Title: Part III. Exhaustible Resources
1Part III. Exhaustible Resources
2B. Energy
- The focus of Chapter 9 is on the impact of energy
use on the environment, with a particular focus
on air pollution and acid rain. - Although all types of energy have some type of
environmental impact, fossil fuels are
responsible for the majority of the negative
impacts of energy use.
4Air pollution
- Perhaps the greatest negative interaction between
energy and the environment occurs with air
pollution, where the combustion of fossil fuels
is the major source of the air pollutants that
were initially regulated by the 1972 Clean Air
Act, with amendments in 1977 and 1990. - These pollutants include particulates, sulfur
oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon
monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
and lead (Pb).
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6Air pollution
- Most of these pollutants have ? since the passage
of the Clean Air Act, except for nitrogen oxides. - Nitrogen oxides have ? because of the ?emissions
from on-road (cars, trucks) and off-road vehicles
(bulldozers, cranes) and off-road engines (boat
engines, lawnmowers).
7Air pollution
- In addition to fuel consumption, the use of
energy is responsible for virtually all the
pollutants in the transportation sector and a
good portion of the emissions in industrial
processes. - Despite ? in overall emission levels in the US,
approximately 98 million people live in
nonattainment areas (locations which
persistently fail to meet national ambient air
quality standards). - See Box 9.1 for benefits and costs of Clean Air
8 Stationary sources Clean Air Act
- Stationary sources of criteria air pollutants
(smokestacks from factories and buildings) are
regulated under the Clean Air Act of 1972 and its
amendments (1977 and 1990). - Using federal govt established national ambient
standards on concentration of each pollutant,
states implemented C C policies to reduce
emissions. - These C C policies did not allow firms to seek
cost-minimizing alternatives in production.
9Command and control
- Smokestack by smokestack control
- A firm that could reduce its abatement costs by
switching production from 1 facility to another
could not do so if pollution from 1 smokestack ?
(even if total pollution from firm ?) - Regulations did not allow firms to meet
environmental goals within own facilities
- The Pollution Bubble concept was a modification
of the C C regulations which treated each firm
as if a glass bubble encased the entire firm's
operations. - Firms could make adjustments within the bubble as
long as the pollution that left the bubble
conformed to emissions limitations. - While allowing some flexibility to respond to
pollution standards, even modified the policy was
not effective in reducing pollution.
- Modification to the Clean Air Act allowed new
emission sources if they induced existing
polluters to reduce pollution by 150 of the
amount generated by the new source. - This offset system allowed development but
limited trade to new firms and was not as
efficient a policy as marketable permits. - Efficiency calls for trade among all polluters.
12Acid Rain
- Acid deposition process by which certain types
of pollutants chemically transform into acidic
substances in the atmosphere and then fall to the
earth. - Forms of precipitation include acid rain, acid
snow, and acid fog. - While acid rain has received a lot of press,
there is considerable uncertainty about the
actual damages generated by the emissions of acid
deposition precursors. - Precursor pollutants are those pollutants that
are chemically transformed to generate the
substances that actually cause the environmental
13Acid Rain
- Acid rain belongs to a category of pollutants
referred to as regional pollutants, which have
effects over more than just the vicinity of their
emission. - Unlike global pollutants, location of emissions
is important with regional pollutants. Effects
felt primarily downwind of emissions. - Acid deposition problems often manifest as
transboundary (transfrontier) pollutants.
14Transboundary pollutants
- Emitted in 1 country then transported to another
country - 2 examples include
- Sulfur dioxide emissions in the United States
which affect environmental quality in Canada and
vice versa. - Pollution generated in Great Britain and German
which causes acid deposition in Scandinavia.
15What Causes Acid Deposition?
- The most important precursor pollutants in the
acid deposition problem are sulfur dioxide (SO2)
and nitrous oxides (NOx). - SO2 burning of coal and oil as boiler fuel.
- NOx automobile emissions.
- Acid rain, other forms of acid deposition are
caused when SO2 and NOx form sulfate and nitrate
in the atmosphere, which then combines with
hydrogen ions to form acids. - Sulfate and nitrate molecules are formed when SO2
and NOx combine with oxidants in the atmosphere.
16Chemical relationships
- Tropospheric ozone (03) is an important oxidant
which is formed when 2 pollutants, NOx and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) chemically
interact in the presence of sunlight. - The presence of VOCs in the atmosphere, while not
directly responsible for acid deposition, leads
to greater proportions of SO2 being converted to
sulfate and NOx being converted to nitrate. - Complete list of anthropogenic sources of SO2,
NOx, and VOCs emissions and trends in emission
levels in the Appendix
17Chemical relationships
- The nature of the chemical relationships requires
a coordinated effort at reduction of the
differing pollutants. - A ? in NOx not only directly ? acid rain, but
indirectly ? the conversion of SO2 by ? ozone. - The interactions among these pollutants make the
identification of the optimal level of pollution
an extremely difficult problem. - The marginal damage function for SO2 depends not
only on itself but also on the level of NOx and
18Optimal level SO2
- Even if the MAC function was known, one could not
determine the optimal level of SO2 emissions
without also knowing the costs of ? nitrous oxide
and VOCs, which in turn could shift the MDF. - The process of identifying the optimal level of
SO2 (or NOx or VOCs) can be even more complex if
the MAC of 1 pollutant is a function of the
abatement level of other pollutants. - Changes in a production process that ? energy
efficiency could ? the level of all pollutants,
while some abatement devices, scrubbers for
example, result in a ? in one type of pollutant
and an ? in another.
19- As Figure 9.2 indicates the optimal level of a
pollutant becomes a moving target.
20Optimal level SO2, NOx, VOCs
- Since the optimal level of each of the 3
pollutants cannot be determined independently of
each other, the level of emissions of each must
be chosen to minimize the sum of the total
abatement costs total damages associated with
all 3 pollutants. - Requires what?
- That the marginal damages of each pollutant
marginal abatement costs of each pollutant.
21- Eq. 9.1 represents the situation where total
abatement costs (TAC) are a function of the level
of emissions of all 3 pollutants (El,E2,E3). - Eq. 9.2 represents total damages (TD) as a
function of all 3 pollutants. - Equations 9.3 9.5 must be solved simultaneously
to determine the optimal output level of each
22Consequences of Acid Deposition
- Acid deposition and related pollutants have many
significant impacts on natural systems and human
systems. - These include acidification of surface water and
detrimental effects on high elevation coniferous
forests. - SO2, sulfate particles, and acid aerosols are all
suspected of having detrimental effects on human
23Consequences of Acid Deposition
- Ozone, caused by the emission of NOx, has harmful
effects on both vegetation and humans. - The particles that generate acid deposition also
serve to scatter light, creating a pollution
haze and reducing visibility. - Leads to the premature weathering and degradation
of materials used in buildings, monuments,
fences, and other structures.
24Pre-1990 Acid Deposition Policy
- The pre-1990 Acid Deposition Policy focused
primarily on the establishment of cause and
effect relationships. - Because of large scientific uncertainty assoc.
with acid dep., Reagan administration's policy
required that more information be developed
before implementing any reductions in emissions
of SO2 and NOx. - Insufficient evidence of cause and effect
- But, SO2 and NOx are criteria pollutants that
are regulated under the 1972 Clean Air Act and
the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments.
25Local effects
- Only focused on local effects of SO2 and NOx
- The fact that these regulations focus on local
effects of emissions may have exacerbated the
problem. - One way in which a local polluter can minimize
the local effect of pollution emissions is to
build a tall smokestack which injects pollutants
into higher wind currents which carry these
pollutants into other areas. - These tall smokestacks were, to a large extent,
responsible for the sulfur component of the acid
deposition problem.
26Who should pay?
- Important component to acid deposition policy
who pays for environmental improvement (regional
nature) - Political problems associated with developing
legislation benefiting 1 region at expense of
another - Creation of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
(CAAA) packaged several environmental problems
within the same pieces of legislation address
the acid rain, ozone and carbon monoxide,
pollution from cars and trucks, air toxins, and
stratospheric and global climate protection.
27Acid Deposition Policy and the 1990 Clean Air Act
- Acid deposition is dealt with in Title IV of the
1990 CAAA, which specifies a 10 million ton ? in
annual SO2 emissions to be achieved by the year
2000. - An interesting aspect of Title IV of the 1990
CAAA is that it represents the first attempt by
the federal government to implement a system of
marketable pollution permits.
28MPPs the 1990 Clean Air Act
- Economists applauded the incorporation of
marketable permits as an important step in
improving the efficiency of environmental
regulations. - The primary criticism against the permits was
that there is no attempt to make geographic
distinctions associated with the location of
emission of SO2. - The 1st trade to occur was between a Wisconsin
utility and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).
29MPPs the 1990 Clean Air Act
- The sale of allowances from Wisconsin to
Tennessee resulted in less pollution by the
Wisconsin utility and more by TVA. - The cost of ? pollution by the amount of the
traded allowances must be lt the price of the
allowances, or the Wisconsin utility would not
have agreed to the sale. - Similarly, the savings in the abatement costs for
TVA must be gt the cost of the permits. - Both companies gained, and total cost ?
30Regulations on Mobile Sources of Pollution
- The primary regulation on mobile sources of
pollution is specifying abatement control devices
for vehicles. - All automobiles are required to employ a
catalytic converter. - Platinum in the converter serves as a catalyst
that lowers the ignition temperature of many of
the unburned hydrocarbons and other pollutants in
31Regulations on Mobile Sources of Pollution
- Problem with this C C regulation is that it
controls all areas of the country in the same
fashion, regardless of impact of an additional
units of emission. - Additionally, it does not provide incentives to
reduce pollution by driving less, maintaining
their cars, or choosing an alternative vehicle or
mode of transportation.
32Regulations on Mobile Sources of Pollution
- Air pollution from automobiles is also indirectly
controlled by Corporate Automobile Fuel
Efficiency (CAFE) standards, which specify the
average miles per gallon that must be achieved by
each automobile manufactured, where a higher MPG
means less gasoline burned per mile which means
less emission. - This standard does not reduce the number of miles
driven and may actually induce greater mileage
(more efficient cars cheaper to drive).
33Regulations on Mobile Sources of Pollution
- Mills and White (1978) suggest alternative policy
which would tax cars based on the total amount of
pollution that they generate each year. - An annual diagnostic test would determine the
emissions/mile and this multiplied by the
odometer reading would give annual emissions. - A combination of federal, state taxes could be
used to account for regional difference in
ambient air quality. - This would create incentives to drive less, live
closer to work, and develop lower polluting
34Energy Policy and the Environment
- US Presidential Administrations have integrated
environmental policy and energy policies usually
with 2 major goals - Increase domestic supplies of energy and reduce
dependence on foreign oil. - Promote a cleaner environment by requiring energy
users to utilize cleaner technologies. - These policies have had a mixed record of
35True social cost of energy
- One dominant factor in the failure of US
energy/environmental policy is that it fails to
allow the cost of energy, particularly imported
petroleum, to reflect its true social cost. - This cost has 2 components
- The social cost of dependence on insecure imports
of petroleum. - The environmental cost of energy use.
36True social cost of energy
- Energy policy has traditionally been designed to
keep energy costs low. - A higher cost associated with energy use would
result in - the development of alternatives to fossil fuels
- ? in the amount of pollution per unit of energy
used - ? in energy use
- the development of more energy efficient
technologies - ? in oil imports
37True social cost of energy
- There is a fundamental disparity between the
private cost of energy use and the social costs
associated with its use. - There are a variety of ways to eliminate this
disparity. - The least costly would be a comprehensive series
of MPPs or a system of per unit pollution taxes
38To eliminate disparity
- A combination of both permits for large
stationary polluters taxes for mobile/small
stationary sources may be best (transactions
costs too high for small sources to enter permit
system). - Externalities in the production of energy could
be addressed with liability and bonding systems
(oil spills, risky projects)
39Fuel taxes
- To implement MPP or emission tax system, need
good monitoring often difficult - Fuel taxes may be a 2nd best solution to
pollution taxes or permits. - A tax added to the price of fuel based on the
average amount of pollution of the fuel would
provide an incentive to burn less fuel and
encourage energy efficiency. - For example, the per BTU unit tax on coal gt oil gt
natural gas
40Lack of progress
- The importance of increasing the price of fuel
can be seen both in pollution problems arising
from energy use and the lack of progress in
developing alternative energy sources. - Alternative sources of energy include solar
power, geothermal power, wind power, and liquid
fuel from renewable sources such as ethanol and
methanol from a variety of plant sources.
41Lack of progress
- While alternative sources of energy are generally
less polluting than fossil fuels, alternative
energy technologies are more expensive for energy
users than coal or oil, so they have not become
established as important sources of energy. - Alternative fuels and energy technologies would
be significantly advanced if the price of fossil
fuels rose to incorporate the full social cost of
these fuels as illustrated in Figure 9.6.
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43Market solution vs. social optimum
- The MPC curve for all fuels is constructed by
horizontally summing the MPC curve for
alternative fuels and the MPC curve for oil. - The market equilibrium is tl where total fuel MPC
market demand curve. - The social optimum, t2 occurs at a lower output
where total MSC market demand.
44Market solution vs. social optimum
- If MPC oil was ? through tax, then MPC for oil
could ? to be MSC oil, generating market
equilibrium t2 - This solution associated with higher price (p2),
and oil use declines from o1 to o2, alternatives
increase from a1 to a2. - At this lower output level, oil usage ? and
alternative fuel use ?.
45The Macroeconomic Impact of Fuel Taxes
- Are low energy prices a requirement for U.S.
economic success? - Table 9.3 lists gasoline prices in US dollars
(current, not inflation adjusted) per liter for
selected developed countries. - It is clear that other economies with higher
energy prices (based on higher taxes) have strong
and growing economies.
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47The Macroeconomic Impact of Fuel Taxes
- One of the reasons for the undesirable
macroeconomic impact of high prices in the 1970s
was the fact that the price change was so sudden. - This suggests that implementing increased gas
taxes over time will not hurt the economy and
will allow consumers and producers to incorporate
the higher prices into their future plans.
48The Macroeconomic Impact of Fuel Taxes
- If taxes are efficiently utilized, the tax
revenue generated could be used to reduce taxes
in other areas of the economy, for example,
income taxes. - This reduction in income taxes could lead to
greater productivity which would offset, at least
partially, the negative impact of fuel taxes. - A pollution tax, system of MPPs, or fuel taxes
will cause less of a negative impact on the
macroeconomy than a corresponding increase in the
prices from OPEC monopoly power.
49Transition Fuels and the Future of Fuels
- Many people believe that sometime in the future
there will be radically different sources of
energy. - The question is How do we get from the present
time to the time when these innovations in energy
are available, or what should be our transition
fuel? - The mechanism which will move the economy from
one fuel to another is rising prices in the
50Transition Fuels and the Future of Fuels
- Assume 3 possible fuels oil, coal, solar
- Oil, coal ? MEC, solar HIGH constant MEC
- Oil used first (cheapest)
- As the MEC of oil ? relative to the MEC of coal,
the opportunity cost (marginal user cost) of
using oil ?. - The transition point to a new fuel is when total
marginal cost of oil (MECMUC) is equal to total
marginal cost of coal.
51Figure. 9.7. - Fuel Transition
52Transition Fuels and the Future of Fuels
- Policy makers have been concerned with managing
the transition from 1 source to another. - One concern is that the market will not
adequately spur research and development into new
technologies. - Another is the continued policy of abundant,
cheap energy at a low price. - A more recent concern is that if environmental
externalities are not reflected in the market
price, then transition to cleaner fuels will
occur later than socially optimal.
53Transition Fuels
- The Carter administration adopted a policy that
defined coal as a transition fuel but concerns
about high levels of pollution from burning coal
changed this choice. - Viewed as the cleanest of fossil fuels, another
possibility is deep natural gas, which is 1000s
of feet deeper and more expensive than
conventional gas. - However, if all fuels included all social costs
in their prices, then the market would pick the
fuel with the lowest social cost as the
transition fuel.
54Energy and the Third World
- The real energy crisis is in the Third World
nations, where the economies are much less
capable of adjusting to price shocks associated
with oil price increases. - Often Third World countries have to use much
needed foreign reserves to purchase oil which
leads to borrowing for development projects. - The ? in the price of fossil fuels has forced a
greater reliance on fuel wood which has
contributed to a growing rate of deforestation. - Environmental externalities from energy use have
also contributed to poor environmental quality.
- Although the Clean Air Act and other legislation
in the US has had some impact in reducing the
negative consequences of energy use, much
progress needs to be made. - Internalizing the external cost of emissions and
national security externalities through permits
and taxes will generate a series of reactions
which lead to higher social welfare.