Title: Folie 1
1Trans-Mediterranean Interconnection for
Concentrating Solar Power Franz TriebParis,
2Trans-Mediterranean High Voltage Direct Current
Electricity Grid Interstate Highways for
Renewable Electricity
3DLR-Studies (2004-2007) Assessment of the
renewable energy potential for the sustainable
supply of electricity and water in 50 countries
of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa
taking into consideration the option of
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP).
inexpensive, secure, compatible
4Principle of a Conventional Thermal Power Plant
5Renewable Electricity Potentials in EU-MENA
Biomass (0-1)
in Brackets (Yield in GWhel/km²/y)
Geothermal (0-1)
Wind (0-50)
Hydropower (0-50)
Solar (up to 250)
6? 100 availability plus 25 reserve capacity
7Values in constant -2000 (real), Fuel Prices IEA
2005, after 2020 CCS
8Carbon emissions of EU-MENA power sector are
reduced to 38 until 2050 in spite of a quickly
growing demand