Russia and East Asia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Russia and East Asia


Once the Mongols were defeated by Alexis and Ivan III (first czar of Russia) the ... China buy British goods to balance the trade deficit and drain of English silver. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Russia and East Asia

Russia and East Asia
  • Impact of Mongolians growth of empires
  • Russian Romanovs
  • Ming and Qing Dynasties

What are some of the general comparisons between
China, Japan, and Russia between 1500-1800 and
what are their challenges?
  • Each has its own geographical and historical
    background that brings it to this timeframe yet
    each has to respond to the rising influence of
    the west and the oncoming industrial revolution
    in order to maintain its empire
  • China and Russia were both large land empires
    with diverse populations that relied on large
    armies to fight enemies and centralized
    autocratic governments, while Japan was smaller,
    decentralized, and had a homogenous population.

The growth of the early Qing Empire was fueled by
the desire to create an economic and demographic
recovery in China. What did the Qing government
do to stimulate that recovery?
  • Qing emperors repaired roads and waterworks,
    lowered taxes, rents, and interest rates, and
    resettled people into areas depopulated by
    earlier peasant revolts.
  • The Qing eliminated potential external military
    threats, making further recovery possible.
  • This new territorial control encouraged the
    reopening of overland trade routes, which created
    an influx of resources and knowledge, reinforcing
    Qing recovery.
  • The long-term effectiveness of this recovery was
    due to the Qings ability to incorporate and
    adapt the ideas and technologies of far-flung
  • Examples of Qing adaptation include the Mongol
    system of political organization, the Tibetan
    practice of religious legitimation for rulers,
    Korean and Chinese agricultural policies, and
    European mapping and technology.

How did the Russian Empire emerge to be one of
the major powers of Europe by 1750?
  • consolidation of Russian power by the princes of
    Muscovy and their assault on the Mongol Khanate
    of the Golden Horde.
  • Once the Mongols were defeated by Alexis and Ivan
    III (first czar of Russia) the Russians led by
    Ivan IV expanded south and east and eventually
    expanded into Asia, specifically Siberia for fur
  • Although the Russians thought of this empire as a
    third Rome, most of the Russian population was
    poor, backward, and landlocked.
  • Further expansion to the Amur River put the
    Russian Empire at odds with the Ming and Qing
  • This frontier border was settled between these
    parties with the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689.

Who was Peter the Great? What were his
contributions to Russian political, cultural, and
social development?
  • Peter the Great (1672-1725) (r.1682 - 1725) also
    Peter I
  • greatest of the Romanov tsars, is famous for his
    many policies for Russian development issuing
    thousands of ukase (Russian imperial decree)
  • He worked for Russian modernization and expansion
  • acquisition of warm water ports on the Black Sea
    and Baltic Sea as well as in the northern Pacific
  • Building St. Petersburg as the Russian window to
    the west and warm water port using peasants and
    Swedes captured in the Great Northern War
  • His plans for westernization included
  • modeling his government on the Prussian
  • strengthening the position of the tsar as an
    absolutist monarch
  • and building a modern army
  • He replaces the streltsy (family army) with a
    standing army
  • He builds a naval service and a fleet of ships
  • He even mandated western clothing styles and the
    shaving of beards by placing a tax on beards of
    the boyars (Russian nobles)
  • The use of tobacco was made compulsory
  • Seclusion or semi-seclusion of women was
    abolished as well as the practice of veiling
  • His absolutist rule was solidified as he brought
    the Orthodox Church under government control
    through the Holy Synod, requiring that all church
    appointments be made by the Czar
  • He resets the calendar to the western Anno Domini
    but uses the Julian calendar instead of the
  • Economically he set systems in place which led to
    state control of the purchase of raw materials
    and establishment of factories.
  • These factories were mostly organized around the
    purchase of metals and production of armaments
  • He also increased the obligations of serfs for
    whom his rule was not a benefit as well as
    increased taxes and state obligations of the
    peasant and small class of merchants or gosti

How did the Russian Empire combine different
cultural elements such as the Cossacks, in their
  • First Peter the Great and later Catherine the
    Great significantly expanded the empires border,
    mostly seeking warm water ports.
  • The Russian Empire incorporated many different
    people with different languages, religions, and
    ethnic identities making for a complex mixture
    that sometimes caused tensions.
  • This process of russification was forced as
    most groups were required to convert to Russian
    Orthodox church, schools taught only in Russian
    language and later these groups were forced to
    speak only Russian.
  • A comparison is often made between Cossacks
    included in this group and American Plains
  • The Cossacks were a diverse group.
  • They were a combination of Turks, Poles,
    Hungarians, and Mongols.
  • Although the Muscovite and Romanov rulers tried
    to crush them, Russia desired to exploit the
    Cossacks military skills.
  • They were enrolled in special military regiments
    and allowed to live in autonomous villages in
  • The Cossacks performed valuable services for
    Russia by defending against the Swedish and
    Ottoman invasions, as well as leading campaigns
    for exploration, conquest, and settlement.
  • They were Russian-speaking but had the skills of
    Asian horsemen.
  • The Cossacks were an example of how Russia
    combined Turkish and Russian elements.

How Japan face the challenges of internal and
external pressures during this period of
  • Japans internal problems of civil war that ended
    with political unification under the Tokugawa
    Shogunate and the resulting economic growth of
  • Externally, Japan launched assaults on Korea as
    well as China. Japan, like much of the rest of
    Asia, was faced with European missionaries and
    traders in this era.
  • This presented Japan with new opportunities as
    well as problems.
  • Japan welcomed European trade and European
    technology such as firearms
  • however, Japan became hostile to the foreign
    ideas of Christianity which led to the closing
    of Japan to nearly all foreigners
  • the exception being a small group of Dutch

How does the European relationship with China go
from first European astonishment and admiration
to criticism and frustration with China?
  • The qualities of Chinese manufacturing and
    economic dominance as well as the
    misunderstanding and doggedness of European trade
  • The Ming transformed the global economy with
    their techniques for the production of porcelain.
  • In addition to silk, lacquered furniture,
    jewelry, and tea, Chinas markets were of
    enormous economic interest to Europeans.
  • They remarked with astonishment on the
    accomplishments and grandeur of Chinese society.
  • The Portuguese, Dutch, and eventually the British
    sought access to these products and these
  • The Chinese were reluctant to give them free
    access to their economy and society but permitted
    access to Canton.
  • Other Europeans, namely the Jesuits, wanted to
    produce converts to Catholicism.
  • They were successful to a degree, particularly
    among the elite of the Ming. Their influence
    extended beyond religion, however.
  • Jesuits brought European ideas and technology to
    Asiafor instance, mapmaking and metallurgy (for
  • On the other hand, Matteo Ricci is an example of
    a European who was affected by Chinese thought,
    particularly Confucian philosophy.
  • After the British East India Company lost the
    American colonies and the demand for tea
    increased, it sought ways to have China buy
    British goods to balance the trade deficit and
    drain of English silver.
  • George Macartneys mission to China is an example
    of British attempts to open a more advantageous
    trade with China.
  • Chinese disinterest in European goods led to a
    change in European attitudes towards the Chinese
    as stubborn, traditional, and frustrating.

How did the Tokugawa Shogunate fall into decline
and crisis?
  • The decline of the Tokugawa Shogunate was largely
    economic and social in its origins.
  • As population increased and economic growth
    continued, resources were being outstripped.
  • Japanese emperors had no political power and that
    they remained in virtual exile at the medieval
    capital, Kyoto.
  • The shoguns wielded most of the power and lived
    at Edo, the new capital.
  • The Tokugawa system of regional lords, who
    resided part of the time at Edo, required
    well-maintained roads, which in turn helped
    develop new trade and manufacturing centers.
  • The regional lords had self-contained personal
    domains, which included bureaucracies and
    military and education systems.
  • Because both the lords and their followers were
    paid in rice, an economy using rice as a medium
    of exchange blossomed.
  • Merchants and financiers converted rice into
    currency, lent money to samurai, and wielded
    increasing power as a result.
  • Tokugawa shoguns tried to limit the power of the
    merchant class, but the decentralized system of
    rule by regional lords thwarted such efforts.
  • However, the decentralized system did stimulate
    economic growth through agricultural
    mechanization, light industry, finance, and
  • The Tokugawa Shogunate indirectly encouraged
    these advances but could not exploit them for its
    own purposes.
  • The government was traditional while the society
    had become innovative.
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