Title: Wellness1
1The SMART Way To GetThe Results You Want
2Have you had a look at ouraward-winning behavior
change workshop? www.greenbeansandicecream.comLo
g on today please!This presentation is
protected by US and Global Patents against
duplication or reverse engineering.
3Why Positive Recognition Works..
- History of Positive Reinforcement
- More value because its TAX FREE
- Dramatic behavior change RESULTS
Herzberg Bob Nelson 100 99
4Is negative reinforcement a good way to change
behavior? Download Terry Tate from
5Ever used this tool?
- Is feedback mostly positive?
- Or is it mostly NEGATIVE?
- Do observers forget to give positive recognition?
- How do you REALLY know they observed vs. pencil
whipped? - BUT, the VERBAL eraser Beef Stew
6Why Positive Recognition Works..
- History of Positive Reinforcement
- More value because its TAX FREE
- Dramatic behavior change RESULTS
The UK Supervisor Donna Prejean Lagging
Indicators Injury Hiding One Size Fits All
Recognition PICS NICS
7Would TRAILING indicator rewards have prevented
this tragedy?
8Where can we help you?
Safety Heartland Food reports a 90 reduction in
injuries, lost work productivity, and workmens
compensation costs-without injury
hiding!Engagement Herbalife, a vitamin
company, improves employee satisfaction by
44Innovation Management Siemens saves 11
million in 18 months from bright idea
suggestionsLean/5S Indalex saves 364,000 and
reduces injuries 94
9Duponts Story
We were able to set records for the DuPont
Site by using the programs from Bill Sims. In
fact, we were able to reduce all loss time
injuries to zero for almost three years. We found
individual and group recognition as the best
program our people were willing to support, and
the operations personnel to buy into. I will be
honoured to talk with your prospective clients
about what we did. Louis Barrow, Dupont Site
SHE Manager Kinston NC Facility 2000-2004
10SmartCard System
Motivatesemployees AND supervisorsto change
behaviorsthat achieve
your goals!
You leave your boss, not your company The 100
and 99 Onsite Supervisor Training
11How to achieve Behavior Change
PINPOINT Communicate Behaviors
REINFORCE Consequences
Pinpoint ReinforceBehavior Change
12Part 1-Smartcard Training
Communicate Behaviors
Communicates the behaviors you want And
validates effectiveness
Custom, not canned Multi-Lingual Demonstrate
desired behavior changes Customized with
pictures of your employees
14Smartsign Option
Web based Engaging and Fun Fully
Customizable Weather News Feeds No more posters
to print, ship hang!
Every month, your managers give a custom
Smartcard to your employees We track and reward
employees managers who participate with chances
at trips and prizes
Back of quiz card
16Toll-Free Hotline
Employees call a custom toll-free hotline to win
free trips other prizes. The greeting is
multi-lingual and customized to your
firm. Detailed reports tell you which employees
and managers are participating Involves the
family too if you like.
17Offer your rewards or ours!
- First time callers always win! Each call wins.
- Additional calls earn chances for trips and
points to catalog awards - Limit 1 call per card
- Every call can be a winner
- Remember, its why not what
18Monthly Dashboard Reports
- Shows which managers are implementing the program
- Managers get rewarded
- Low performers identified for coaching
19Part 2-Smartcard Rewards
REINFORCE Consequences
Measures Reinforces Behavior Change Positive,
Immediate and Certain Without favoritism, injury
hiding Upstream,downstream or both?
20You Did It Right
- Safety Bucks the in-house nightmare
- Tracks any behaviors you choose to reward
- Avoids one size fits all
- Why Observation Works
- Called in for additional recognition and awards
- Validates Training effectiveness
- Eliminates abuse and favoritism
21Smartcards for Observation
- Tracks critical behaviors
- Tracked by our team
- Employees and Managers give and get positive
feedback - Optional Smartsign provides realtime behavior
charts and group feedback!
22Hazard Hunt
- Self Observation tool
- Heightens awareness
- Reduces
- Complacency
- No name, no blame
- Measures behavior
23Wow! Peer to Peer
- Peers reinforce each other
- Validates Training effectiveness
- Eliminates abuse
- and favoritism
24Budget Guidelines
- Budgets are flexible and billed quarterly
- Average client spends 100 to 200 per person per
year, but we will work with your budget - For a custom pricing proposal please call 803 600
8325 in the USA or email bill.sims_at_billsims.net