Title: Healthcare Workforce Forums and Mapping Initiative
1Healthcare Workforce Forums and Mapping Initiative
- Sonya McNamara and Kristin Juliar
- Minnesota Healthcare Education Industry
Partnership - Sally Buck
- Rural Health Resource Center
- Ann Peton
- RUPRIs Community Information Resources Center,
Minnesota Rural Summit July, 2005
2 Healthcare Workforce Mapping Initiative
- Goals
- Workforce data visualization
- Support planning for educational programs
- Real and potential economic impact upon region
and county - Assessment for new or enhancing health care
services - Support for grant program development
- Facilitate dialogue among healthcare industry,
education, business, and elected officials - Support policy/legislative decision making
3Minnesota Healthcare Workforce Mapping Partners
4Minnesota Healthcare Education Industry
- Mission
- Working in partnership to provide innovative
leadership to guide the education and training of
a high quality workforce in a rapidly changing
5Â Healthcare Workforce Mapping Initiative CIRC
National Data
- 1990 2000 Census Income, housing, race,
education, workforce, labor force - 2010 2020 Projected Demographics
- Administrative CBSA, RUCA, MSA/non-MSA
- Poverty Data
- Economic/Employment Political congressional,
state districts - Education elementary/high school districts
- Health data 2002 2004 Medicare/Medicaid
points of service, HPSA, MUA , mental health and
community health centers, ORHP grantees,
Ambulance Service Areas, PCSA - Transportation
6Older population in northern and western
7Â Â
Minnesota Healthcare Workforce Database
- Survey data collected for 10 years by the MDH
Office of Rural Health Primary Care (ORHPC) - In cooperation with a number of Minnesotas
health professional licensing boards - Voluntary. Survey response varies.
84,261 Primary Care Physicians 30 in rural areas
9Healthcare Workforce Mapping Initiative The Data
The Foundation for Success
- CIRC national data sets
- Regional boundaries McKnight Foundation
- Health care facilities
- Health care workforce
- Health care education graduation data
110 hospitals in rural areas.
11Minnesota Healthcare Workforce Database
- Physicians
- Registered Nurses
- Licensed Practical Nurses
- Dentists
- Dental Hygienists
- Dental Assistants
- Pharmacists
- Physician Assistants
- Respiratory Care Practitioners
- Physical Therapists
1218.6 increase in rural population.
13IPEDSIntegrated Post-secondary Education Systems
- Graduate data from National Center for Education
Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, and the
Minnesota State College and University System - Includes all two- and four-year degree programs
in Minnesota, both public and private - Available in other states check with Higher
Education Coordinating Board
14Internet-based Healthcare Workforce - Mapping
- Utilizing Map Room framework
- Provided to partners geospatial data standards,
content for display, format, metadata/quality
issues - Spatially Enabling the data and partitioning
into SDE - Customizing the mapping template with State
specific data
15Components of GIS
16Types of GIS Data
- Point - healthcare facility, house
- Line - stream, road, healthcare service route
- Polygon/Area lake, census block group, number
of nurses in zip code
17Geographic Features
Geographic features are represented by two types
of data.
Street Name Address range on left Address range
on right Length to travel Directions to travel
18Creating Data Layers. . . linking digital data
to geography
Street Addresses Streets/Rivers/Land
Features Hospital/Medical Center/ Clinics Zip
Codes/Counties Spatial Analysis (i.e.travel
times) Service Demand/Provider Density
19Hospital Site Location
20Epidemiology Outbreak Analysis
21Types of Mapping
- Internet (IM)
- Desktop Arcview, ArcMap, ArcExplorer
- Differences
- IM access all data at one time
- IM Unique set of analytical tools
- IM provide public access to mapping
- Desktop makes higher quality maps
- Spatial enabling capability and more
- Ability to blend two datasets and map
22Desktop Maps of MN Healthcare Workforce Data
23Internet Mapping Map Output
24Internet Mapping
- Takes GIS mapping online
- Provides easier access to information
- Built upon common Internet browsers
- Ability to visualize multiple data layers
interactively - Share maps with others or download data as a
spreadsheet for further use
25Community Information Resources Center (CIRC)
26CIRCs Infrastructure of Services
- Internet Mapping
- Interactive Internet Mapping Tutorial
- Unique Data Download
- Animated Time Series Maps
- National Data Archive
- Map Archive
- Customized Map Output
- Analytical Tools
27CIRCs UniqueMap Room Process Step 1
28CIRCs Unique Map Room Process Step 2
29CIRCs Unique Map Room Process Step 3
30Internet Mapping Session
31Base Data
322010 2020 Projected Demographics
33Census Demographic
34Education by Institution Type and Change over 4
35Licensed Health Facilities
36Health Professionals
37Health Professionals - Physicians
38Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically
Underserved Areas
39HPSA and MUA
40Questions that can be answered through Internet
- Where are the healthcare facilities within a
congressional district? - Where are the healthcare workforce relative to
healthcare facilities? - Where are Healthcare workforce relative to
underserved - Where are the aging physicians relative to
population increases workforce shortage - Where are the schools relative to rural?
41Where are the healthcare facilities within
Congressional district 4?
42Where are the Nursing Homes in Congressional
District 4?
43Next Steps
- Identify data that will add value to MN
healthcare workforce issues - Timing and audience
- Any CIRC additional services wanted beyond
internet mapping application time series
mapping, map archive, analysis - Who else should be engaged?
- Funding
44Contact Information
- Sally Buck 218-727-9390, ext 225
- sbuck_at_ruralcenter.org
- Kristin Juliar 507-389-2707
- kristin.juliar_at_mnsu.edu
- Ann Peton 573-268-8416
- petona_at_missouri.edu
- http//circ.rupri.org