Title: Processing Arrays
1Processing Arrays
- Foundation Programming With C
Hang in there, retirement is only fifty years
- What will the following code output?
include ltstdio.hgt int main() int i,
sum0 for(i0 ilt11 i2) sumi prin
tf("i\n", sum)
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
- What type of loop is most applicable to the
following problems (please select one option per
problem)? - Initialising an array of 10 elements to zero
- Sentinel Controlled Loop
- Counter Controlled Loop
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
- Reading in numbers from a user until they enter
the value 0 (zero). - Sentinel Controlled Loop
- Counter Controlled Loop
- Reading in 10 numbers from a user
- Sentinel Controlled Loop
- Counter Controlled Loop
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
- Answers
- Counter Controlled Loop (b)
- Sentinel Controlled Loop (a)
- Counter Controlled Loop (b)
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
- The following piece of code attempts to sum
numbers entered by a user until the value 9999 is
encountered. The solution below compiles but
shows a number of errors when it is run.
Describe the errors in words?
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
include ltstdio.hgt int main() int sum int
input while(input!9999) printf("Enter
number ") scanf("i", input) sum
input printf("i\n", sum)
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
- Answers
- sum is not initialised, the sum will be incorrect
sometimes, but not always - input is not initialised or primed before while
test - The sentinel will be included in the sum
- Input from user is not validated
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
- In the following code there are a number of boxes
where comments are to be placed. Write a comment
for each box that describes the purpose of the
code below it. - The function getValidPositiveInteger() is
declared on a second slide.
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
int main() int max, int input, int i //
max 0 // for(i0 ilt5 i)
// input getValidPositiveInteger()
// if(input gt max) max
input // printf("i\n", max)
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
int getValidPositiveInteger() int input int
numbersReadIn // printf("Enter a positive
integer ") numbersReadIn scanf("i",
input) // while(numbersReadInlt1
inputlt0) // scanf("\n") scanf
("c") // printf("Invalid input.
Enter a positive integer ") numbersReadIn
scanf("i", input) // return
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
13Concepts Covered
Standard Input
Types of Loops
Storing Numbers
The while Loop
Arrays for Categories
Reading Strings
The for Loop
The do-while Loop
Ignoring Input
Identifiers and Loops
Multidimensional Arrays
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
Clearing Standard Input
When to Use What Loop
Command Line Arguments
File Redirection
Sentinel Controlled Loop
Validating Input
Finding Min/Max
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
14Storing Numbers
- Variables good for single pieces of data
- With arrays and loops we can
- Store and process multiple pieces
- In a uniform manner
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
15Storing Numbers
include ltstdio.hgt const int MAX_LENGTH
5 int main() int arrayMAX_LENGTH int
i int sum 0 int mean 0 for(i0 i lt
MAX_LENGTH i) printf("Enter number i ",
i1) scanf("i", arrayi) sum
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
16Storing Numbers
... if(MAX_LENGTH!0) mean
sum/MAX_LENGTH printf("Mean is i\n",
mean) printf("Numbers greater than mean
are...\n") for(i0 i lt MAX_LENGTH i)
if(arrayi gt mean) printf("i\n",
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
Enter number 1 4 Enter number 2 2 Enter number
3 5 Enter number 4 3 Enter number 5 1 Mean is
3 Numbers greater than mean are... 4 5
17Arrays for Categories
- We can also use arrays to
- Track if items from a list have been encountered,
or - How many times an item has appeared
- Example
- Counting how many times each letter of the
alphabet appears in a sentence...
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
18Arrays for Categories
int letters26
- We could declare an array where
- letters0 will record how many times 'a' has
been used, - letters1 will record how many times 'b' has
been used, and so on
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
19Arrays for Categories
- Initialise before beginning
// Initialise all array elements to 0 for(i0
ilt26 i) lettersi 0
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
20Arrays for Categories
- Read in and categorise each character until
// Process the user input printf("Please input a
sentence...\n") scanf("c", inputLetter) while(
inputLetter ! '\n') if(isalpha(inputLetter))
letterstolower(inputLetter)-'a' scanf
("c", inputLetter)
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
21Arrays for Categories
- Report how many times each character appeared
// Output occurences of letters for(i0 ilt26
i) if(lettersi gt 0) printf("c i\n",
'a'i, lettersi)
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
Enter a sentence... My name is Michael a 2 c
1 e 2 h 1 i 2 ...
... l 1 m 3 n 1 s 1 y 1
22Arrays for Categories
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
Input Item to Count
Match Item to Array Elementand Increment Element
23Searching in Arrays
- We can count the number of times a value appears
in an array
int count(int target, int array, int length)
int count0 // Counts appearances of
target int i // Iterative counter //
Compare each element in the array for(i0
iltlength i) if(arrayi target)
count return count
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
24Searching in Arrays
- With arrays and repetition we can now search
through arrays
bool search(int target, int array, int length)
bool found false // Boolean search
flag int i 0 // Iterative
counter // Search until found or end of
array while(!found iltlength) // Match
array element to target value found
arrayitarget i return found
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
25Sorting Values in Arrays
- Many sorting algorithms
- Bubble Sort
- Start at beginning
- Compare adjacent pairs
- If out of order swap
- Repeat n-1 times where n is the size of the array
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
26Sorting Values in Arrays
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
27Multidimensional Arrays
- An array of arrays
- Declaration example
int array35
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
row 0
row 1
row 2
28Command Line Arguments
- The main() function can have either none or two
arguments as follows
int main(int argc, char argv) ...
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
The number of arguments including the executable
An array of strings, one string per argument
29Command Line Arguments
include ltstdio.hgt int main(int argc, char
argv) int i printf("Argument count
i\n", argc) for(i0 iltargc i)
printf("i s\n", i, argvi)
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
a.out hello there Argument count 3 0 a.out 1
hello 2 there
30Checking Comm. Line Args
- Check whenever command line arguments are needed
include ltstdio.hgt int main(int argc, char
argv) // Check for the correct number of
arguments if ( argc lt 2 ) printf("USAGE s
guesses\n", argv0) exit(1) // Rest of
program ...
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
31Naming Executables
- The -o switch allows naming
- Using DOS/Windows append .exe
g mygrep.cpp o mygrep
- Quiz
- Concepts
- Storing Numbers
- Categories
- Searching
- Sorting
- Multi-D arrays
- Command line args
gpp mygrep.cpp o mygrep.exe