Title: Analysis of Student Work: Part II
1Analysis of Student WorkPart II
- Advisor Forum
- March 13, 2003
- San Luis Obispo County
- Office of Education
- Identify student needs in order to plan
differentiated instruction that will improve
performance of all students - Examine content standards in
relation to student work, teacher
expectations, and
3Review the Class Profile
- Select a case study student whose work will be
specifically examined during this process
4Identify Teacher Expectations
- Select student work to analyze that is linked to
content standard focus of the ILP - Identify the criteria for considering student
work as meeting standard.
5Teacher expectations
- What do you want students to be able to do?
- What are your expectations for ?
- To what content standard does this connect?
6Sorting Student Work
- Sort the student work into 4 piles
- Students who struggled and performed below
expectations or one year below standard - Students who are approaching standard
- Students who are meeting standard
- Students who are exceeding standard
7Sorting student work
- Where would you place this piece?
- Lets list what you notice about this example.
- What are the qualities present (or missing from)
this piece of work? - What sorts of patterns do you see as you look
across the student work?
8Sorting student work
- Add the number of papers in each category to
determine the percentage of the class that is at
each level. - Circle the name of the case study student.
9Identify the Learning Needs of Students at Each
- Identify the learning needs of the students
identified in each of the four columns. - What are the specific skills, content, practice
or experiences that students will need in order
to progress? - Focus on the case study student.
10Identifying Learning Needs
- How might you support this student to move
forward? - What skills, concepts or information might the
student need to have to review? - What have you seen in the classroom that works
with this student? - What might moving forward look like?
- Ways to differentiate
- Curriculum
- Sequencing activities
- Modifying instruction
- Ideas for differentiation of
- Content
- Process
- Product
12What is Differentiation?
- Philosophy that enables teachers to plan
strategically in order to reach the needs of the
diverse learners in classrooms today. - Differentiation meets learners where they are and
offers challenging, appropriate options for them
in order to achieve success.
13Nothing is so unequal as the equal treatment of
- Differentiation implies we must teach kids where
they are
14Key variables we can manipulate in order to
differentiate instruction
- TIME allocation of time to learn/practice/etc.
- COMPLEXITY difficulty of the task/test/etc.
- PACING NOT speed, but introduction of new
skills, concepts, vocabulary amount of review
and practice - SCAFFOLDING/SUPPORT quality/quantity of
assistance during instruction
15Differentiating during whole class instruction
- Small Group Instruction
- Partner Models
- Scaffolded Instruction
- Graphic Organizers
- Projects
16White Packet
- Planning for Differentiated Learning
- Designing Inclusive Classrooms
- Differentiation Matrix
- Models for Designing a Standards-Based,
Differentiated Instructional Lesson
17Grouping Issues Options
- Need BOTH homogeneous AND heterogeneous
- Depends upon the purpose/subject/range of prior
knowledge - Skills-based lessons
- Usually best to group by need
- Flexible groups change as student needs change
18Grouping Issues Options
- Conceptual/content based lessons
- Usually best in heterogeneous groups
- Diverse experiences/views enrich
- With plenty of scaffolded instruction
19Small groups
- Heterogeneous
- Homogenous
- Task Oriented
- Constructed
- Random
- Interest-based
20Structured Partner Models
- Teacher assigns based on
- Like real life rationale
- Level of literacy
- Proficiency in English
- Overall niceness
- Alternate ranking (1 with 16 15
- with 30)
21Structured Partner Responses
- Roles
- A and B 1 and 2
- Topic
- May need to provide a sentence stem
- The most important thing about ______ so far is
______ because _________. - Time
- SHORT!! 90 seconds! Be brief at first!
22Participation Structures
- Partner responses
- Answers long/different
- Teacher assigns provide a label/role
23Green Packet
- Tell Help Check
- 1s TELL 2s ______
- 2s listen then HELP by adding/editing/improving
- Both CHECK on page _____
24Participation Structures
- Written Responses
- Think write pair share
- List first, then share
- Structured sharing (1s, then 2s) add to your
list - Touch something
- Put your finger on the _______.
25Structured Partner Responses
- Passage Reading Strategies (Green Packet)
- 1s tell 2s the who or what the paragraph
was about (topic/subject). - 2s tell1s the important details about the
who/what. - 1s create a GIST/summary statement of 10 words
or less. - BOTH write the GIST/summary statement in your
Summary Notes. - Reverse roles for the next paragraph continue
rotating roles.
26Scaffolded Instruction Participation Structures
- Choral Responses (answers are short/same)
- Student cue you they are attending (eyes on me)
- Provide thinking time (3 5 seconds)
- Signal group response
27Scaffolded Instruction
- Cubing (Yellow Packet)
- Differentiates learning by
- Readiness (familiarity with content or level of
skill) - Student Interest
- Learning Profile/Multiple Intelligences (sample
rubrics) - Blooms Levels of Questioning
- Cubes vary in tasks depending upon the interest
of the group.
28Graphic Organizers
- Use when teaching content
- Makes information easier to understand
- Separates the important from the trivial
- Focuses on big ideas
- Organization of ideas is self-evident to students
- Reduces information processing demands needed to
understand new information
29Graphic Organizers
- Venn diagram
- Concept maps
- graphicorganizers.com
30What does Explicit Direct, Well Scaffolded
Instruction Look Like?
- I do it (modeling our thinking too)
- We do it together (careful scaffolding)
- Yall do it (peer support)
- You do it on your own
- Dr. Anita
31What works
No short cuts or quick fixes work!
32- Teaching ..
is like playing a violin solo in public and
learning the instrument as one goes on. -
- Samuel Butler, English poet