Title: Poverty: A Growing Problem
1Poverty A Growing Problem
- By Aleah Hunter
- And Georgette Abdallah
- Song Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen
A condition in which a person or community is
deprived of or lacks the essentials for a minimum
standard or wellbeing of life.
3What Does Poverty Mean To Us?
There is no one size fits all definition of
poverty. There are many definitions that have the
same idea.
Poverty is a lack of things people NEED in life,
therefore people living in poverty are in pain.
4Why we should care
Every child deserves a chance. A kid who is
living in poverty does not get a fair chance
Free The Children
When children grow up in poverty, they pay a
heavy price. Research shows that they have more
illnesses, perform poorly in school, have more
mental health problems, and earn less when they
are adults.
5Where do you see poverty?
- I see poverty on street corners, on the news, and
populated cities.
- I see poverty in orphanages.
I see poverty in sweatshops.
- I see poverty in people who are ill and cant
afford to buy medicine.
6The Facts of Life
One billion children live in poverty. 640 million
live without adequate shelter. 400 million have
no access to safe water. 270 million have no
access to health services.
10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached age
5 or roughly 29,000 children a day
Less than one percent of what the world spent
every year on weapons was needed to put every
child into school by 2000 yet it didnt happen.
- Half the world nearly 3 million people live on
less than 2 dollars a day
7People Who Help
The Christian children's fund has been helping
with this epidemic for 50 years. They have
commercials and sponsors to help people in need.
8The make poverty history campaign have been
helping with the awareness of the epidemic.
9Feed the children
Feed The Children is another organization that
helps with poverty not just with starving kids
but families too. Its enables families to get
better health care.
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15What Can You Do?
- Help at food giveaways at a church
- Give to local charities
- Lend a helping hand
- Not wasting food is a good way to help with
poverty. Think of others who dont have what we
Dont ignore poverty, keep your eyes open to see
what is going on in the world.
16The Power IS YOURS!!