Title: Physical Activity
1Physical Activity
What do you need to know about it?
2Fitness and Exercise
- What is the difference?
- Fitness being in good physical condition (in
shape) - Exercise physical activity that is planned,
structured, and repetitive and that improves or
maintains personal fitness
Exercise Fitness
3Topics for Discussion
- Principles of Training
- Components of Fitness
- Skill-Related
- Health-Related
- Dropping out of fitness programs
- Ways to incorporate fitness into lifestyle
- RICE care for injuries
- Rest
- Ice 20/20 Rule
- Compression Why? / How?
- Elevation Above heart level (if possible)
- FITT meet fitness goals
- Frequency How Often?
- Intensity How Hard?
- Time How Long?
- Type Goal-Specific? / What Kind?
5Principles of Training
- Warm-Up/Cool-Down most important part of the
workout!!! - Overload Principle do more than you did
previously - Hard-Easy-Hard switching workouts
- Specificity will you meet goals/needs?
- Progression start slow and increase
- Individual what you do not others!
- Reversibility use it or lose it!
- 1-2 weeks decrease in performance
- 2-3 months GONE!
6Skill-Related Fitness
- Can enhance performance in sports
- Not necessary to live healthy lifestyle
- If someone possesses any of these qualities they
are more likely to live a healthy lifestyle - 6 Different Types
- the ability to change body position with speed
and accuracy - Visual Recognition
- Quickness
- Stopping/Starting
- Body Control
- Balance and Coordination necessary to improve
- Sports Examples?
- How can we improve agility?
- Shuttle Run
- Ladders
- Dot Drill
- the ability to keep the body in a desired
position - Dynamic controlled movement
- Static holding still
- Sports Examples?
- How can we improve balance?
- using strength quickly or strength at a quick
speed - Speed Strength
- Explosiveness
- Acceleration
- Sport Examples?
- How can we improve power?
- Plyometrics
- moving or covering a distance in a short period
of time - Influenced by heredity
- Sport Examples?
- How can we improve speed?
- Track 100m Dash
- the use of two or more body parts together to
create smooth and accurate complex movements - Hand-Eye
- Foot-Eye
- Sport Examples?
- Cup Stacking!
- How can we improve coordination?
12Reaction Time
- the time between stimulus and reaction
- Influenced by heredity
- Life Examples?
- Sport Examples?
- Baseball
- How can we improve reaction time?
13Health-Related Fitness
- 5 Components
- Cardiovascular Endurance
- Muscular Strength
- Muscular Endurance
- Flexibility
- Body Composition
- Each can be improved with regular exercise
- -Exercise is structured and planned
14Cardiovascular Endurance
- the bodys ability to do large muscle work over
a period of time - Goal ? Deliver as much O2 as possible
- Heart gets stronger with increased workloads
- Goal ? Do more work with less effort
- More blood delivered during each heartbeat
- Continuous Aerobic Activity ?20 min.
15Benefits of CV Endurance
- Makes you stronger
- Gets easier with time
- Lowers Resting Heart Rate
- Less Stress on the Heart!
- What does Heart Disease come from?
- Lack of Exercise
- Poor Diet
- Smoking
- Increased Stress Levels
Decreased Risk of Certain Diseases
Including Heart Disease!!!
16FITT for CV Endurance
- Frequency 3-5x/week
- Intensity 60-80 of MHR
- Time at least 20 minutes of non-stop activity
- Type You Choose!!
17Heart Rate and CV Endurance
- RHR Resting Heart Rate
- Average 72 BPM
- The LOWER the BETTER!! ? WHY?
- MHR Maximum Heart Rate
- MHR 220 age
- THRZ Target Heart Rate Zones
- 60-80 of MHR
18Target Heart Rate Zones (THRZ)
- How to figure out THRZ
- Step 1 Figure out MHR
- MHR 220 - age
- Step 2 Calculate 60 of MHR
- MHR x 60 (or .60)
- Step 3 Calculate 80 of MHR
- MHR x 80 (or .80)
- You Should Have 2 Numbers!
- This is how we can determine how hard you are
19Other Ways to Determine Effort
- Heart Rate Monitors
- Very accurate
- Cost?
- Talk Test
- Quick and Easy
- Taking Your Pulse
- 4 Easy Locations
- Must 60! (Take for 6 sec., 10, 12, 15, 20, etc.)
20Muscular Strength/Endurance
- Strength amount of force a muscle can exert (1
maximal effort) - Endurance muscles ability to exert a force
repeatedly, without fatigue - Fitness Test Examples?
21Why Muscular Strength/Endurance?
- Muscle burns more calories!
- Positive Self-Image?
- Essential to everyday life!
- Standing
- Walking
- Carrying
22FITT for Muscular Strength/Endurance
- Frequency 2-3x / week
- 48-72 hours rest between sessions!
- Intensity Varying Sets/Reps/Weight
- Time Short/Long Sets/Circuit Training?
- Type Goal-Specific
- Strength?
- Endurance?
23Building Muscular Strength/Endurance
- Quick Gains at first
- How much force?
- Muscle Fiber Recruitment
- Stabilizing Muscles
- Overload Principle
- Hypertrophy increase in size
- Strength Gains occur w/o Hypertrophy
- Atrophy decrease in size
243 Types of Muscle
- Smooth Muscle
- Involuntary Control
- Contracting of Hollow Organs
- Blood Vessels
- Other examples
- Cardiac Muscle
- Involuntary Control
- Found ONLY in the Heart!!
- Skeletal Muscle
- Voluntary Control
- Attaches to the skeleton
- Moves our bones
25Types of Muscular Exercises
- Isotonic shortening and lengthening of
muscle,creates movement - Easy to do and make sport-specific
- Soreness and not an even gain (most at weak pt.)
- Isometric the muscle contracts but does not
shorten,no movement - Quick, Easy, Can do Anywhere!!!
- Can be dangerous (Increases BP)
- Only strengthens at the angle it is worked
- Isokinetic shortening of muscle at a constant
speed - FASTEST way to gain strength!
- - Expensive!!!!
26Steroids and their Effects
- What do you need to know?
27What are Steroids?
- Synthetic substances similar to the male sex
hormone testosterone - Who produces testosterone?
- Mimic traits of testosterone
- Anabolic promote muscle building
- Androgenic male traits (testosterone)
28Who Uses Steroids?
- Athletes strength/size sports
- Bodybuilders
- Anyone concerned with body image
- Females?
29Who Uses Steroids?
30Why do People Use Steroids?
- Muscle Mass
- Muscle Strength
- Recovery Time Decrease Muscle Damage
- In it to win it Society views
- Positive Uses? (LOW Doses)
- Cortacosteroids (inhalers)
- Arthritis Patients
- AIDS Patients
31Male side-effects
- Premature Balding
- Shrunken Testicles
- High Voice
- Sterility
- Gynecomastia
- Impotence
- Decreased Sperm Count
32Female side-effects
- Increased Facial Hair Growth
- Deeper Voice
- Shrinking of Breast Tissue
- Menstrual Cycle Changes
33Other Side-Effects
- Stunted Growth (teens!)
- Increased Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke, types of
Cancer - Weakens Immune System
- Risk of HIV/AIDS
- Risk of Hepatitis B/C
- Jaundice
34More Side-Effects
- Acne
- Mood Swings (Roid Rage)
- Depression
- Addiction
- Extreme Irritability
- Liver Damage
- Hypertension
- Kidney Tumors
35Even More Side-Effects!!
- Hallucinations
- Dizziness
- Sleep Disturbances
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Injury to Tendons/Ligaments
- Many Many More!!!
36Final Thoughts
- Stacking multiple forms of steroids taken at
once, or taken w/ other drugs - Ways to take steroids-Injection-Orally
(Pills)-Cream - No skill/agility improvement
- Some side-effects irreversible
- Bigorexia
37Ask Yourself
Is It Really Worth it???
38Holding it all together
- Tendons join muscle-muscle or muscle-bone
- Achilles Tendon
- Ligaments join bone to bone
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament
39ACL Injuries
- Cause Twisting the knee or impact on the
outside of the knee - Approximately 250,000 / year
- Repair or Reconstruction of ACL
- 6-12 month rehab period
- the ability to move joints freely and easily
- Benefits of Flexibility
- Prevention of Injuries
- Improve Range of Motion
- Reduce muscle soreness
- Improve coordination
- Improve posture
- Decrease Lower Back pain
41FITT for Flexibility
- Frequency At LEAST 3x / week
- Can be performed all week!
- Especially after a workout! ? ? Soreness!
- Not Before A Workout - ? Strength During Activity
- Twice a day?
- Intensity Position of mild discomfort
- Time 20-30 seconds per stretch
- 3-5 sets
- Type Muscle-specific
42Types of Stretching
- Ballistic bouncing (incr. injury risk!!!)
- Dynamic movement while stretching
- Static holding a specific position
- Most common
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
- Partner Stretching
43Factors that affect Flexibility
- Type of Joint
- Shoulder most flexible joint
- Quick Test!
- Injury
- Age ? older less flexible
- Gender ? women more flexible than men
- Body Composition
44Why is Body Comp. Important?
- 2x Risk for Heart Disease
- Back problems
- Increased risk of Cancer (due to incr. cell )
- Performance
- Insulation
- Protection
45Determining Body Composition
- Skinfold Calipers
- Bio-Electrical Impedance
- Fat is poor conductor
- BMI Body Mass Index
- Height to Weight Ratio
- Hydrostatic Weighing
- Golden Standard
46What is Considered Healthy?
47Can We or Will We?
Perspiration (10)
Education (5)
48Why do people quit exercising?
- Lack of Motivation 1st problem/obstacle
- Busy Lifestyle excuses
- Social Implications compare to others _at_ gym
- Hobby -vs- Lifestyle
- Expect results overnight media confusion
- Unrealistic Goals
49Why do people quit exercising?
- Monotonous
- 6 Weeks to see results
- Nutrition Problems
- Overtraining Working too hard or too often w/o
enough rest between sessions - Injury
50Incorporating Fitness w/ Lifestyle
- Ideas??
- Stairs instead of the elevator
- Park farther from stores/mall/etc.
- If you can walk somewhere, DO IT!
- Walk and Talk on the phone
- Other Input?
51Its a Lifelong Process
- Remember
- It wont happen overnight
- Many different facts/studies
- Where to find the BEST information?
- Books/Journals
- Magazines?
- Internet
- .com
- .org
- .edu
- .gov