Title: Growth and Poverty Reduction: Pro-poor growth?
1Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
2Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Lecture Outline
- (i) What is pro-poor growth?
- (ii) What are the Theoretical Under-pinning of
Pro-Poor Growth? - (iii) Methodology
- (iv) Evidence of pro-poor growth?
- (v) Policies for pro-poor growth 1970s vs.
3Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (i) What is pro-poor growth?
- Definition of Pro-Poor Growth
- growth that leads to significant reductions in
(absolute) poverty - (OECD 2001, and UN 2000) italics added in
brackets. -
- Too broad for economists since what definition
of poverty do researchers use? Kraay (2004)
makes this point in his World Bank Working Paper
No. 3225, When is Growth Pro-Poor?
4Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- A basic idea from the works of White and
Anderson (2001) and Kakwani and Pernia (2000) is
that any increase in growth should benefit the
poor more than the rich. - This really is inequality-reducing growth
rather than pro-poor growth is concerned with
relative poverty. - The question is, Should new growth benefit the
poor more, thus increasing their incomes and thus
reducing inequality, whilst the rest of society
sees little income improvement?
5Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- If, Yes to this then could have the issue of
national income increasing by 5 but income of
the poor increasing by 7 whereas there could be
a possibility of growth for the poor of 7 when
national income increased by 10. - The poor in the second scenario are absolutely
better off, but are relatively worse-off compared
to the non-poor In the first scenario the poor
are absolutely worse-off compared to scenario 2,
but are relatively better off.
6Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (Q) So which one is better?
- (A) In poor countries better absolute
improvements preferred to relative improvements,
at least initially.. - Problem with the above inequality-reducing
scenario is that we do not know whether following
an inequality-reducing growth plan will result in
lower growth or higher growth. - So we want to have improvements in both absolute
levels of income (absolute poverty tackled) and
relative levels of income (relative income of
poor improves and income inequality declines?).
7Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Formalising these issues has been undertaken by
White and Anderson (2001) - White and Anderson (2001) 3 definitions of
pro-poor growth - (1) The poors share of incremental income
exceeds their current share. -
- This means that the incremental increase in the
level of income to the poorgtincremental increase
in the level of income for all of society,
8Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Where the numerator represents change in income
of the poor, the denominator is the change in
income of society and represents the
income share of the poor in the last time period,
9Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- So,
- There is a relative improvement of the poor.
- This can be shown diagrammatically,
10Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
Changes in Y, between t and t-1
change in Y for non-poor between t-1 and t
Y, T growth
change in Y for the poor between t-1 and t If
then pro-poor growth.
11Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- The problem with definition (1) is that the
poors share can increase slightly and the
richest 10 or 15 can still cream off much more
and this is pro-poor growth. - E.g. If poorest 20 have 5 of income and the
richest 20 have 40 of income then if in every
extra 1 the poorest get 10cents and the richest
30cents then still have PPG. - If in the above then White and
Anderson (2001, pp. 269) coin the phrase
anti-poor growth (APG).
12Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (2) The second definition brings into the
equation the share of people in a country who are
defined as poor. Formally, -
- Where the P term represents the share of poor
people/households in the country. - What the equation is saying is that the increase
in the share of the poors incomegtshare of the
number of poor in the countrys population.
13Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Can be re-arranged so that,
- These represent average income levels of the
poor and of society, and can be further
simplified to, -
14Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- The change in average income of poorgtchange in
average income of society. - Problem with definition 2 is that it is too
restrictive and under this definition few
countries actually have pro-poor growth.
15Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Definition 3
- Take an international norm of median income
shares of the bottom 20 and 40 (can choose any
). - Issue here is that if the poors share
currently exceeds the international norm then
their share of incremental income can be less
than their current share and thus qualify as PPG
(ibid, pp. 269).
16Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Another Definition of Pro-Poor Growth
- focuses on accelerating the rate of income
growth of the poor and thus increase the rate of
poverty reduction - (Ravallion and Chen, 2003)
- Pro-Poor Growth F(GDP growth)
- Changes in income equality have an ambiguous
effect on pro-poor growth since can impact on GDP
growth. - Thus, if pro-poor growth is to accelerate then
need to accelerate growth but also need to
enhance and make poor households aware of the
opportunities growth generates. - Hence there is no one agreed definition of what
PPG actually is.hence a huge debate as to
whether PPG has occurred or not!!
17Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (ii) What are the Theoretical Under-pinning of
Pro-Poor Growth? - Gunnar Myrdal in 1920s and 1930s India argued
that initial income inequality was an important
factor in improving the quality of people and
hence productivity. - Ravallion and Datt (2002) report larger absolute
poverty-household income elasticities in
countries with lower gini indices. -
18Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (ii) What are the Theoretical Under-pinning of
Pro-Poor Growth? - The idea here is that any growth that does occur
is likely to benefit more people if income
inequality is low in the first place. - (Q) So what then determines income inequality?
- Assets particularly land in LDCs
- Education
- Networks
- Rural-Urban
- Property Rights, Legal System
19Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (ii) What are the Theoretical Under-pinnings of
Pro-Poor Growth? Cont - The 1970s
- In the 1970s the Redistribution with Growth
development economists believed in the inverted-U
hypothesis of Kuznets. - Kuznets inverted-U of growth and inequality
- Stage 1 low per capita income level, low income
inequality. - Stage 2 per capita income increases with
development, income inequality rises. - Stage 3 gets to a point where per capita income
increases with continued development, income
inequality declines.
20Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Evidence from Ahluwalia (1976) supports the
Kuznets hypothesis, by simply regressing
inequality onto income and income-squared - He found that as economic growth increased so
income inequality increased ( ) but
at a decreasing rate ( ) however
unsure where the turning point is! -
Leads to
21Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- The Redistribution with Growth economists argued
(in line with Kaldors growth model) that
inequality caused growth since the rich had a
higher marginal propensity to save. - Also Lewiss model of economic development with
unlimited labour supply was consistent with
rising income inequality through profits of
entrepreneurs growing more quickly than wages.
22Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Empirical Rejection of Kuznets, 1980s-1990s
- Rejected in Bruno, Ravallion and Squire, (1996)
since much of the empirical evidence of the 1970s
and 1980s was flawed, and studies were actually
capturing between-country effects not
within-country effects. - By using panel estimates country-specific
effects, time effects and joint country and time
effects are captured and the Kuznets U-shaped
curve disappears. - Studies find that between-country effects are
causing the inverted-U shape and that for some
countries (e.g. India) the relationship between
inequality and income is simply U-shaped
Inequality high, then low, then high again as
growth increases.
23Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Currently whilst the theoretical debate
continues as to whether economic growth causes
income inequality to change, the empirical
evidence is stacking up against a correlation in
the first place. - E.g. Deininger and Squire (1996), Chen and
Ravallion (1997), Easterly (1999), Dollar and
Kraay (2002) and Deaton (2005). According to
Fields (1989, 2001), - Method should be looking at country-specific
analysis when Fields (1989) looked at 70 growth
spells across 20 countries he found that
inequality rose in 10 countries, decreased in 11
and remained unchanged in 1. -
- income inequality increased in about half the
growth spells and declined in the other half. - (World Bank, 2005, pp.17)
24Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- New Theories of Pro-Poor Growth?
- Initial income inequality feeds into poor growth
or greater income equality positively affects
growth rates. - Based largely on the conflicting progress of
East Asia (e.g. South Korea and Taiwan) and Latin
America. - Latin America notoriously unequal in income
distribution (Brazil regularly found to have the
highest Gini coefficient).
High Initial Inequality
Low Growth
25Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- This means that any growth benefits the rich
only and tends to be skills-biased and capital
intensive, thus the poor have no chance of
getting a piece of the expanding pie relative
poverty increasing. - The income inequality also means that
consumption is relatively low since the rich have
low MPC which negatively effects AD and growth.
26Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- East-Asia growth of the 1960s and beyond has
seen no conflict between growth and income
distribution, meaning income inequality remains
constant as growth increased. - (Q) Is there a theory that can explain this?
- (1) The mechanism given for this income
inequality-neutral path is that low initial
income inequality results in more evenly
distributed economic growth. - The reason is that consumption expenditure
patterns are similar amongst the poor for goods
which they themselves produce hence generating
demand for these labour-intensive products hence
mass consumption takes off rather than
consumption being driven by the minority. - (2) Also the case that savings of the poor can
be channelled if appropriate investment
opportunities are in evidence.
27Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (iii) Methodology
- Dominant Method - Cross-Country Studies (Time
Series and Panels). - Has growth affected absolute poverty, relative
poverty and been pro-poor or not. -
28Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Method I Cross-Country Studies
- White and Anderson (2001) find a negative
relationship between growth and income growth of
the poor i.e. growth negatively effects the
portion/share of income the poorest of the
population get. -
29Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Back to the pro-poor question and for this see
White and Anderson (2001) - Regress changes in income of the poor as a share
of changes in total income of country, - and changes in share of income of the poor,
- onto a number of regressors that include, change
in GDP per capita, change in trade openness
dummy, change government expenditure as share of
GDP, change in political rights and civil
liberties, and change in life expectancy. - Why 2 dependent variables? Dependent variable 1
can be affected by outliers represented by large
changes in incomes of the poorest groups when
total income for the country has increased.
Changes in the poors share of income gets around
this issue.
30Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- White and Anderson (2001) (cont)
- Find that variations in the poors share of
incremental income (Dependent variable 1) is very
large for growth rateslt4..........some
incremental shares are negative and very large. - Confirms our expectations.
- However using dependent variable 2 find that,
31Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
Regression results for Change in Share of Income
(poorest 40 and poorest 20 - t-tests in
DQ40 DQ20
Constant -0.001 0.000
(-0.76) (-0.40)
Growth (if improves) -0.056 -0.011
(-2.03) (-1.03)
Change in Political Freedom (if worsens) -0.006 -0.002
(-1.97) (-1.53)
Trade Openness -0.001 -0.001
(-0.94) (-1.30)
Change in Urban (more urbanisation) 0.003 0.002
(2.41) (3.41)
Change in life expectancy (greater life expectancy) -0.006 -0.002
(-1.85) (-1.57)
32Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Note
- (1) Positive coefficient means an increase in
the explanatory variable will have a positive
impact on the poors share of GDP, i.e. improve
the poors share of GDP - Find that growth negatively impacts on the poor
only the poorest 40 though. Implication is
there is a trade-off between growth and
distribution which contradicts World Bank
thinking. - Less political freedom bad for the poor.
- Increased urbanisation good for the poor
33Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Dollar and Kraay (2002, 2004) find a positive
relationship between growth and growth of incomes
of the poor. - The Model
- The key thing is the coefficient on .
This represents the elasticity of income of the
poorest quintile with respect to mean income. - Control for 4 policy interventions that are
likely to positively contribute to PPG (1)
primary educational attainment (2) public
spending on health and education, (3) labour
productivity in agriculture relative to rest of
economy and (4) formal democratic institutions. - Find none of these factors impact on PPG in
their cross-country survey.
34Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- That the coefficient on log GDP of the country
is NOT significantly different from 1..NO
evidence that change in GDP is different from
change in GDP of poorest 20. - They cannot reject the hypothesis that incomes
of the poor on average rise equiproportionately
with average incomes (pp. 198), See next slide
for Table 5 that confirms this.
35Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
36Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor
growth?Figure 4, Dollar and Kraay (2004).
37Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Finds that changes in inequality and changes in
income are not correlated. - (Word of warning given by authors and by others
is that cross-country comparisons are subject to
a lot of measurement error and that
country-specific studies are required for a
clearer picture What the World Bank has done). - Dollar and Kraay (2004), Economic Journal paper
in special edition of linkages between trade,
development and poverty.
38Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Whilst not explicitly looking at income
inequality Dollar and Kraay findings are
consistent with headcount poverty declining more
in those countries with more equitable
distributions of income. - Example from Klasen (2003).
- Since Dollar and Kraay are looking at
proportionate income changes of the average and
the poorest quintile then clearly if income
inequality is lower in a country then the
proportionate increase in income will lead to a
greater reduction in absolute poverty.
39Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Barro (2000) tests the Kuznets hypothesis again
with a panel of countries. - Regresses growth rate per capita output onto
variables that theoretically are predicted to
determine growth, e.g. log of per capita GDP,
rule-of-law index, democracy (or freedom) index,
investment/GDP, years of schooling. - Then includes a gini coefficient index.
40Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
- Growth rate is the dependent variable here.
- When the gini index is introduced linearly there
is no relationship with growth (0.000) Model 1. - When the gini index is interacted with log(GDP)
a proxy for economic development then we see
a negative relationship between income inequality
and growth (-0.328) but that when log(GDP) is
higher the relationship is actually positive
(0.043) Model 2. - Implication is that at lower levels of log(GDP)
income inequality does significantly impact on
growth rates.
41Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Barro also finds evidence that Kuznets curve is
alive and kicking. Income inequality first
increases and then decreases with economic
development (log(GDP)).
However log(GDP) is not explaining the majority
of the variation in income inequality across
countries or across time.
42Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Summary
- Still no consensus.
- Some find that changes in income are not
correlated with changes in inequality means that
any growth in income does not appear to have any
impact on inequality and impacts positively on
absolute poverty, (see Fields, 1989 and 2001). -
- Dollar and Kraay (2002) find that growth of the
country positively effects growth of income of
the poor implication is that growth is thus
crucial for reducing absolute poverty and the
number of absolutely poor. - White and Anderson (2001) find that when
dependent variable takes a relative form that
growth negatively effects the share the poorest
in a country have of GDP. - Barro (2000) finds that income inequality can
impact on growth rates of very poor countries
43Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- (V) Policies for pro-poor growth?
- Killick (2002) mentions a wish list that would
enhance pro-poor growth - (1) Land reform NOT land grab.
- (2) Improved access by the poor to education and
health - public sector, or public-private
partnership? - (3) Micro-credit schemes targeted on the poor
charity or public sector since is too risky for
private sector to invest in! - (4) Adoption of labour intensive techniques in
production - (5) Agricultural and rural development very
broad - (6) Government expenditure on education and
health - public sector? - (7) Avoidance of macroeconomic crises external
factors that cannot be avoided, e.g. sustained
food price increases caused by emerging economies
changing their diet. - (8) Investment in rural infrastructure public
sector, or public-private partnership? - (9) Labour-intensive industrialisation
44Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- World Bank Report, pp.74.
- For Agriculture
- Investments in infrastructure to connect the
poor, e.g. telecommunications, roads, public
transport. - Strengthen property rights notably of women
particularly regarding land - Create incentive frameworks that do NOT
discriminate against those economic activities
the poor are already undertaking - Improve technology for food-producers so can
protect crop. Essential given urban food demand
increases. - Help poor households reduce and cope with risk
which could encourage greater risk with more
high-yielding crops (Q) Are poor households
risk-averse in gambling when times are good and
risk-taking when times are bad?
45Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- For Non-agricultural poor
- Designing labour market rules and regulations
that balances workers needs with employers
needs, (ibid, pp. 75) is an issue in many
Latin American countries where trade unions are
strong, also the case in South Africa. - Access to secondary and girls education
important for poor households given the growing
skill bias in non-agricultural employment
falling fertility rates and rising female labor
market participation is essential in a pro-poor
growth strategy (ibid, pp. 75). - Quality of investment climate (assumed to be
determined by macro and trade environment, as
well as degree of labour market regulation)
determine quantity and quality of employment. - Improved infrastructure for the poor.
46Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- Factors that affect the success/failure of these
World Bank policies include - Initial income and asset inequality if high
then can have negative impact on pro-poor growth. - Must re-distributebut how? Land reform not land
grab, transfer payments in the form of state
pensions to the poor. - Importance of agriculture to the poor. Need to
improve the efficiency of agriculture (e.g.
technology, co-operatives, training, access to
financial markets). - Since agriculture is affected by climactic
conditions there needs to be a risk management
structure in place to protect poor farmers but
which do encourage more risk-taking (Q) Are
poor farmers likely to be risk-takers? - Delivery of services and capacity of institutions
to deliver to the poor issue of corruption.
47Growth and Poverty Reduction Pro-poor growth?
- References
- Dollar, D., and Kraay, A., (2002), Growth is
Good for the Poor, Journal of Economic Growth,
Vol 7, pp. 195-225. - Fields, G., (1989) Changes in Poverty and
Inequality in Developing Countries, World Bank
Research Observer 4(2), 167-85. - Fields, G., (2001) Distribution and Development
A New Look at the Developing World, MIT Press. - Kakwani and Pernia (2000) What is pro-poor
growth?, Asian Development Review, Vol 18(1),
1-16. - OECD 2001 Rising to the Global Challenge
Partnership for Reducing World Poverty.
Statement by the DAC High Level Meeting, April
25-26, Paris - Ravallion and Chen (2003) Measuring Pro-Poor
Growth. Economic Letters Vol 78(1), p3-99. - White and Anderson (2001) Growth vs
Redistribution Does the pattern of growth
matter?., Development Policy Review, Vol 19(3),
167-289. - World Bank, (2005), Pro-Poor Growth in the
1990s Lessons and Insights from 14 Countries.