Title: United States Power Squadrons
1United States Power Squadrons
Whats New In USPS Education? Spring 06
- Recruit new members to USPS
- Visibility of USPS
- Reasons to join
- Retain our current members
- Provide quality, useful programs
- Reasons to stay
3What were doing
- National Campaign
- National Safe Boating Week
- Partnering
- Seminars
- USPS Guides Published
- Boat Operator Certification Program
4Recruit New Members
- Boating Courses
- Offer more classes
- When and where customers want them
- We have unique material,
- Digital charting, e.g. Maptech CD
- National Safe Boating Week
- Opportunity to join in national publicity
5National Safe Boating Week
- USPS needs national visibility
- NSBW provides the opportunity
- National publicity blitz
- Opportunity to showcase USPS recruit
- Weve been teaching safe boating
- Since 1914
- And, were very good at it
6NSBW Plan
- Request
- Every squadron to begin a boating class
- Local promotion
- Alternative, a seminar, demos
- Special NSBW offer to squadrons
- Boat Smart Chart Smart Maptech CD
- Only 3 more than BS book alone
- Leverage free NOAA charts
- Show students how to use them
- Maptech
- Training materials
- Free NOAA charts
- Discounts to members
- Harbor Chart co-op program
- McGraw-Hill
- Published USPS books guides
- Discounts for members
- C-Map
- Training materials
- Discounts, charts, chartplotters
- Boaters World
- Promotion seminar opportunities
- Store managers as members
- West Marine
- Can use their stores
- Army Corps of Engineers
- Team on river programs
- River charts
- more to come
- What?
- Short (2-4 hrs), topical, useful
- When?
- 6 new available by 1 Jun
- Why?
- Recruit boaters directly
- Revenue for squadrons, national
- Engage members with interesting programs
11Seminar topics
- 1 Jun
- Updated GPS Seminar
- On-Board Weather Forecasting
- Boat Handling under Power
- How to Read a Chart
- VHF and Marine Radio
- Knots, Bends, and Hitches
12Future topics
- Chartplotting Digital Charting
- Boat Trailering
- Marine Radar
- Sailing topics
- Sail Trim
- Heavy Weather Sailing
- Using GPS for Sailing
- Boat Commissioning Decommissioning
- Boating Emergencies
- Paddling
- Selecting and Adjusting a Compass
- How to buy a boat
13Seminar delivery
- Location
- Classroom
- Marine store, marina, boat showroom
- Includes
- PowerPoint and instructor guides
- Retail books or guides
- USPS Student Notes
- Student CDs for some
14USPS Published Guide Series
- Three published in 2005
- Marine Amateur Radio
- Boatowners Guide to GMDSS Marine Radio
- Knots, Bends, and Hitches
15In the Works - 2006
- Boatowners Guide to Marine Electronics
- Comprehensive guide to
- Selecting
- Installing
- Operating
- Troubleshooting
- 300 pages
- Retail, courses, seminars
- How to buy a Boat
16Boat Operator Certification
- Recognizable credentials for our members
- Part of USPS University
- Published publicized standards
- Clearly established skills
- Passport show accomplishments
- Laminated wallet card for certificate level
17What is Certification?
- Certify that member can operate a boat
- demonstrated level of boating proficiency
- knowledge skills
- Applies to recreational operations
- Recognized credential
- U.S.
- International
18Why Certification for USPS?
- Recognition prestige for USPS
- Reason to become stay a member
- Reason for members to take courses
- Valuable credential benefits for members
19Impact on USPS?
- Overlay program
- No change in current grade system
- Tracking
- Add categories to current system
- Issue certification
20Benefits to Members
- Recognized credential
- Chartering, leasing boats
- Insurance discounts
- Instructor
- Speaker, writer
- Personal accomplishment
21Proposed Certification Levels
- Inshore
- Inland waterways, sheltered waters close to land
- Coastal
- Regional coastal boating
- Advanced Coastal
- Extended coastal boating and cruising
- Offshore
- Beyond sight of land and navigation aids
- USPS Courses
- Prescribed set for each level
- USPS Seminars
- Use existing plus new developed as needed
- Fill gaps not covered by courses
- Skill Demonstrations
- Sign-off by certifier
- Demo on water or equivalent skills
23Proposed Schedule
- Concept approved by OCOM Jan 06
- Program developed Jun 06
- Certification approved by GB Aug 06
- Processes in place, PR Dec 06
- Launch Jan 07
24What is USPS University?
- An expanding set of informational programs
- Courses current, updated, and new
- Seminars
- Hands-on programs
- A reason to belong and stay active
- We need it
- Practical learning for public and members
- Growth and retention
- We can do it
- Weve already started
- Practical tasks
- It will build enthusiasm
- Real reason to belong
- It will transition USPS for longer-term growth
- Takes much of the financial burden from dues