ???? ???????? ??????? (????) ???
????????? ??????? (????) ??? ??????????????
??? ?????? ????? ?????????? ???????????? (????)
??? ???????????? ??????? (????) ???
?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????????? ???? ??? ??
??? ???????????????? ??? ??? ??? ???????- ??
????????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ??
?????????? ??????? ?? ?? ????????? ????????
Arabic Example
27?????? ????? ???????Methodology of Teaching
- ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???
- ????? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ??
????? ?? ????? - ????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????
- Human and universal history. Not only national
- Evaluate history according to the truth and
falsehood. Not to the strength, the wealth or the
color - Civilized and developmental history. Not
28???? ?????? ???????History Example
- ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ????????
???????? - ???????
- ???????
- ??????
- ????????
- ??????
- ?????
- American, Russian, and French revolution vs.
Islamic Social change - Leadership
- Constitution
- Liberty
- Equality
- Women
- Wealth
29?????? ????? ??????Methodology of Teaching
- ??? ????? ???????
- ??? ??????? ???????
- ????? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ???????
- ????? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????
- Connect the creation with the creator
- Connect the beauty with the maker of the beauty
- The universe is also remembering Allah so our
relation is based on friendship - The universe is prepared for us so that we focus
on worshiping Allah and developing the earth
30???? ?????? ??????Science Example
- ????? ?????? ?????
- 2 H2 O2 2 H2O
- ????? ???? ??????
- ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??
- ???????
- ?????
- ?? ??? ???????
- ???? ?????? ????
- ???? ?????? ????
- Chemistry of Water
- Water is the basis of life
- And we have made from water every living creature
- Flood
- Drought
- On the Day of Judgment
- And when the seas are set on fire,
- And when the seas are made to flow forth
31?????? ????? ??????? ?????????Methodology of
Teaching Islamic Education
- Rububiya unity of Lordship before Uluhiya one
worthy of being worshipped - Mercy before punishment
- Dawah before disavowment
- Humanity before citizenship
- ???????? ??? ????????
- ?????? ??? ???????
- ?????? ??? ???????
- ????????? ??? ????????
32???? ?????? ??????? ?????????Islamic Education
- Spending
- Sustenance (health, life, mind, money, )
- Pity on the poor and needy
- Humane in distributing the charity
- Purposes of spending
- Individual
- Family
- Society
- Ummah
- World
- Punishment of those who do not pay the zakah or
spend charity
- ???????
- ????? (?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ...)
- ??????? ??? ?????? ????????
- ????????? ?? ????? ???????
- ??????? ???????? ???????
- ?????
- ??????
- ???????
- ?????
- ??????
- ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????
33????? ???? ????? May Allah reward you