Title: Finding
1Finding Keeping Good Teachers
- Arkansas Department
- of Education
- Little Rock, AR
- November 30, 2006
- Barnett Berry
- Founder and President
2Teachers Matter!
- Teacher quality can explain more than one
grade-level equivalent in test performance.
(Hanushek, 1992) - TQ impacts can persist for many years. (Sanders
and Rivers, 1996)
3Teachers Matter!
- Tremendous variation in teacher effectiveness
(Bembry et al, 1998, Hanushek, 1992 Sanders and
Rivers, 1996) - TQ impact is far larger than any other
quantifiable schooling input. (Goldhaber, 2002)
4The Bad News
- Poor students and those of color are far LESS
likely to be taught by a qualified teacher - Very little consensus on what to do
- however, everything that needs to be done is
being done somewhere!
5So What Do We Do?
- Know the good teacher
- Follow the research evidence and collect and use
data - Four-pronged, integrated approach
- Local Focus on best practices
- State Align the good stuff underway
- Federal A Marshall Plan for TQ
- Business Build political will and financial
basis to do the right thing
6A Range of Research Reveals That Good Teachers
- Know subject matter
- Use tools to assess how their students learn and
what they know - Use materials to hook what students know onto
the content - Engage students in debates, research, and
7A Range of Research Reveals That Good Teachers
- Give students ownership of the learning process
- Create well-managed classrooms where all trust
and respect one another - Adjust curriculum to second language and other
special need learners
8Lets Start with a Very Good Teacher
- Engaging text (Hintons The Outsiders)
- Eyes behind the head
- Culturally responsive teaching
- Matching of student teams
- Preparing for tests by developing new language
(compare, contrast, discuss, debate) - Connecting text beyond the books
9What Good Teaching Looks Like
- A college sophomore
- B average
- Majoring in Accounting Finance
11Finding Good Teachers
- Salaries matter more for recruiting than
retaining. - Growing your own may be a better investment than
importing talent. - New teachers have different career expectations
than experienced teachers. - A range of incentives will work for the range of
teachers needed (no one size fits all).
12Finding Good Teachers Lessons from NBCTs
- Good teachers do not work for poor principals.
- Good teachers do not teach to scripted curricula.
- Good teachers want to work with kindred spirits.
- Good teachers need resources to teach.
- Good teachers value varied incentives salary is
not the only lever.
13Keeping Good Teachers
- It is about working conditions!
14- Teacher Working Conditions are Student Learning
15CTQs Research on TWC
- Kansas 53 response rate statewide with over
21,000 educators and data available online
www.kansastwc.org - Nevada 49 response rate for Clark County (over
8,000 with some participation in Washoe) data
viewing by school with support from assistance
team at www.nvtlc.org - Ohio pilot in 2005 and voluntary survey in 2006
with about 40 of 13,000 educators
16CTQs Research on TWC
- Arizona 70 response rate in 7,500 educator
phase-in www.aztwc.org. Statewide in 2007 - North Carolina 65 response rate statewide with
over 75,000 educators and data for 1,985 of 2,200
schools online - Districts in Alabama, Arkansas, Virginia and
Georgia used parts or entire TWC survey in 2004-06
17Teachers Report What Most Promotes Student
Learning(NC 2004 TWC)
18Time and Empowerment are Critical
- If I am allowed to utilize my teaching
expertise to draw from what I know will engage
and stimulate my students then students will
achieve at levels no one could dream of. If I
am hamperedthen I cant do what I do best. - - Member, Teacher Leaders Network
19Teacher Working Conditions Three Measures
- Adequate Yearly Progress
- In top designation/met growth target set by the
state - School rating on state accountability system
based on state assessments (NC top 3 categories
and in SC rated good or excellent) - As these measures are either/or we can assess
the likelihood of being on one side of the fence
or the other
20Teacher Working Conditions and AYP in NC in 2004
- Leadership was the single greatest predictor of
AYP status at the middle school level, more so
than school size and teacher retention. - For every one point increase on the TWC survey,
MS were almost 6.7 times more likely to have made
21Teacher Working Conditions and AYP in NC in 2004
- Schools were 4 times more likely to make AYP for
every one point increase on the TWC on
professional development. - For every one point increase on the survey in the
facilities and resource domain avg., schools were
2.8 times more likely to make AYP.
22Teaching and Learning Conditions Improve Teacher
23Teachers Report on What KEEPS Them in Teaching
(NC 2004 TWC)
24- Without a doubt, the principal is the number
one factor in determining the desirability of
being a part of a particular school community.
Being respected and valued personally and
professionally is something I have to have in
order to stay in a school. - - Member, Teacher Leaders Network
25(No Transcript)
26What New Teachers Want
- More pedagogical and classroom management
preparation - Career advancement and differential pay
- Chance to work with colleagues
- Not a 30 year teaching career
27First-Year Teacher Turnover Induction Source
Smith, T Ingersoll, R. 2004. "What are the
Effects of Induction and Mentoring on Beginning
Teacher Turnover?" American Educational Research
Journal. Vol. 41, No. 2, Summer.
28(No Transcript)
29Imagine a rural, high-poverty school where over
last 4 years
- Student achievement has been rising and now 85
of students meet grade level standards. - Discipline referrals are down and student
attendance and parent engagement are up. - Teacher turnover has dropped significantly.
30Imagine a rural, high-poverty school where over
last 4 years
- Teachers have an hour of joint planning time a
day. - Teacher evaluation and professional development
are driven by National Board standards. - 60 of the teachers are now NBCTs.
- The principal and AP are NBCTs.
31Yes this is a REAL school!!!
32A Marshall Plan for Teaching
- Provide service scholarships to prepare teachers
for high-need fields and locations (40,000 _at_
25,000 each 1 billion) - Create high-quality preparation programs
featuring internships in state-of-the-art
teaching schools in high-need areas (100 cities
_at_ 2 million each 200 million)
33A Marshall Plan for Teaching
- Develop state mentoring programs for all
beginning teachers (125,000 _at_ 4,000 each 500
million) - Create incentives for expert teachers to teach in
high-need schools (100 million) - For an annual investment costing less than one
week in Iraq, the teaching gap could be closed.