Title: FAA NAS Architecture System Engineering Process
1FAA NAS Architecture System Engineering Process
- OMG Transportation
- Tammy Parsons
- April 27, 2004
2NAS Architecture
Program Data
Service Groups
Mechanisms (systems, people, Support activities)
Current Operations
Operational Improvement 1
Operational Improvement n
3Operational Improvements
- Service Group
- Service
- Capability
- Operational Improvement
- Source References
- Description
- Benefits
- Systems
- Support Activities
- People
- Interfaces
- Issues
- Functional Architecture
- Air Traffic Service Group
- Flight Planning Service
- Flight Plan Support Capability
- Provide Interactive Flight Planning from Anywhere
- Physical Architecture
- FAA Adaptation for Provide Interactive Flight
Planning from anywhere - Flight Service Specialist
- NG-TFM to CMS interface
4FAA Standardized System Engineering Process
- System Engineering Manual defines processes
- System Engineering Council supports and enforces
processes - SE courses train the workforce in standard
5System Engineering Process Overview
Customer Requirements
Requirements Analysis
Functional Analysis Modeling
6SE Tool Summary
- Requirements DOORS
- Functional Analysis CORE
- Modeling Rational Rose
- Synthesis CATS-I
- NAS-SR-1000 Requirements
- Current NAS Operations
- Trace to Capability (Current OI steps)
- CONOPS Requirements
- Requirements based on future customer needs
- Trace to future OIs
8Functional Analysis Modeling
- NAS Functional Hierarchy
- Service Group
- Service
- Capability
- Enhanced Functional Flow Block Diagrams, N2
diagrams, Data Dictionaries - State/Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Use
Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams,
9Synthesis (Design)
- Mechanisms
- Systems
- People
- Support activities
- Mechanism data includes
- Description
- Quantities
- Deployment schedule
- Interfaces
- Programmatic data includes
- Cost
- Schedule
10SE Product Relationships
Current operations CONOPS Lexicon
Operational Improvement
Operational Requirements
- Service Group
- Service
- Capability
- Operational Improvement
- Source References
- Description
- Benefits
Requirements Analysis
Mechanism Requirements
EFFBDs N2 diagrams Data dictionary Function
Operational Requirements
Functional Analysis
Existing 4 levels of NAS functional hierarchy
- Systems
- Support Activities
- People
- Interfaces
Mechanisms Interfaces
Functional and Physical data
State diagrams, sequence diagrams, etc.
11Flight Planning Example
- Example is for Current Flight Plan Support, a
Current OI - NAS-SR-1000 requirements, rather than CONOPS
- Existing systems
- Provides the baseline operations against which
future improvements will be made
12Flight Plan Support Requirements
13FP Functional Analysis
- Function descriptions (Service Group, Service,
Capability) available on NAS Architecture 5 - Other products (EFFBDs and N2) under development
14FP Functional Analysis
Flight Planning The Flight Planning Service
provides both flight plan support and flight plan
data processing to support the safe and efficient
use of the nation's airspace through the
development and use of coordinated flight plans.
This includes preparing and conducting pre-flight
and in-flight briefings, filing flight plans and
amendments, managing flight plan acceptance and
evaluation, preparing flight planning broadcast
messages, and maintaining flight-planning data
archives. This service offers preparation to
conduct a flight within the NAS and allows
changes to flight profiles while operating within
the NAS.
Flight Data Management Flight data management
maintains the knowledge of a flight within the
NAS. This activity includes both Visual Flight
Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
flights from activation until flight plan
cancellation or closing. The management of flight
data can vary from an indication that the flight
plan is active in the NAS until closure or can
include maintaining knowledge of current
positions in the NAS through pilot reports and/or
radar contact and updates to the projected
forward trajectory. The forward trajectories
support separation assurance and flight
advisories in their allocation of the flight to
the appropriate service provider. Implementation
of flight data management occurs at or near the
start of a planned flight. It includes activation
following the issuance of a clearance for flight,
distributing flight plans to appropriate ATC
facilities along routes, as well as updates based
on current position and along the route of flight
including changes based on in-flight amendments.
Once an IFR flight is airborne or VFR associated
flight plan has been activated, the flight plan
remains active in the NAS until the flight plan
is closed. Information associated with the flight
remains available to all authorized users,
controllers/specialists, emergency and
supervisory personnel before, during, and after
the flight as necessary for processing.
Flight Plan Support Flight plan support takes
the user's intention for a flight, compares that
intention against known NAS constraints and
provides feedback to the user. The user's
intention includes expected route, altitude, time
of flight, and aircraft capabilities. Constraints
include available routes, special use airspace
(SUA) restrictions, daily demand conditions and
anticipated flight conditions including weather
and sky conditions (e.g. volcanic ash, smoke,
birds), winds and temperatures, surface
conditions, and any significant meteorological
condition. Aeronautical information includes
notices to airmen containing information
concerning the establishment, condition, or
change in any NAS component (facility, service,
or procedure, or hazard in the NAS) the timely
knowledge of which is essential to flight. Based
on this constraint identification and feedback
the user develops a flight plan that best meets
individual objectives. This support includes both
the initial flight plan and any proposed user
proposed amendments along the way.
15FP Functional Analysis
16FP Modeling
- State/Activity Diagrams
- Sequence Diagrams
- Use Case Diagrams
- Class Diagrams
17State/Activity Diagrams
18Sequence Diagrams - DUATS
19Sequence Diagrams-Fast File
20Sequence Diagrams-Person-to-Person
21Sequence Diagrams-OASIS
22Use Case Diagrams
23Use Case Diagrams
24Class Diagrams
25Functional Analysis / Modeling Products on NAS
Architecture 5
26Current Flight Plan Support OI sections 1-4
27Current Flight Plan Support OI sections 8-9
28Current Flight Plan Support OI sections 10-11
- The NAS Architecture is continuously updated to
address - Funding issues
- Industry changes
- Technology advances
- As SE products are generated, they are made
available on the Internet at NAS Architecture 5
30- www.nas-architecture.faa.gov/cats/